Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, the emperor came out to smooth things out: "My mother is tired, she must be tired. I will go back to the Cihe Palace to rest first, and then I will discuss what I have to do after resting."

Some things are said behind closed doors and placed in public will only make outsiders see royal jokes.

The queen mother glanced at the crowd, and knowing the emperor's good intentions, she went down the steps. But this Qin Liangdi, she remembered.

On the first day she returned to the palace, the prince quarreled with her for such a concubine. If the prince ascended the throne in the future and Qin Liangdi entered the harem, would he still not become a demon who bewitched the lord?

Qin Zhao felt the meaningful look from the Queen Mother, and knew that he had another powerful enemy in the harem.

The Queen Mother and Concubine Wu are in the same group. Even if Xiao Ce protects her, facing the Queen Mother, Xiao Ce will be in a dilemma.

Watching the Queen Mother go away in the chariot, Qin Zhaocai followed Xiao Ce to the East Palace.

Not to mention that Qin Zhao felt a sense of crisis, Xiao Ce also saw the empress dowager's hostility towards Qin Zhao.

If someone else is okay, it is the imperial grandmother.

Although the father did not like Qin Zhao, he would not target Qin Zhao when he was free. The grandmother was different. The seniority was there. Qin Zhaoruo was called to the Cihe Palace from time to time to greet him, and some of them would suffer in the future.

Xiao Ce sent Qin Zhao to Wangyueju and asked, "What do you think?"

Qin Zhao didn't understand Xiao Ce's words for a while: "My concubine didn't think much about it."

"The meaning of loneliness is how do you plan to deal with the difficulties of the imperial grandmother in the future?" Xiao Ce patted Qin Zhao's head: "You can't be careless, the imperial grandmother is much more difficult than Wu Guifei."

Qin Zhao replied with a smirk: "Your Highness's words can be questioned about the concubine body. The concubine body is not a roundworm in the queen mother's stomach, so how do you know how the queen mother will make things difficult for the concubine body in the future? Of course, it is impossible. Think about your countermeasures in advance.”

If she is so powerful, why can't she deal with the queen mother?

"How about that? Why don't you go to the main hall to live with Gu, where you are, and if the grandmother asks you to go to Cining Palace, Gu will accompany you..."

Before Xiao Ce finished speaking, Qin Zhao called to stop: "Your Highness's method will not work, it will only make the empress dowager hate concubine even more! Concubine's idea is to see one step at a time, and it is useless to worry about it now."

She is also worried, but what can I do? The boat goes straight to the bridge.

Xiao Ce pondered for a moment and said, "I will send two skilled palace maids to Wangyueju again. I am afraid that you are short of manpower, or there are too many people, and they will come in handy at critical moments."

Qin Zhao smiled and said: "The staff of Wangyueju is currently enough, and we don't need to add people for the time being. Adding people at this time will attract everyone's attention. The concubine knows that this is the kindness of His Highness, but facing the Empress Dowager, it is impossible to use force. This trick may be useful against the arrogant and unreasonable Concubine Wu, but it is obviously not suitable for the Empress Dowager or the Cihe Palace. Rest assured, Your Highness, the concubine knows how to protect herself."

Xiao Ce sighed and held her in his arms: "Don't be stubborn, after the last incident, I don't want to see you get hurt again. The grandmother is not easy to deal with, you need to wake up twelve Distracted."

Qin Zhao leaned in his arms, hugged his waist tightly, and replied in a muffled voice, "My concubine cherishes my little life the most, and I will definitely protect myself."

Xiao Ce felt very complicated. He didn't care about anyone before. Although there were many women in the East Palace, many of them couldn't remember their names.

Since he has another Qin Zhao, he feels that he has endless hearts to worry about. What he is most afraid of is that he, the prince, will be in vain, and he can't even protect his own woman.

When it was the night to rest, Qin Zhao found that Xiao Ce was lying on the couch and was distracted.

She lay down beside him, Xiao Ce just took her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead, "Go to sleep."

Qin Zhao frowned slightly.

Xiao Ce's reaction was really hurtful. She was such a beautiful woman lying beside him, dressed in thin clothes, but it was useless for him to think. It's been a long time since the last time he went to bed. Is it because he is naturally cold and has no extra thoughts about every woman, or is it because after getting it, he feels that her body is not attractive to him?

She has to live with him for the rest of her life, and she can't live with him in such a casual way for the rest of her life.

She unconsciously let out a long sigh, feeling that her next life was hopeless.

"You have something on your mind?" Xiao Ce heard Qin Zhao's sigh and looked down at her.

Looking at it, you can see that there is a looming scenery under her half-open collar, which is charming.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he pulled her collar up a little to hide the dazzling ice and jade muscles.

Qin Zhao found that his little movement did not stop him.

Anyway, she felt that she was no different from a man when she was naked and standing in front of him, and he had no idea about her at all.

"What's on my mind about the concubine? Your Highness, please rest early, the concubine is also sleepy." Qin Zhao said, he simply hugged Xiao Ce's waist and drilled in revenge.

Xiao Ce's body became a little stiff in an instant, he slapped her buttocks: "Don't move."

"If you want to move, you have to move!" Qin Zhao intensified.

Xiao Ce closed her eyes, tugged her arm tightly, and shouted in a deep voice, "Don't move!!"

Qin Zhao was startled when he heard his scolding.

Why is this man like this? She was just making a little joke, so loud?

Forget it, she doesn't care about him in general.

At the moment, she didn't move any more, and went to sleep honestly.

I don't know if it was because his embrace was too warm, or if she had a big heart, she soon fell asleep.

Xiao Ce heard the steady breathing in his arms, and looked down to see Qin Zhao's peaceful sleeping face. This dead girl said that she can sleep when she sleeps, but it hurts him...

After confirming that Qin Zhao was asleep, he pushed her further away. In the end, this girl was good, and soon got into his arms again, and didn't sleep.

The next morning when Xiao Ce came out of Wangyueju, his eyes were blue and black, and his face was not very good-looking.

Zhang Jixiang noticed at first glance that his master was not resting well, but he didn't dare to ask, after all, this was not resting well at Mochizuki Residence.

Doesn't His Highness like Qin Liangdi very much? Then why do you look dissatisfied?

Zhang Jixiang peeped at Xiao Ce, but Xiao Ce just looked over and asked coldly, "What are you sneaking at?!"

Zhang Jixiang immediately straightened his posture: "The slaves dare not."

Xiao Ce's face was still gloomy, and the more he looked at Zhang Jixiang, the worse his mood became: "Today you don't need to be on duty in front of the lonely one."

Zhang Jixiang suddenly burst into tears: "What did the servant do wrong? Could your Highness tell the servant that the servant must change!"

Xiao Ce quickened his pace and walked away, leaving Zhang Jixiang with his pestle in his place. He really couldn't understand where he made a mistake again.

He can be honest now, as long as it's about Wangyueju and Qin Liangdi, he doesn't ask a question if he shouldn't, but just like this, His Royal Highness still doesn't like him, what can he do?

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