"So what if she is so scheming? She still suffers from being dumb when facing Liang Di." Of course, Baoyu was the one who had such confidence in Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao is too lazy to talk to Baoyu, this girl is blind worship.

This person is separated from the belly, who knows if Nian Su is already brewing some conspiracy?

She pondered that even if Niansu really had any plans, she would not take action so quickly, because the most important thing for Niansu at the moment was to cultivate herself and win Xiao Ce's trust.

At this critical period, Nian Su is unlikely to make a move.

"The slave thinks that Niansu can't be kept, but it is not appropriate for Liangdi to deal with Niansu. Otherwise, letting His Royal Highness know, it will only hurt Liangdi and His Highness. But if you don't do it, keeping Niansu is always a good idea. Scourge." Baozhu was also worried.

Qin Zhao quite agrees with Baozhu's statement: "You are all thinking wrong. In fact, you only need to know one thing, His Highness the Crown Prince only regards Niansu as a servant, with master-servant love, but not between men and women, this is enough to make Niansu Su's psychological imbalance. What am I going to do with a palace maid? Of course there is no need to do such an unnecessary thing."

And because Niansu can't get it, she will be anxious and long for it, so she has the initiative, and Niansu is in a passive state.

Baozhu and Baoyu glanced at each other, and both felt that their master had wide eyes, and his thoughts were different from what they thought.

No matter how deep Nian Su's scheming is or how big the changes are, Liang Di can stay the same.

As long as His Royal Highness keeps seeing Liang Di's goodness, what big waves can a mere palace maid make?

"Don't take her as an imaginary enemy. She is a member of the main palace. If it is not necessary, I will not regard her as a palace maid as an enemy. But if her ambition is inflated, even if I don't take action, His Highness will not tolerate her. Hopefully, she I really figured it out." Thinking of Niansu's quiet appearance before, Qin Zhao was thoughtful.

It is a fact that a woman who is trapped by love is easy to get into the horns.

Niansu will never get better, but just restrained his sharpness and edges, in order to win Xiao Ce's trust.

Seeing that Qin Zhao didn't take Niansu to heart, Baozhu simply changed another important topic: "Since Liangdi and His Highness are reconciled, should I take the initiative?"

For example, go to the main hall tonight and cultivate a relationship with His Royal Highness. If it's best to be able to serve the bed, it's not a big problem if you can't.

"His Royal Highness seemed to be angry before. I would only make him unhappy if I took the initiative to appear in front of him. Why don't I wait for his anger to dissipate, and then I will go to His Highness to play." What Qin Zhao didn't say is that he always let her take the initiative, Xiao Xiao Ce did not take the initiative, so she was very embarrassed.

Maybe after two days, Xiao Ce's anger will subside, and he will take the initiative to come to play with her.

Early the next morning, Qin Zhao went to the Cihe Palace to greet him.

As soon as the queen mother saw her, she asked her if she was reconciled with Xiao Ce, which made Qin Zhao not know how to answer.

"It seems to be reconciled, but His Highness seems to be angry with his concubine again." Qin Zhao said indifferently: "It's all my fault that my concubine is not gentle and considerate, and it always makes His Highness unhappy."

"It's too hard for you. Ace has a bad temper and is not used to being close to women. You have to let him be a little bit more. When he is angry, you should take the initiative..."

The Queen Mother's words made Qin Zhao feel ashamed.

She did not expect that the queen mother also felt that Xiao Ce's temper was not good. In the Empress Dowager's heart, Xiao Ce, the prince, is the most important existence, more important than the current sage.

Because Xiao Ce represents Daqi's future hope.

"No, His Highness often leaves his concubine. It is the concubine who is ignorant and can't speak, which makes him unhappy. Later, when he returns to the East Palace, the concubine will coax her back to His Royal Highness. Forgive my concubine." Qin Zhao said hurriedly.

What the Queen Mother was waiting for was Qin Zhao's words. She held back her smile and pretended to be serious: "That's good. In the future, you will accompany A Ce, and A Ce will be managed by someone, which is a good thing."

"My concubine doesn't dare to take care of His Royal Highness, it's obviously His Highness taking care of the concubine." Qin Zhao hurriedly answered.

Qin Zhao sat for another half an hour before leaving the Cihe Palace.

As soon as she left, even Mammy Li laughed: "The old slave said that Qin Liangdi is a knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted person, and she must not be hard on Qin Liangdi. The mother-in-law's method is very effective."

"Girl Zhao is a good girl, and it can be seen that she is really doing it for Ah Ce." The queen mother was relieved.

After Qin Zhao left the Cihe Palace, he was still thinking about the death of Concubine Wan. She wanted to talk to the queen mother several times, but she was afraid of breaking the atmosphere and making the queen mother unhappy.

But she always felt that the queen mother might know some truth about the death of Concubine Wan. But how to ask the exit is really difficult.

Thinking about her thoughts all the way, she quickly returned to the East Palace.

Because she made a promise in front of the queen mother, she could not speak without faith, so she went to the main hall.

When she entered the main hall, she found that Niansu was waiting for the brush and ink in front of Xiao Ce.

Of course she ordered: "Niansu, you step back, I will serve you in front of Your Highness."

"Yes, Liangdi." Niansu stepped back.

Qin Zhao stood where Niansu had just stood. She glanced at Xiao Ce, who was busy with political affairs, and said softly, "My concubine is here, and Your Highness doesn't even look at me?"

Xiao Ce didn't answer, and didn't look sideways.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao moved a chair with a comb back and sat down, admiring the handsome man while studying ink.

Xiao Ce couldn't concentrate on doing business because of her straightforward and fiery eyes, so he looked at Qin Zhao helplessly: "Can you stop disturbing Gu and do business?"

Yesterday, because of her, he deliberately left the palace, which was delayed for a long time. There are so many excerpts piled up in front of him that he hasn't read it yet, but she's better, and it disturbs his mind as soon as he arrives.

Qin Zhao got up immediately after hearing this: "Then go to the side to take a nap, Your Highness will call the concubine after you're done?"

Xiao Ce took a deep look at her, but did not remind her that she was clearly here to serve the pen and ink, and she was lazy for a while.

Later, Zhang Jixiang came in to wait on the pen and ink, while Qin Zhao dozed off and read books to pass the time.

Without Qin Zhao "making trouble" on the side, Xiao Ce's work efficiency is very high.

Qin Zhao saw this scene from a distance and thought that she couldn't choose to come to him when he was busy in the future.

In the past life, she always chose to come to him when he was busy, to annoy him.

Now that I think about it carefully, she was a love brain in her previous life, and she only pretended to be affectionate, but Xiao Ce was very disgusted by such behavior.

After Xiao Ce was done, he finally had time to talk to Qin Zhao.

He walked up to her and found that her eyes were empty, she didn't know what she was thinking, and her expression looked strange.

For a moment, he wanted to get into her head and see what was in there.

It took Qin Zhao a while to realize that Xiao Ce was standing in front of him, looking down at her with a scrutiny.

"Your Highness is done?" Because of some unpleasant events in his previous life, Qin Zhao was not in a good mood at the moment.

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