Wu Xiyu suddenly got up and bumped into the bedpost beside her.

Zhao Yu was shocked, and hurriedly stood in front of the bedpost. Just like that, Wu Xiyu threw himself into his arms, and his strength was so strong that he was very scared.

It's unimaginable to slow down, Wu Xiyu hit the bedpost, and her life was lost.

This is the person he has thought about for half his life. Does he want to watch her die in front of him after he has destroyed her innocence?

"Cousin, we're getting married." Zhao Yu said hoarsely for a while.

She can still return to him, which proves that they are destined, and in this case, they are married.

"No!!" Qi Shi and Princess Ronghua said in unison.

"I've made up my mind. If you don't agree, I'll take my cousin out of this house!" Zhao Yu made up his mind and opened his lips coldly.

"Cousin can't, I can't implicate my cousin. It's my fault. I'll leave Kyoto tomorrow, and I won't set foot in the capital again from now on!" Wu Xiyu said hurriedly.

Zhao Yu was even more moved when she saw Wu Xiyu being so considerate of herself: "You are not allowed to go anywhere, I will marry you as soon as possible."

When Qi Shi and Princess Ronghua saw this, they knew that the situation was over.

Only Yu'er couldn't see that Sister Xi was taking retreat as her advance, Yu'er was confused.

Princess Ronghua laughed angrily: "Very good!"

Since Mrs Wu insisted on entering the door of Zhao's family, she would let Mrs Wu see the means of her eldest princess in the future.

Qi also knew that things were a foregone conclusion. Yu'er has always had her own opinions, but this time she has made up her mind to marry Sister Xi, and she will regret it in the future.

It's just that this is the way it is now, and in the future, Sister Xi will not be able to get any benefits from Princess Ronghua.

"Yu'er, it's too late to regret it now. Grandma thinks that you and Sister Xi are not suitable." Qi shi weakly persuaded.

Sister Xi entered the East Palace and learned how to play tricks. When she came out today, it was clear that Sister Xi did it on purpose, but Yu'er didn't see the way.

To tell the truth, such sister Xi is not worthy of Yu'er, she is not optimistic about them.

"Grandma doesn't need to persuade me, I won't marry unless I'm a cousin." Zhao Yu looked at Wu Xiyu with a firm look.

The tears in Wu Xiyu's eyes were still wet, and she knew that her choice was the right one. Only Zhao Yu would love her and pet her, she should have left that ghost place in the East Palace long ago.

"I don't want to marry my cousin either!" Wu Xiyu said with a firm expression.

In this life, she has identified Cousin Yu. Only cousin Yu is the one who really understands her, loves her and loves her. If time could go back, she would definitely not do the stupid thing of entering the East Palace.

Fortunately, everything is still in time.

Seeing the firm attitude of the two, Mrs. Qi said more: "Living life is a life of oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. It's not as simple as you think. I just hope that you can be as determined as you are now in the future."

She can't stop it, and she won't stop it anymore, even Princess Ronghua can only agree, what else can she say as a grandmother?

After a night of uproar, Liu Yun Pavilion finally quieted down.

Zhao Yu was also very tired. He first sent Wu Xiyu back to Xinghuayuan before planning to return to Yunge, but passed by Qiangweiyuan on the way.

For some reason, he stepped into Rose Garden.

This place has become an empty yard, no one has entered for a long time, and it is full of dust.

Who would have thought that he would still marry Wu Xiyu in the end? Qin Zhao had said at the beginning that he and Wu Xiyu would be fulfilled and make room for Wu Xiyu.

Later, Wu Xiyu was fascinated by ghosts and entered the East Palace as a good Yuan. Now that Wu Xiyu is back, everything seems to be back on track.

When Yueqing entered Rose Garden, she saw Zhao Yu's back from a distance.

She slowed down and asked loudly, "Is the son really going to marry..."

It is clear that the young master likes her very much and has given her a lot of hope. How can the young master plan to marry in the blink of an eye?

"Go out!" Zhao Yu lowered his brows, disliking someone stepping into Qin Zhao's place.


Yueqing only spoke when Zhao Yu suddenly looked back at her with a cold look in her eyes.

She was startled and hurriedly exited Rose Garden.

After Zhao Yu came out of Qiangwei Garden, she asked the previous question: "Is the son really going to get married?"

Zhao Yu answered in a low voice, and Yueqing chased after him and asked, "Young master is married, what about the concubine?"

"Cousin is a pure and kind person. If you don't provoke her, she will not embarrass you." After Zhao Yu finished speaking, she walked away without looking back.

Yueqing was extremely aggrieved.

Just before today, among the three concubines, she had the most heart of the son, but the son was about to get married so soon, she would have to see the face of the new grandmother in the future.

The maid who waited on Yueqing was named Xiaoling. Seeing that Yueqing was unhappy, she persuaded in a low voice, "Even if there is a new grandmother, there is no need for my aunt to be sad. The son always spoils my aunt, and the new grandmother is his step-wife. It's nothing. As long as the son spoils the aunt, the aunt can beat the new grandma."

Yueqing felt a little better when she heard this.

Then she remembered something and asked, "Do you know where this place is?"

Young Master Fang Cai did not let her enter this other courtyard. Could it be that this is some kind of taboo?

Xiaoling looked through the light, and when she saw the words "Rose Garden", she was a little surprised: "This seems to be the residence of the former grandmother."

"Are you sure?" Yueqing was dumbfounded.

She had heard a lot about the Qin family. The servants of the Zhao family usually talked about it, and the one who mentioned it the most was the Qin family.

This Qin family is also a legendary woman. When she was in Zhao's residence, she was not valued by the son. She hadn't married the son for two years.

It was such a person who was not uncommon for a son, and finally entered the East Palace and became a Liang Di, and His Royal Highness the Prince valued it very much.

It stands to reason that if the son doesn't like the Qin family, then he shouldn't hang around in the other garden where the Qin family lived, and she is not allowed to enter after rinsing. What is the reason?

"The slaves have already inquired clearly, Rose Garden is indeed the place where the ex-wife lives." Xiaoling said with certainty.

"That's surprising." Seeing that there was no one around, Yueqing simply entered the Rose Garden.

It was an ordinary courtyard, not as spacious as the other courtyard where she lived. It has a heavy dust smell because no one has lived in it for a long time.

She wanted to go into the bedroom to have a look, but she had to stop because of the cobweb.

"Then do you know who the cousin is going to marry?" Yueqing thought of another important event.

The Qin family is in the palace, and it is impossible to affect the Zhao family.

"The slaves have only heard that the young master is in love with the girl of the Wu family, and I have also heard that the master said that Feiqing would not marry, but later this girl of the Wu family entered the East Palace and became the good Yuan of His Royal Highness. As for the other cousins, the slaves do not know. "Xiaoling replied truthfully.

"Then you go to inquire about the origin of this cousin first, and then tell me after inquiring clearly." Yueqing said, returning to the pear garden to wait for the news.

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