After Baoyu left the study, he sighed softly, "I'm afraid that if this continues, Concubine Shu will go to the East Palace to stuff new people. His Highness has not walked around the backyard for a long time, and he has not met with Liang Di. If this continues, Liang Di will only Don't you worry about getting older?"

Liangdi has been married before, and she is older than many beauties in the East Palace. His Highness has not come to Mochizuki Residence for a long time. If things go on like this, Liangdi is gradually forgotten by His Royal Highness. How can I make it happen?

"Liangdi doesn't worry about herself, what are you worried about? Where is Liangdi old, not yet eighteen, and her beauty is like a flower. Who is the beauty in the entire East Palace that His Highness likes? No matter how many beautiful women come to the East Palace, no one is good Di's opponent." Baozhu whispered: "Don't let Liangdi hear this, Liangdi will be unhappy."

Baoyu was still worried, but seeing that Baozhu was so confident, she stopped.

Two days later, news about Wu Liangyuan's sudden serious illness spread in the East Palace. Because Wu Liangyuan was ill a few days ago, when news of Wu Liangyuan's serious illness came out again, everyone believed it to be true.

Even the Queen Mother believed it.

Because of Concubine Wu, even the empress dowager has less affection for Wu Xiyu. However, after hearing that Wu Xiyu was seriously ill, the queen mother still lowered her dignity and planned to visit Wu Xiyu in Qiu Pavilion.

Who would have thought that she was only in front of Wangqiu Pavilion when she was blocked by Luoxia.

Luoxia knelt down in front of the empress dowager and said, "Liangyuan is seriously ill. She is afraid of spreading her illness to the empress dowager, so the servants came to stop empress dowager and ask empress to forgive her sins."

"It's okay, Aijia sees Sister Xi and leaves." The Queen Mother said genially.

Luoxia didn't dare to give way: "I also ask the maiden to stop, Liangyuan's illness will, will be extraordinary..."

Li Ma was startled when she heard this, and immediately supported the Queen Mother two steps back.

The queen mother was also a little hesitant. If it is an infectious disease, this Wangqiu Pavilion cannot be entered.

"Can you ask a doctor to see a doctor?" The queen mother asked after she was calm.

"The doctor has come. As for whether Liangyuan's illness can be cured, it depends on her good fortune." Luoxia didn't dare to look at the queen mother, and lowered her head to talk nonsense.

The Queen Mother didn't say anything else, and took Li Momo to the main hall.

Hearing that Tai was late, Xiao Ce immediately stepped forward to greet him.

After taking the seat, the Queen Mother asked, "What's wrong with Sister Xi's illness?"

Xiao Ce didn't know whether to tell the truth or not. He originally wanted to kill it first and then file it, and then tell the imperial grandmother about it after the event was completed. Now the imperial grandmother has asked, is it not good for him to hide it again?

Seeing that Xiao Ce was hesitating, the queen mother lowered her face: "Tell the truth!"

"Wu Shi has an incurable disease, and he will die soon. From now on, there will be no such person in the East Palace." Xiao Ce finally told the truth.

The queen mother sank her face when she heard the words: "what do you mean by that?"

"In short, the Wu family will die soon. As for the rest, the grandson is inconvenient to disclose..."

Before Xiao Ce finished speaking, the Queen Mother said coldly, "Aijia orders you to tell the truth!"

Xiao Ce was facing the empress dowager's stern eyes, but he finally compromised and told the general process of the matter.

After listening to the Queen Mother, she shouted angrily: "Absurd!!"

What is this like?

Qin Zhao used to be Zhao Yu's original wife, and was later admitted to the East Palace by the prince. And now Wu Xiyu, who had been the Prince Liangyuan, turned back and married into Zhao's house? How is it so absurd? !

The former prince was not someone who could do these absurd things. What happened now?

Xiao Ce replied in a low voice: "It is better to make a decision as soon as possible than to leave troubles in the future. As long as the Wu family is not in the East Palace, all hidden dangers will be eradicated. The grandson can't kill her, making the Wu family and the Zhao family dissatisfied. As for Wu family Whether the family leaves the palace is dead or alive, it is not in the grandson's concern. Since the Wu family entered the East Palace, the grandson and her have not behaved in any way, so her leaving has no impact on the grandson. "

The empress dowager understood, it was precisely because she didn't care at all, so sister Xi's concern about Zhao Yu was a very easy thing to solve for the prince, and she could even be generous to them.

Seeing the silence of the queen mother, Xiao Ceyou said, "Please rest assured, grandmother, grandson knows what she is doing. It is always a disaster for a restless woman like Wu to stay in the East Palace. It is better to kick it out of the East Palace as soon as possible."

When the queen mother heard Xiao Ce's words, she finally chose not to intervene: "Forget it, it's up to you, the Aijia can't control you, I hope you won't regret the decision you made today in the future."

With the Queen Mother's approval, Xiao Ce was even more sure of the idea of ​​sending Wu Xiyu out of the palace.

Next, news of Wu Xiyu's serious illness came from time to time in the East Palace. Many people thought that Wu Xiyu's illness was a matter of course. After all, Wu Xiyu's biggest backer was Wu Guifei, and Wu Guifei was sent to Wuye Mountain. Maybe there is no chance to return to the palace in this life. It makes sense that Wu Xiyu was unhappy because she lost her backer, Concubine Wu.

However, Li Chenghui felt that Wu Xiyu's illness was a bit strange.

Wu Xiyu is not such a fragile person, and her affection for Concubine Wu is not necessarily that deep. She can see that Wu Xiyu is not a soft-hearted person. If so, how could it be because Concubine Wu went to Wuye Mountain and fell ill. so serious?

She had doubts in her heart, she wanted to visit the doctor, but Luoxia said that Wu Xiyu was too ill to see guests.

In desperation, she could only return without success.

Baoyu kept staring at the movement in Wangqiu Pavilion. She told Qin Zhao the first time that Li Chenghui went to visit a doctor.

"Li Chenghui is a serious person. I think she sensed something was wrong, and wanted to go to Wang Qiu Pavilion to find out. But even if she found something wrong, it wouldn't change anything. This is the path Wu Xiyu chose."

After a moment of silence, Qin Zhao said again: "Starting today, stop staring at the movements of Wangqiu Pavilion. Looking at the time, it should be not long before Wu Xiyu's death."

In order to avoid Wu Xiyu "dead" by then, and she said that she was behind the scenes, it is better to save one more thing.

As Qin Zhao expected, Wu Xiyu's "illness" dragged on for a few days and was eventually not cured.

The news of Wu Liangyuan's death caused a thousand waves in the East Palace. Everyone did not expect that Wu Liangyuan, who was once beautiful, would become the second woman to die after the Wang family.

Qin Zhao himself did not expect that she had tried her best to avoid suspicion, but there was a gossip claiming that she killed Wu Xiyu.

"What does this have to do with Liangdi? It's clearly Wu's own watery flowers, and she's still hurting Liangdi before she leaves the palace. It's really not a thing!" When Baoyu heard these rumors, she was so angry that she wanted to scold the Three Character Classic.

Seeing that Qin Zhao didn't seem to be angry, Baozhu knew that Liangdi didn't take this matter to heart, and she said softly: "Liangdi is not unhappy, so don't take such trivial matters to heart. Just like Liangdi As I said, the vision should be higher, the mind should be wider, and the pattern should be bigger.”

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