Qin Zhao was very puzzled: "Don't you leave after drinking the wedding wine?"

Listening to Xiao Ce's words, do you want to return to the palace immediately? But she still wanted to go shopping with Princess Yonghe.

"You have to be busy with business, keep up." After Xiao Ce finished speaking, he left without looking back.

The Zhao family looked at each other, wondering why His Royal Highness did not finish the wedding wine before leaving. However, His Royal Highness the Prince walked away quickly and did not give them a chance to stay.

Qin Zhao was sure that Xiao Ce was angry. As for why the prince was suddenly angry, it is unknown.

After all, the prince's temperament is unpredictable, because he is more fickle than women.

"His Royal Highness has been very busy recently, so today I took the time to congratulate." Qin Zhao turned around and explained to the stunned Zhao family.

She looked at Princess Yonghe, who was foolishly beside her: "Princess, shall we go back?"

Princess Yonghe hurriedly followed behind her and asked in a low voice, "Then let's go to Kyoto?"

Qin Zhao was also frowning: "Why don't we go for a walk? Anyway, it's not the same way as when His Royal Highness left the palace, and it's not necessarily the same way to return to the palace."

It is rare to go out of the palace, and it is not worthwhile not to go shopping on the street.

"Will the prince's brother agree?" Princess Yonghe didn't dare to hold too much expectations.

They walked out of the Zhao residence gate together, and saw Xiao Ce's carriage parked aside, it seemed that they were waiting for the two of them.

Princess Yonghe lightly tugged Qin Zhao's cuff and winked at her.

Qin Zhao immediately understood from this small look that Princess Yonghe wanted to go shopping more than she did. Thinking about it too, she has lived in this city for more than ten years, and she has not yet visited this street. If it is her, she is also eager to take a walk on the street.

At that moment, she made a decision. Even if Xiao Ce didn't agree, she had to take Princess Yonghe to the streets.

At this moment, Xiao Ce ordered from inside the carriage: "Get in!"

Qin Zhao diligently went to the carriage and whispered, "My concubine wants to go shopping with Princess Yonghe on the street. After I entered the palace, I have no chance to leave the palace, so can I take this opportunity to go to the street today? Walk?"

Eldest Prince Xiao, who was sitting in the carriage, did not move, Qin Zhaojing waited for a while, and then said on his own: "His Royal Highness does not speak, concubine agrees as your highness. Concubine will go back to the palace after strolling with Princess Yonghe for a while, it won't be too long. Time."

The people in the car still didn't give her any response, and she didn't care. Anyway, Xiao Ce's temper was always weird, and he didn't answer, that's what he meant by acquiescence.

Princess Yonghe looked back at the place where the carriage was parked as she walked: "Is Brother Crown Prince angry?"

"Who knows, His Highness's temper has always been very strange. He is angry, just coax him a little." Qin Zhao gave Princess Yonghe a reassuring smile: "I will take care of everything, princess, don't worry."

Even if he was looking for trouble, Xiao Ce was looking for her. Anyway, she was not afraid of His Royal Highness, who everyone was afraid of.

"Are you sure that the prince's brother will coax him a little? I heard that the prince's brother has ignored you for more than half a month." Yonghe's words hit the nail on the head.

Qin Zhao:  …

Do you want to be so direct? But what Princess Yonghe said was true.

"It's alright, I haven't coaxed His Highness this time. His Highness came over by himself. Anyway, men are easier to coax than you think." Qin Zhao smiled and held Princess Yonghe's little hand: "I will protect you. ."

Princess Yonghe looked at Qin Zhao's smiling face, and then looked at her hand being held, with the illusion that Qin Zhao was being protected as a small animal.

Still, it feels good.

Under Qin Zhao's repeated assurances, Princess Yonghe followed Qin Zhao to the most lively city center in Kyoto, where people came and went, and it was very lively.

When the two saw something interesting, they stopped to take a look, and quickly left Xiao Ce behind.

In the past, when Xiao Ce walked to the street, no one would turn back, but this time it was different. Her appearance has made a qualitative leap, and her clothes are also rich or expensive.

In addition, there are beauties like Princess Yonghe together, and the two attract passers-by to review frequently on the road.

Of course, this also caused some people to be jealous.

Among them, Jiang Da, the prince of the Marquis of Pingjin, likes beautiful women the most, and he couldn't take his eyes off the moment Qin Zhao first appeared.

"Sir, this lady has her hair in a bun and thinks she's married." Jiang Da's book boy saw Jiang Da's gaze at Qin Zhao, and knew that Jiang Da was playing Qin Zhao's idea, so he quickly reminded him.

"I just want to befriend this beauty, not her idea." Jiang Da said, and wanted to approach Qin Zhao to chat up.

Who knows that someone is one step faster than him, but that person is An Wang Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yi didn't expect that he would see Qin Zhao outside the palace. At first, he thought he was dazzled, but when he took a closer look, he knew that he was right, it was Qin Zhao who was supposed to be in the East Palace.

And Qin Zhao's side turned out to be his younger sister, Princess Yonghe, who didn't like dealing with people.

It was Princess Yonghe who discovered Xiao Yi's existence first. She gently tugged Qin Zhao's sleeve: "Second brother is watching you."

Qin Zhao heard the words and looked at the location pointed by Princess Yonghe, only to see An Wang standing not far behind her, and it seemed that he had been standing for a while.

"What a coincidence." Qin Zhao greeted Xiao Yi politely.

Xiao Yi didn't seem to see Qin Zhao's indifference and alienation, so he stepped forward and asked, "Yonghe, why did you leave the palace?"

The last time he saw Yonghe was during Chinese New Year. Yonghe did not attend the annual banquet, he met Yonghe in Yonghezhai.

"Qin Liangdi and I went to Zhao's house for a wedding drink and went out for a stroll. Qin Liangdi said that there is a food street here, and there are many street food, so you want to take me to taste it." Princess Yonghe replied politely.

Qin Zhao could see that Princess Yonghe and Xiao Yi were not close either, so she put the pestle aside, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a young son looking straight at her.

She turned her eyes and opened her lips indifferently: "Do you know it's rude to look at people like this?"

This person is Jiang Da.

Seeing that Qin Zhao took the initiative to talk to him, Jiang Da was overjoyed: "Which family's daughter are you, why haven't I seen you before?"

If there is such a beauty in Kyoto, he should have seen it long ago.

Seeing that Jiang Da didn't look like a wretched person, Qin Zhao replied generously, "There are so many famous ladies in Kyoto. If you know each of them, wouldn't you be very busy?"

Jiang Da was delighted when he heard this, "You beauty is interesting."

"Jiang Da, stay away from her!" Xiao Yi didn't like Jiang Da's familiarity.

The concubine said with a smile: "Will the lord fall in love with this beauty?"

Xiao Yi's face was instantly gloomy: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Jiang Da was a little surprised when Xiao Yi changed his face. In his impression, Xiao Yi has never been short of beauties, and Prince An's mansion is full of beauties. If Xiao Yi takes a fancy to this married woman, it is not impossible.

Xiao Yi has never had any taboos when it comes to matters of love and moon.

He was just talking and laughing just now, why is Xiao Yi angry?


There's one more chapter to add.

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