I don't know if it was because of her mood, or if God specifically pitted her, Wu Xiyu suddenly got a kick and almost fell to the ground.

When she hurriedly supported Zhao Yu to stand up, she found that the hair crown was crooked. The so-called Xipa tassel was originally hanging on the hair crown. Before, because she didn't stand firm, the tassel also fell to the ground.

The moment the tassel fell to the ground, there was a crisp sound, and the glass beads were scattered all over the floor.

This sudden change made all the Zhao family's faces change.

Originally, the bride should put on the hi-pattern when they get married, but Wu Xiyu wanted to make so many tricks on the hi-pattern. Now there is such a joke. The so-called hi-patch has also fallen off, and the tassel beads are scattered all over the place, which is very unlucky. ?

With Qin Zhao, an outsider, and the crown prince sitting in the first place, could it be possible for His Royal Highness to watch the Zhao family's jokes?

Even Princess Ronghua's explosive temper also suppressed the anger in her heart, and she immediately looked at Xiao Ce next to her.

Xiao Ce's expression didn't change, but Qin Zhao didn't hide his mood to watch the excitement.

However, after Princess Yonghe saw this scene, she kindly reminded Zhao Yu: "Master Zhao, help the bride to prevent the bride from falling."

Only then did Zhao Yu react.

The moment he came in, the first thing he saw was Qin Zhao. He couldn't remember the scene when he married Qin Zhao that year, and he couldn't remember how Qin Zhao put on a red wedding dress for him, just as he couldn't remember anything in the two years after he married Qin Zhao. .

Because he was trying so hard to recall the past, he ignored Wu Xiyu. At the moment when Wu Xiyu's accident happened, he didn't have time to react.

At this moment, after being reminded by Princess Yonghe, he remembered that today was the big day when he and Wu Xiyu got married. His Royal Highness was also here. He couldn't let His Royal Highness disappoint him, and he couldn't let Wu Xiyu make a fool of himself in public.

He calmed down, supported Wu Xiyu, and said softly, "Are you okay?"

Wu Xiyu was about to cry when she saw Zhao Yu's gentle appearance. At this moment, she was sure that her choice was the right one. If it was Xiao Ce, she would definitely ignore her.

"The concubine is fine," she replied in a low voice.

"It's your own family, you don't need to worry." Zhao Yu tried to focus on Wu Xiyu's face.

But for some reason, out of the corner of his eyes, he always glanced at the position of the first seat. He didn't know whether it was because he was afraid that His Royal Highness would not like it, or whether he was afraid that Qin Zhao would laugh at him.

This inexplicable and incomprehensible emotion made him unable to see Wu Xiyu's face.

So much so that in the process of worshipping the church and getting married, he moved mechanically, and he didn't dare to look Qin Zhao's eyes until the worship was over.

Others couldn't see Zhao Yu's strangeness. Because Wu Xiyu was closest to Zhao Yu, and there was no Xipa covering his face, he naturally took Zhao Yu's abnormality in his eyes.

She didn't know what Zhao Yu was thinking, why she was distracted at such an important moment. He seems to have lost his soul, and his heart is not on her bride at all.

She was particularly afraid of making jokes when she visited the church, but fortunately, the process of visiting the church went smoothly and there were no accidents.

During this period, she especially wanted to see Qin Zhao's gaffe or loss, but Qin Zhao's reaction was very dull, and he talked and laughed with Xiao Ce from time to time, and he didn't even look at her directly.

As if Qin Zhao was just a pure spectator, and she was just an irrelevant passerby.

After worshiping, she, the bride, will be sent to the new house.

It was different from what she had imagined.

She gave Qin Zhao a wedding invitation, hoping to embarrass Qin Zhao.

But in the process of visiting the church, she never had a chance to talk to Qin Zhao from the beginning to the end, because Qin Zhao was sitting next to Xiao Ce, the prince, and the Zhao family had to look at Xiao Ce's face.

She was unwilling to be sent to the new house like this, and was thinking about how to let Qin Zhaoshi, but she heard Qin Zhao say: "Your Highness, the concubine wants to go to the bridal chamber, is it okay?"

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao and met her smiling eyes.

He couldn't say what he refused, so he had to agree: "Go and come back quickly."

"Yes, the concubine can be saved." Qin Zhao answered loudly.

Seeing Qin Zhao leaving the main hall, Princess Yonghe actually wanted to watch the fun with the past, but she couldn't be as reckless as Qin Zhao, so she had to continue sitting in the same place.

Baozhu and Baoyuan followed Qin Zhao smartly, not daring to slack off.

Qin Zhao walked all the way to the new house slowly. After entering the new house, she looked at it carefully and shook her head: "This new house is very ordinary. It seems that Mr. Zhao didn't pay much attention to this aspect."

"How much Cousin Yu loves me, I know it myself, I don't need you to sow discord here." Wu Xiyu sneered: "Now I am Cousin Yu's wife, but you are only the prince's concubine!"

She just wanted Qin Zhao to see clearly that Qin Zhao's situation was no better than hers.

"Speaking of concubines, I met Master Zhao's new concubine before. It seems that Master Zhao has little affection for you. These days when you enter the East Palace, Master Zhao is not lonely and has no shortage of beautiful women." Qin Zhao replied with a light smile. .

Wu Xiyu's face changed slightly: "Impossible!"

Why didn't she hear anyone mention it? She didn't even know that Zhao Yu took a new concubine.

Before Qin Zhao and Zhao Yu left, Qi's family also sent two concubines to Zhao Yu's room, but Zhao Yu never took those two concubines seriously.

She thought that Zhao Yu had to accept it that time, so she didn't take it to heart.

Then after she entered the East Palace, Zhao Yu suddenly had a concubine. Was she forced to accept it, or did he take the initiative?

Qin Zhao talked eloquently: "You don't seem to know Mr. Zhao, and you overestimate Mr. Zhao's mind. You have betrayed Mr. Zhao and chose to enter the East Palace and become the woman of His Royal Highness. How can you be sure of Mr. Zhao? Do you still treat you as a treasure like before? Maybe it’s because of circumstances that made Master Zhao have to marry you…”

"Could you be able to provoke the relationship between cousin Yu and me with just a few words? My relationship with cousin Yu is stronger than that of Jin, don't think I don't know your sinister intentions." Wu Xiyu interrupted Qin Zhao's words, feeling that Qin Zhao Zhao's words are not reliable.

She didn't believe that Zhao Yu would care about other women besides her, just a concubine.

Seeing that Wu Xiyu was so confident, Qin Zhao remembered that Wu Xiyu was indeed a well-deserved heroine in the book. For Zhao Yu, Wu Xiyu was indeed his life.

But she didn't see the back, so she didn't know how the relationship between the two was after Zhao Yu took Wu Xiyu away. Judging from the fact that Zhao Yu took a new concubine today, she felt that Zhao Yu must be different from Yueqing, otherwise Yueqing's face would not be so good.

She is a past person, Yueqing's face is ruddy and shiny, and her eyes are bright, this is a woman who is immersed in love.

Such a woman must be specially treated by Zhao Yu, so Yueqing will be like this, right?

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