After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 296 The crime of deceiving the king!

After entering the Cihe Palace, Qin Zhao stepped forward to salute the Queen Mother.

At this time, Concubine Wu came, with a bright smile on her face, and she knew that she was in a good mood.

When Wu Guifei's eyes passed over Qin Zhao, a meaningful smile appeared.

Qin Zhao pretended not to see anything and stood quietly aside.

Soon after, Xiao Ce accompanied the emperor to the Cihe Palace.

Everyone is gossiping, and the atmosphere is not bad.

At this moment, Mama Li came in to spread the word, saying that Master Xingyun had arrived.

"Let him in." The Queen Mother ordered.

After a short while, Master Xingyun entered the room and greeted the distinguished guests who were always present.

Fang stood still, and Master Xingyun suddenly said: "Qi, the Empress Dowager, the Cihe Palace has a demonic aura!"

As soon as he said this, Concubine Wu couldn't wait to answer: "Are you sure, Master?"

"Of course." Master Xingyun pinched his fingers on the spot.

He was spinning around the room as he counted, but when he turned to Qin Zhao, he stopped moving.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao pretended to be curious and asked, "Has the master found out where the demonic energy is?"

Master Xingyun still closed his eyes at this time, and immediately jumped back two steps when he heard her voice: "This is the evildoer who caused the Empress Dowager to be haunted by evil spirits, everyone quickly retreat!!"

As soon as Master Hsing Yun said this, everyone was so frightened that they instantly moved away from Qin Zhao.

Only Xiao Ce, who was standing beside Qin Zhao, didn't move. He sneered and hooked his lips: "You said Gu is a monster?! Do you know that slandering the royal family is a capital crime? Tell me, who instructed you to slander the public!"

When Master Xingyun heard this, he hurriedly explained: "The poor monk is not talking about His Royal Highness, but this evildoer!"

He pointed to Qin Zhao with a clear goal, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Qin Zhao looked at Master Xingyun innocently, and retorted: "This is funny, you old monk said I was a monster, I can still say you are a magician, nonsense, I don't know what it is!"

When Wu Guifei heard this, she immediately understood that Qin Zhao wanted to change the focus, and she scolded coldly: "Don't make a lot of nonsense in front of Master Xingyun. Master Xingyun is an eminent monk, and he is the most trusted monk in the Daqi royal family..."

"Whether it's an eminent monk or a god stick, it's not the concubine who has the final say. Old monk, do you have any evidence to prove that I'm a demon?" Qin Zhao looked at Master Xingyun.

Her body instantly exuded a majestic style, and under her gaze, Master Xingyun gradually showed his timidity, and said: "The poor monk doesn't need evidence..."

"Can you speak nonsense without evidence? Dare you, the so-called eminent monk, can decide the life and death of others with just one mouth? The old monk can't prove that I am a demon, but I have evidence that the old monk is not safe. Yes, my heart is higher than the sky!" Qin Zhao raised his lips slowly.

Master Xingyun's heart skipped a beat. His heart was indeed higher than the sky. How did this Qin Liangdi see it?

Seeing everyone looking at him, Qin Zhao smiled and said, "Only from the name of Master Xingyun, you can see that you are a mage. You, an old monk with all four elements, wants to compete with Tianqi."

Speaking of this, she suddenly roared: "Who gave you the courage?!"

Her aura was too strong, and at this moment, Mage Xingyun's legs softened, and she almost fell to her knees, thinking that she was facing the Empress Dowager.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Concubine Wu hurriedly said, "Qin Liangdi, don't change your focus! There is no doubt that Master Xingyun is an eminent monk. If the master said that you are a demon, then you are a demon!"

"The noble concubine is eager to speak for the old monk, which will make people think that the old monk is the person of the noble concubine." Qin Zhao said with a smile.

Concubine Wu's complexion suddenly changed: "Insolent, how dare you slander this palace at will?!"

"Is it a slander, the noble concubine knows what she has in mind!" Qin Zhao said, looking at Master Xingyun, and said sternly: "Old monk, I advise you to tell the truth of the matter, the emperor and the empress dowager are both in the Cihe Palace, If you lie, it is the crime of deceiving the king. What will happen to the crime of deceiving the king, you don’t need me to repeat it, you should know.”

Under Qin Zhao's gaze, Master Xingyun was terrified, and he even wondered if Qin Zhao knew the whole truth.

Wu Guifei saw that Master Xingyun was hesitating, she shouted coldly: "Isn't the master here to catch the evildoer? Since the master believes that Qin Liangdi is evil, come here and take Qin Liangdi!"

She gave an order, but no one took action, just because there were the emperor and the empress dowager above Concubine Wu.

The queen mother watched the excitement for a while, and finally opened her mouth: "The Ai family didn't say anything, but the imperial concubine is such a big style!"

When Wu Guifei heard this, she felt something was wrong, and she hurriedly expressed her loyalty to the Queen Mother: "The concubine was afraid that the Queen Mother would be harmed by the evil spirits, so she mentioned it. "

The queen mother didn't want to listen to Concubine Wu's nonsense anymore, so she ordered coldly: "Feng Taiyi, come in."

Feng Taiyi received the order and came in from the side hall.

"Tell me everything you know." The Queen Mother said, her cold eyes fixed on Concubine Wu's face.

"Yes, the Empress Dowager." Feng Taiyi then explained the matter of taking the pulse of the Queen Mother in the East Palace.

After listening to Feng Taiyi's words, the emperor's expression was solemn: "The queen mother means that someone deliberately harmed the queen mother?"

"There is something wrong with this box of tea from Ai's family. Some people have checked that the medicine will slowly dissipate the medicinal properties over time. In just a few days, this tea will not be any different, and no one will find this box. The tea has been medicated." The queen mother said and looked at Concubine Wu Gui, who was pale and pale: "Concubine, you are talking about why there is a problem with the tea you gave to Ai's family?"

Concubine Wu Gui was so frightened by this sudden change that she lost her opinion: "Concubine, concubine is not, I don't know what the queen mother said..."

"I don't know?!" The queen mother looked at Master Xingyun: "Monk, tell me, did the imperial concubine bribe you and want you to prove that Qin Liangdi is evil?!"

At this time, what else is there that everyone here can't understand? This was clearly because Concubine Wu wanted to use the Queen Mother to deal with Qin Zhao, and Master Xingyun was the most important piece.

Concubine Wu hurriedly said, "My concubine doesn't know Master Xingyun..."

"Come here, since the monk is unwilling to confess, he will be severely punished until the monk admits it." Xiao Ce ordered coldly.

At this time, Yun Zi stepped forward and pushed down Master Xingyun.

Master Xingyun has big ambitions but very little courage. Seeing such a battle, how could he dare to deny it?

He hurriedly said: "The poor monk recruited, all confessed, yes, it was the noble concubine who bought the poor monk..."

Following him on the process of buying Concubine Wu Gui at 151, the Concubine Wu said that when the matter is completed, she will give him a large sum of money as a thank you gift.

He's an eye-opener when he sees money, so how can he not agree?

He didn't expect Concubine Wu to dig such a big hole for him, and this time he was hurt badly by Concubine Wu.

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