Seeing everyone's smiling faces, Qin Zhao joked, "Those who don't know think that you are going to celebrate the New Year."

However, her own mood is also good, it is better than when she was in a cold war with Xiao Ce, and her life lost its focus. Now that she is reconciled with Xiao Ce, she has no reason to be decadent.

She still has to continue to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Anyway, learning knowledge is always useful, and it may come in handy in the future.

"I want to eat everything, I'm hungry." Qin Zhao was also welcome.

When Baoyu heard this, he immediately went to a bowl of beef noodles and added two chicken drumsticks to Qin Zhao.

Sibao surrounded Qin Zhao, chatting and smiling.

When Zuo Liangyuan came in, this was what he saw.

She smiled and said, "It's because my sister is in bed, everyone is happy, right?"

This incident also spread in the East Palace, and everyone knew that Qin Zhao stayed in the main hall last night, and only came back three days after sunrise.

In addition, news came from the main hall, and it was very sure that Qin Zhao was in bed last night.

For Qin Zhao's return to power, others thought it was incredible, but she thought it was reasonable. She has long seen that Qin Liangdi is different from anyone else's existence to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

"Sister is here, please take a seat." Qin Zhao warmly greeted him.

Zuo Liangyuan smiled: "I came here to show my sister's joy. Knowing that my sister and His Highness are reconciled, I am happy for her."

Qin Zhao smiled and said, "There was an argument with His Highness that day. Yesterday, I did clarify the misunderstanding with His Highness, and His Highness forgave me a lot."

"That's because His Royal Highness is already doting on my sister, so why is she willing to be angry with her?" Zuo Liangyuan said, and handed over the gift she prepared.

Of course Qin Zhao accepted it with a smile.

Zuo Liangyuan sat in Wangyueju for half an hour and then left. Qin Zhao's smile faded after that and asked, "Do you think Zuo Liangyuan can be trusted?"

There are many people hiding knives in the smile of Donggong. She is afraid that she is a fan of the authorities and can't see what kind of face is hidden behind Zuo Liangyuan. She also hopes that the four treasures can help her see clearly.

"There is no rush to make a decision on this matter. The slaves currently think that Zuo Liangyuan is good, and what will happen in the future will still be confirmed by time." Baozhu replied truthfully.

Zuo Liangyuan gave her a good feeling, at least not as disturbing as Wu Liangyuan. But it takes time to see the true face of a person.

"That makes sense. Well, what I'm worried about right now is that the Empress Dowager will remember what I said yesterday. It would be great if time could be reversed, and I would never make the same mistake." Qin Zhao regretted Extremely.

When Baozhu heard this, she just wanted to laugh: "Yesterday Liangdi didn't say that."

Qin Zhao glared at her and simply hid to the side to think about her thoughts.

She offended the Queen Mother yesterday, and Princess Yonghe hasn't been in touch for a long time. She was thinking, is there any possibility of reconciliation between Princess Yonghe and the Queen Mother?

After all, Princess Yonghe's biological mother has passed away, and the only thing the Queen Mother doesn't like is Concubine Wan, what's wrong with Princess Yonghe?

If Princess Yonghe can be reconciled with the Queen Mother, this is also her merit, and she has one less enemy in the harem and two more help, why not do it?

Just when Qin Zhao was thinking about the possibility of this matter, she heard that Concubine Wu Gui was released from the cold palace.

"Really?" Qin Zhao felt bad when he heard this.

"It's absolutely true. Now that Concubine Wu has returned to Jinyang Palace, Liang Di should be careful that Concubine Wu will take revenge." Baozhu said sternly.

The news was heard by Baoyu, but in fact, there is no need to inquire, and it has also spread throughout the East Palace.

Qin Zhao only served the bed last night, how many people were waiting to see Qin Zhao fall from a height? As a result, Concubine Wu went out of the cold palace. With Concubine Wu around, even if Qin Zhao was hiding in the East Palace, he would never have a good life.

So, everyone can watch the fun next time.

Of course Qin Zhao knew that she had become the target of public criticism, but she was not afraid at all. In the past, I always looked ahead and looked back, afraid of this and that, and worried that everyone would be used as a target.

Facts have proved that it is useless for her to be low-key. Didn't she almost die at the hands of Wu Guifei that day?

Concubine Wu is like a hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff, but she will be able to get rid of Concubine Wu one day.

"Can you find out who put Wu Guifei out of the cold palace?" Qin Zhao felt that this question was critical.

"Does it make any difference who released it?" Baoyu wondered.

"It's the emperor, not the empress dowager." Baozhu understood Qin Zhao's thoughts the most, and hurriedly replied.

Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay for the emperor. This proves that it wasn't because the empress dowager resented me that I released Concubine Wu."

Judging from her three dealings with the queen mother, the queen mother does not seem to be a completely unreasonable person. And she could see that Xiao Ce respects the queen mother, and the person who can be respected by Xiao Ce will definitely not be too bad.

"Then Liangdi, do you want to go to the Cihe Palace to walk around?" Baoyu asked hurriedly.

"Forget it, I really want to go to the Cihe Palace, but the empress dowager thinks that I am greedy for life and fear of death. It's better to wait and see. As long as the empress dowager doesn't let me down, it will prove that the empress dowager is relieved." Qin Zhao have their own opinion.

No one else has an opinion at the moment.

It was night, Qin Zhao ran to the main hall again to find Xiao Ce.

As a result, when Xiao Ce saw her, he just gave her a cold look. How could he be so enthusiastic when he was on the couch?

She doubted whether the couch were two completely different people.

"What's wrong with Your Highness? How can you not treat your concubine as your own when you're in bed? Besides, the concubine has already apologized. Your Highness is so impersonal." Qin Zhao was a little depressed.

She thought she was reconciled with Xiao Ce, but now it seems that she is self-indulgent.

Xiao Ce didn't know how to manage his expression for a while, he scolded lightly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Qin Zhao took a seat beside him, "How can I talk nonsense in the concubine? Just now, His Highness looked at the concubine like a cat or a dog."

Xiao Ce coughed twice and explained, "You are not a cat or a dog."

He just thought that this was the center of the study. He was dealing with political affairs. She suddenly ran over, and he was afraid that some things would get out of control. So she had to understand that he was the prince, and she couldn't be presumptuous in this place.

As a result, she was wronged?

"Then what does Your Highness take as a concubine?" Qin Zhao asked with a light wink.

Xiao Ce thought what else could she think of her, of course he was his woman, the mother of his future child.

"You're doing business alone, don't keep talking." As soon as Xiao Ce finished speaking, he saw Qin Zhao get up, turned around and left.

He said helplessly: "Qin Zhao, come back!"

Qin Zhao didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Ce, and she was not a doll that he would come and go when he called her.

If you don't want to listen to her, then she can walk a little farther, right?

After she left the main hall, she wandered around the East Palace, and she came to the vicinity of Wangqiu Pavilion. Just as Wu Xiyu came over, the two met each other.

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