After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 286: Offending the Queen Mother

In this way, Qin Zhao was dragged into the dormitory by the two girls, and he changed his clothes, changed his regular hairstyle, and finally put on a little makeup.

Because Qin Zhao had a good foundation, he changed a set of clothes casually and became a charming and beautiful lady again.

Qin Zhao followed Mama Li out of Wangyueju, and walked with drooping shoulders.

Seeing Qin Zhao's dejected expression, Mammy Li couldn't help but take a second glance: "Is Liang Di unhappy?"

"There is nothing to be happy about. After entering the red wall of the deep palace, I will never be able to get out in this life." Qin Zhao said, sighing: "My life is over here."

"Since you know you won't be able to get out, shouldn't you work harder and strive for a better future?" Mammy Li tentatively probed.

The last time I saw Qin Liangdi, she was not so decadent. Could it be related to the neglect of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

"Strong melons are not sweet. What is there to work hard? I will try harder, because I was an abandoned woman, and I will reach the ceiling when I climb to the position of Liang Di. It is really sad to think that my life has come to an end now." Qin Zhao said and sighed softly.

The corners of Li Ma's lips were slightly curved, Qin Liangdi was a transparent person, and what she said also made sense.

"Perhaps not necessarily." Mammy Li looked at Qin Zhao's belly.

Qin Zhao didn't hear the sound of Li Ma's words, but what she thought was that her relationship with Xiao Ce had dropped to a freezing point, and it was all her own doing.

But at that point in time, she didn't ask that question, and it wasn't her temperament.

When he went to the Cihe Palace, Qin Zhao saluted the Queen Mother in a proper manner. It's just that compared to the dignified last time, this time it's a little looser.

The empress dowager saw her change and looked at Li mama. Li mama whispered to the empress dowager: "Qin Liangdi seems to have been hit by something."

The queen mother became interested when she heard this, looked at Qin Zhao who was standing beside him in a daze and asked, "I heard that you have been neglected by the prince recently?"

Qin Zhao thought to himself, isn't this a fact that the whole world knows, why should he ask her in person?

"It's normal for a concubine to offend His Highness the Crown Prince, and to be neglected by His Highness." Qin Zhao answered truthfully.

Even if the empress dowager came to embarrass her, Xiao Ce would not take care of her, which was a waste of her scheming.

"What did you do to offend His Royal Highness?" The Queen Mother was really curious.

Qin Zhao remembered what happened that day, and she shook her head: "The Queen Mother wouldn't want to know."

If she really wanted to mention Princess Yonghe, she would have offended the Queen Mother, and by then, all the bigwigs in the palace would have been offended by her.

Although the queen mother doesn't want to see her now, there is always room for her to breathe, right?

"If you don't tell me, how do you know that Aijia doesn't want to know?" the queen mother asked back.

Qin Zhao didn't say anything.

The queen mother suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "What did you say to make the prince unhappy? Say it! This is an order."

Qin Zhao looked at the empress dowager and met the empress dowager's stern eyes.

She was relieved suddenly. Anyway, she couldn't hide what happened to Princess Yonghe that day, so she might as well tell the truth.

"Half a month ago, the concubine ran into Princess Yonghe in the Imperial Garden." Qin Zhao saw the Queen Mother's face sinking as he spoke.

However, this could not stop her from continuing to finish the matter: "Then the Crown Prince came to Wangyueju, the concubine thought of Princess Yonghe, and asked His Highness three questions. The concubine asked His Highness, when was the last time I saw Princess Yonghe; I asked again, when was the last time His Royal Highness celebrated the birthday of Princess Yonghe; the last time I asked, did His Royal Highness prepare gifts for Princess Yonghe during the Chinese New Year."

Not only the Queen Mother's complexion changed, but Li Ma's complexion was also not good-looking.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Qin Zhao also stopped talking. She knew that the Empress Dowager did not like Princess Yonghe. The three questions she asked Xiao Ce could also be asked of the Empress Dowager.

She dared to be sure that the Empress Dowager, like Xiao Ce, ignored Princess Yonghe all these years and let Princess Yonghe fend for itself.

One of them is the elder brother of Princess Yonghe, and the other is Princess Yonghe's grandmother, but none of them have fulfilled their responsibilities as a family to Princess Yonghe.

The hall fell into a dead silence, and Qin Zhao said after a while, "If the lady has no other orders, the concubine will retire."

She really offended the queen mother this time.

"How did the prince answer?" the queen mother asked suddenly.

"It's the truth. The last time I saw Princess Yonghe was during the Chinese New Year, and I never celebrated the birthday of Princess Yonghe, nor did I prepare birthday gifts for Princess Yonghe during the Chinese New Year. At that time, the concubine said that it turned out that His Royal Highness did not give Yonghe a birthday present. The princess as her sister--"

"Presumptuous!!" The Empress Dowager looked gloomy and shouted angrily.

Qin Zhao lowered his head and replied in a low voice, "My concubine just told the truth."

Not only did Xiao Ce not regard Princess Yonghe as her younger sister, but the Queen Mother also did not regard Princess Yonghe as her granddaughter.

What she said just now is exactly the face of the queen mother in disguise. The queen mother should hate her to death, right?

"Go back." The queen mother suddenly felt powerless.

The reason why the crown prince will ignore Qin Liangdi is that this woman is too daring to say anything, she just doesn't know the importance.

"Yes." Qin Zhao saw that he could go and left respectfully.

Until she was far away, she heard an abnormal noise in the hall. It was most likely that the Queen Mother was so angry that she threw a set of precious porcelain.

It was what the Queen Mother insisted on asking, but not what she wanted to say.

"Liangdi is really daring and dare to say anything. If the empress dowager gets angry and locks up Liangdi, what will Liangdi do?" As soon as Baozhu came out of the Cihe Palace, she scolded Qin Zhao.

"It was the Empress Dowager who forced me to ask, so I have to say it." Qin Zhao snorted softly.

"According to the slave maid's understanding of Liangdi, what Liangdi doesn't want to say can be fooled by any excuse. The reason why she answered truthfully just now is obviously to dislike the empress dowager." Baozhu saw Qin Zhao's thoughts at a glance.

Qin Zhao glanced at Baozhu and replied in a low voice: "I really want to thank the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager is the root cause of Princess Yonghe being neglected by everyone in the royal family."

Baozhu knew this, but she still sweated for her master.

"Liangdi, you must know that the Empress Dowager is prejudiced against Liangdi, and Liangdi also brought Princess Yonghe to the stage to speak, only to fear that the Empress Dowager will not like Liangdi even more in the future." Baozhu was a little worried.

"I don't want to live with the Empress Dowager. She doesn't like me, so I have nothing to lose. Let's go back to the East Palace and stay there. It's still safe there." Qin Zhao's eyes flashed slightly.

It has been more than half a month since the queen mother returned to the palace, and Concubine Wu has not released the cold palace. Does it mean that the queen mother does not want to support Concubine Wu?

Even so, don't be careless, Concubine Wu will not easily admit defeat, and will definitely find a way to get out of the cold palace.

When Qin Zhao returned to Wangyueju, he found that Zhang Jixiang actually came.

"The servant greets Liang Di." As soon as Zhang Jixiang saw Qin Zhao, his face was full of smiles, and he stepped forward to greet him.

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