"Then Sister Qin will also have this fate!" Wu Xiyu looked back at the direction of Wangyueju, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "I am staring at Wangyueju, if Wangyueju is different, I want to know as soon as possible. Later, I will go to Cihe Palace to greet the Empress Dowager, and by the way, ask the Empress Dowager when the noble concubine and aunt can return to Jinyang Palace."

As long as the noble concubine and aunt leave the cold palace, Qin Zhao's death is not far away. As soon as Qin Zhao died, no one in the East Palace would be her opponent.

After that, Wu Xiyu returned to Wangqiu Pavilion and took some valuable gifts to the Cihe Palace.

After greeting her, she took a seat at the designated place and chatted with the Queen Mother.

Her original intention was to ask if the aunt of the imperial concubine could get out of the cold palace as soon as possible, but the empress dowager did not want to mention the aunt of the imperial concubine, so she changed the subject wisely.

She used to please her elders, and she was the same when she entered the palace.

Next, she chatted with the empress dowager to relieve her boredom, and finally left the Cihe Palace with lunch.

Wu Xiyu has always been too late, and all the princesses are not close to her. On the first day she saw Wu Xiyu, she felt Wu Xiyu and her eyes.

Watching Wu Xiyu walk away, the smile on the Queen Mother's face faded: "Sister Xi has changed somewhat. She used to be naive and ignorant of world affairs, but now she knows how to act on Aijia's face."

"In a place like the harem, this kind of change is a good thing." Li Ma replied.

"Ai's family can help her lift the foot ban, but it can't make A Ce have feelings for her. Ai's family heard that Qin Liangdi was sleeping again yesterday?" The Queen Mother's topic jumped to Qin Zhao in an instant.

"Before Wu Liangyuan was grounded, Qin Liangdi stayed in bed several times. Later, the noble concubine was put into the cold palace, and Wu Liangyuan was also implicated and grounded, but Qin Liangdi was not much favored because of Wu Liangyuan's grounding. His Royal Highness walked around the backyard of the East Palace as usual, every three or five minutes. When I went to Mochizuki Residence, I managed to get both the rain and the dew, and I didn't dote on Qin Liangdi alone, please rest assured." The Queen Mother knew the worries of the Queen Mother and took the initiative to solve her confusion.

Back then, the emperor insisted on letting Concubine Wan enter the harem regardless of the empress dowager's objection, and only favored Concubine Wan. Concubine Wan had a momentary glory. Later, Concubine Wan gave birth to Princess Yonghe, and this situation continued until Concubine Wan died.

This incident is the eternal pain in the heart of the empress dowager.

I just hope that His Royal Highness will not follow the old way of the emperor and only dote on a woman.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. A Ce is the smartest and the most rational among the three princes. If he is also troubled by love, we know how capable Qin Liangdi is." The queen mother expressed her concerns.

Mammy Li, however, holds a different point of view: "His Royal Highness was not close to women in the past, which is not good for the prince. Now that His Highness has finally become normal, the old slave thinks this is also due to Qin Liangdi's credit."

The queen mother heard the words and looked at Li Ma: "You seem to be very optimistic about Qin Liangdi."

"Old slave is just talking about things. Apart from Qin Liangdi's status as a court lady, this old slave thinks that Qin Liangdi's appearance and qualifications are good. As for other things, this old slave will not comment."

Of course, the queen mother also knows what Li Mammy is like, and there are not many concubines in the harem who can make Li Mammy look into her eyes.

Since Qin Liangdi has impressed Li Mammy with admiration, it shows that Qin Liangdi really has some ability.

"It's too early to make a decision, let's observe." The Queen Mother ended the topic.

Mochizuki is in the house, and Sibao finds that his master is starting to work hard.

Apart from rest and meal time, Qin Zhao spends all his time in the study, learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Even Baozhu couldn't understand why Qin Zhao was willing to work so hard.

"When the book is used up, I will hate you less. I used to work harder, but now I am ready to sharpen my gun. I don't know if it will be too late." Qin Zhao sighed softly.

"What's the explanation of Liang Di's words?" Baozhu asked curiously, who was studying ink.

"What do you think, if the Empress Dowager suddenly becomes interested one day and asks me to go to the Cihe Palace to serve the brush and ink, or to embarrass me with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it doesn't matter if I am ashamed, but it will make His Royal Highness very embarrassed, right? I It was only these two days that I thought of this serious problem, I just hope that it is still too late to work hard." Qin Zhao said, shaking his sore arm.

Seeing this detail, Baoyu hurriedly massaged Qin Zhao's neck.

"Of course it's too late." Baozhu smiled and said, "Although Liangdi has no talent in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, her diligence can make up for her weakness. As long as Liangdi is willing to work hard, it is never too late."

Qin Zhao thinks this is the truth.

After she worked hard for two days, Li Mama came again on this day, saying that the Queen Mother asked her to go to the Cihe Palace to copy the Buddhist scriptures.

She looked at Baozhu and winked, knowing that she could not escape this disaster.

I don't know if she can fool her in the past few days by sharpening her gun.

Seeing the small eyes Qin Zhao handed over, Baozhu lowered her head and held back her smile.

On the way to Cihe Palace, Qin Zhao asked Mammy Li to talk to Mammy Li, but Mama Li seemed to ignore it. Qin Zhao originally wanted to inquire about the enemy's situation, but he had to stop when he saw this.

Entering in front of the queen mother, Qin Zhao saluted in a proper manner, and her calm and watery appearance made the queen mother take a second glance.

"Can you write?" The Queen Mother excused her courtesy and went straight to the topic.

Qin Zhao answered honestly: "I didn't know it before. After entering the palace, I practiced calligraphy, but my concubine's aptitude is average, so I can't write well."

If you sum it up in Xiao Ce's words - there is nothing to describe.

"You can write if you can, and come in with Ai's family." The Queen Mother led the way, and then entered a small Buddhist hall.

The small Buddha hall is not big, but it has everything.

Qin Zhao sat down at the place designated by the Queen Mother, and when she saw the dense Buddhist scriptures in front of her, her brows did not move, but she smiled bitterly in her heart.

Did the empress dowager deliberately use this method to torture her because she knew she didn't like reading?

If Xiao Ce asked her to do this kind of thing, she would probably walk away, but this person was the queen mother and she couldn't do anything.

"You copy the Buddhist scriptures here until you have finished." The Queen Mother gave an order: "Do you have any objection?"

Qin Zhao glanced at the amount he was going to copy, and suddenly realized the subtlety of it.

To finish copying these Buddhist scriptures, it would take at least a few days and nights, that is to say, she would have to stay in the Buddhist hall for several days.

If Xiao Ce knew that she had been left in the Cihe Palace and had not returned to the East Palace for several days, would she have come over to ask for someone from the Queen Mother?

The empress dowager's move has another deep meaning, clearly wanting to test Xiao Ce.

"Not happy?" Seeing that Qin Zhao didn't speak, the queen mother asked.

"Do your best," Qin Zhao replied in a well-behaved manner.

The queen mother was very satisfied with Qin Zhao's answer, and took a scroll of Buddhist scriptures and handed it to Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao cheered up and began to copy carefully.

The empress dowager did not have expectations for Qin Zhao before. After all, before entering the palace, Qin Zhao said that she was illiterate. Qin Zhao has only been in the palace for a few months, and no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to write correctly...

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