After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 313 Turn a blind eye to her

"I believed in such rumors before, but when I grew up, I felt that my words were useless. As long as there is no empirical proof, I would not believe that the emperor's grandmother killed my mother-in-law." Princess Yonghe frowned: "Mother When the concubine died, I was still young, and Wang Zhaoyi raised me later. It happened that after a few years, Wang Zhaoyi went away for no apparent reason."

At that time, she heard that she was a broom star, and all those close to her died in vain in the end.

It was clear that Wang Zhaoyi was fine before his sudden death, and there was no problem with his body, but when he woke up, he was gone.

Although she was very young at that time, she felt that Wang Zhaoyi's death was strange.

In order not to implicate anyone else, she later asked her father for instructions and planned to live alone. So the emperor vacated a separate garden, renamed it Yonghezhai, and let her live here alone.

Years later, both the death of her mother and Wang Zhaoyi had become a knot in her heart that could not be solved.

She wanted to find out the truth, but didn't know where to start.

Qin Zhao suddenly inquired about this matter, which made a hope in her heart.

Qin Zhao's initial impression on her was that she was very capable. There was only one Qin Zhao who could fight Concubine Wu out of the palace, right?

If Qin Zhao is willing to help her find out the truth about the death of her mother-in-law, will her hope be greatly increased?

"Has the Empress Dowager troubled the princess all these years?" Qin Zhao asked.

Princess Yonghe shook her head hurriedly: "No! Because I heard that the royal grandmother didn't like me, I never appeared in front of the royal grandmother. It is the first time I have eaten with the royal grandmother when I grow up so big."

The grandmother was not quite what she had imagined, she looked amiable.

"It must not have been the Empress Dowager who killed Concubine Wan. If the Empress Dowager had killed Concubine Wan, there must be a way to keep her from showing any traces based on the status of the Empress Dowager in the harem and the methods of the Empress Dowager? Why are there no other suspects? The name came out, but it was the Empress Dowager who was rumored to have killed Concubine Wan?" Qin Zhao expressed the doubts in his heart: "I think that the real murderer is trying to bring misfortune to the east, and the second is to make the Empress Dowager and the princess be separated from each other. , isolate the princess, so that you can kill two birds with one stone."

The isolation of Princess Yonghe these years has a lot to do with the fact that Princess Yonghe is a taboo that the Queen Mother cannot mention from the harem.

And the other party's purpose of isolating Princess Yonghe has also been achieved. As long as Princess Yonghe is not in power, it will be difficult for Princess Yonghe to find out the truth of the murder for Concubine Wan.

"Liangdi's analysis makes sense!" Lvcai listened intently and couldn't help giving Qin Zhao a thumbs up.

Princess Yonghe was also amazed.

She had never thought about the mystery of it, but Qin Zhao thought so deeply that she was amazed.

"Then do you have a way to find out the truth about the death of my mother-in-law back then?" Princess Yonghe asked eagerly.

"I need to have evidence in the hands of the princess before I can start the investigation. Whether it's human evidence or physical evidence. If there is nothing, it will be difficult to find out the truth." Qin Zhao did not dare to give hope to Princess Yonghe.

After all, it was fifteen years ago. At that time, Princess Yonghe was so small. If there were no clues, she could only become a headless koan.

When Princess Yonghe heard this, her heart went cold: "I don't have any evidence in my hands."

When she found out, it had been many years since her mother's death, so how could she have evidence in her hands?

Seeing Princess Yonghe's frown, Qin Zhao couldn't bear to see her disappointed, so he said, "I will ask the Empress Dowager at that time, maybe there will be something to gain."

But this matter is also related to the Empress Dowager. It was also rumored that the Empress Dowager was the murderer of Concubine Wan, which must have made the Empress Dowager uncomfortable, right? Otherwise, he would not be unwilling to see Princess Yonghe.

"Will the grandmother be angry? I'm afraid it will hurt you." Princess Yonghe expressed her worries.

Qin Zhao smiled heartily: "No, the empress dowager is very energetic, why is she angry? Anyway, I will find the right time, you can rest assured."

Princess Yonghe's eyes warmed when she saw Qin Zhao's bright smile.

When everyone gave up on her, only Qin Zhao was willing to approach her. Such a friendship was something she never dared to imagine before.

When Qin Zhao was about to leave, Princess Yonghe specially gave her some snacks she made by herself, but because Qin Zhao said it was very delicious, she also made some temporarily.

On the way back to the East Palace, Qin Zhao sighed while eating snacks: "If you can eat the desserts made by Princess Yonghe, I will be the only one in the entire harem."

"Yeah, Liangdi is amazing." Baoyu picked out what Qin Zhao loved to hear.

Qin Zhao was delighted to hear this, and gave Baoyu some snacks.

After returning to Wangyueju, she was still thinking about how to find the Queen Mother and ask the truth about Concubine Wan's death.

Or maybe she shouldn't be in a hurry, and only today gave the Empress Dowager and Princess Yonghe room to change their lives. She went to the Empress Dowager to inquire about Concubine Wan's death so quickly, no matter what she thought.

She thought about her thoughts all the way and returned to the East Palace. She never thought that she would meet Xiao Ce, who had not seen each other for some days.

Xiao Ce seems to be thinking of the East Palace. His eyes are sharp and his expression is condensed. The moment he sees Qin Zhao, his expression freezes.

Qin Zhao, who was not mentally prepared, didn't know how to put his expression on his face at this moment.

She quickly reacted and stepped forward to salute Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ceman responded and walked away without looking sideways.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's back and wondered how long would he be angry with her?

She just said something from her heart that day. People like Xiao Ce will get married sooner or later, and he doesn't have any affection for her. If he is more than responsible for her, maybe she has a reason to fight for it.

Seeing this scene, Baozhu and Baoyu looked at each other, fearing that Qin Zhao would be sad.

"Princess Yonghe's desserts are so delicious," Baoyu exaggerated, trying to divert Qin Zhao's attention.

Qin Zhaochi stood there, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Eat more if it's delicious." Qin Zhao said, and stuffed Baoyu with the remaining snack box in his arms.

Baoyu looked at Baozhu for help, and Baozhu whispered: "Liangdi is in a bad mood, let's not bother Liangdi, let Liangdi be quiet."

They also heard what happened that night.

It can only be said that Qin Zhao's calm attitude at that time made His Highness uncomfortable, right? Originally, His Highness had said that the marriage would be postponed, but Liang Di was encouraging His Highness to get married.

His Highness is such a proud person, how can he bear Liang Di's words?

But Liang Di's mood, she can actually understand.

His Highness said that the marriage was postponed, and it was only a temporary matter. Sooner or later, His Royal Highness still wants to get married. Even if His Highness does not want to get married, the Emperor and Concubine Shu will always urge this to happen.

For Liang Di, there is no difference between half a year early or half a year later, it is better to have contributed to this early.

With the status of His Royal Highness, it is impossible to never get married.

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