After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 334: The Pain of Punishing the Heart

With Xiao Ce's permission, Niansu got up tremblingly.

She thanked Xiao Ce, and went to Qin Zhao to express her gratitude: "Thank you Liang Di for speaking for the slave, the slave is very grateful."

Qin Zhao, of course, saw that Niansu's behavior was for Xiao Ce, and she smiled slightly: "You are a palace maid highly regarded by His Highness. Be more careful in your work in the future.

"Liangdi's lesson is right, the slaves have been taught." Niansu lowered her eyebrows.

Qin Zhao turned to Xiao Ce and said, "My concubine has returned to Wangyueju."

Xiao Ce didn't say anything, Qin Zhao just took it as his acquiescence.

She was about to leave when she heard Xiao Ce say, "Come here at night for dinner."

"Yes, Your Highness." Qin Zhao left the main hall after replying.

Niansu watched Qin Zhao go away, thinking that Qin Zhao would come to the main hall for dinner again in the evening, and felt bitter for a while. She knew that Qin Liangdi came to the main hall not only for dinner, but for sleeping.

His Royal Highness and Qin Liangdi were reconciled, and Qin Liangdi will definitely seize this opportunity to sleep, there is no doubt about that.

Just so what?

No matter how many times Qin Liangdi stayed in bed, she couldn't conceive an heir. Just this, Qin Liangdi was nothing.

In the future, there will always be a woman who will give birth to a child for His Royal Highness, and even she has hope. Qin Liangdi alone will not be able to conceive in her life. After a long time, can His Royal Highness only favor Qin Liangdi alone?

Take the last incident as an example, the emperor ordered that His Royal Highness get married. Although this matter was postponed for the time being, Zhang Jixiang told her that the Emperor gave an ultimatum. When His Royal Highness reached twenty, His Royal Highness Get married no matter what.

As long as the Crown Princess enters the East Palace, it will interrupt Qin Liangdi's doting alone situation. That's when a good show will be staged, and she may still be able to play a big role at that time.

So she wasn't in a hurry at all.

What is the small grievance just suffered?

This is only temporary, can Qin Liangdi step on her head and bully her every time?

Niansu was still imagining the pitiful situation of Qin Zhao in the future. Qin Zhao had just left the main hall, and Baozhu smiled and said, "I can't tell you how hard Niansu is today, so I must hate Liang Di even more?"

"Hate more or less will not let her stop. In this battle, she has to be more careful in front of His Highness. If I were her, I would definitely be depressed." Qin Zhao smiled lightly and curled his lips.

Niansu serves by Xiao Ce's side. Every time she gets close to Xiao Ce, she will kill Niansu's heart, right?

If Niensu had no ambition, there would be no shock. Whenever Niansu thinks wrongly about Xiao Ce, he will suffer.

She would like to see if the thoughts of this life can be turned upside down like the previous life.

That night, Qin Zhao went to the main hall for dinner. After dinner, it was naturally the matter of serving the bed.

Although there was another night-time palace maid, but Niansu insisted on night-time duty, what else did Qin Zhao not understand when he saw this? Anyway, it wasn't her who was suffering. She came to love Xiao Cexiu, and Niansu had to get used to this kind of thing.

Just as Qin Zhao thought, Niansu was tormented that night.

She used the name of night duty just to see how much His Highness doted on Qin Liangdi. Although she was mentally prepared, she never expected that when she met Qin Liangdi, His Royal Highness the Prince would have such indulgent moments.

Because he hadn't been by His Royal Highness's side for too long, Niansu found for the first time that he didn't seem to know such a Highness Prince.

When it comes to men and women, His Royal Highness has always advanced and retreated in moderation and is very restrained, but she asked for water several times tonight, which was something she never thought of.

How could Qin Liangdi turn His Royal Highness into another person? Why is this woman?

Niansu couldn't figure out the reason, but she had to face up to one thing. His Royal Highness's love for Qin Liangdi was far greater than she could imagine.

Maybe it was Kuang's time too long, and Xiao Ceke tossed Qin Zhao miserably.

When she woke up the next morning, she still hadn't recovered, and it was Niansu who came in to serve.

Xu Shi didn't rest well, and Nian Su's face looked haggard.

"Your face looks very bad. Although you are not very old, you should also pay attention to it. It is easy for women to stay up late." Qin Zhao said this to Niansu.

"What Liangdi said is." Niansu said, and wanted to step forward to help Qin Zhao change.

Qin Zhao stopped her: "Go back, I don't want to fake someone else's hand when it comes to dressing."

Nian Su obeyed and stepped aside.

Qin Zhao didn't get enough sleep. She yawned and quickly changed her clothes. At this time, Baozhu stepped forward to help her button her collar: "Do you want to sleep a little longer, Liangdi?"

"If you want to sleep, you should go back to sleep. This is the main hall. It is not good for His Highness to see me returning to the main hall too late. His Highness is an innocent and innocent His Royal Highness. I cannot smear His Highness's reputation." Qin Zhao He yawned again and whispered, "I'm too tired to serve His Royal Highness."

Baozhu laughed sullenly: "That's because Your Highness loves Liang Di."

For other beauties in other gardens, they didn't even have the chance to see His Highness, how could they be spoiled by His Highness like Liang Di.

"I think His Highness prefers to tease me." Qin Zhao blushed because he remembered some indescribable scenes from last night.

Anyway, when we got to the couch, all men had the same virtue, and the crown prince of Junzi Duanfang was no exception.

Seeing Qin Zhao's blushing cheeks, Baozhu couldn't help snickering: "You also said that Your Highness is not pampering Liang Di? Later, I will go back to Wangyueju to rest, and Liangdi will bear it for a while."

Qin Zhao nodded vigorously: "When I go back, I will sleep until the night before I get up."

"Good, good, Liangdi can sleep until tomorrow if she wants." Baozhu's tone was doting.

Niansu stood aside and listened to the conversation between Qin Zhao's master and servant, not to mention how complicated he was. It would be fine if Qin Liangdi deliberately showed off, but she could hear it. Qin Liangdi and Baozhu were just gossiping, and everything they said was the truth.

It was because His Royal Highness didn't control himself last night that Qin Liangdi didn't get enough sleep.

And His Highness's pampering towards Qin Liangdi is also true, it is not false.

Until Qin Zhao's master and servant left, she still stood in the same place, like petrification. She was very confident before last night, and felt that His Royal Highness would one day get tired of Qin Liangdi.

But after last night, she was not so sure.

Because she felt that His Royal Highness was becoming more and more in love with Qin Liangdi, and perhaps even His Royal Highness had never noticed this love.

"You were on duty last night and didn't sleep for half the night, why are you still here, not going to rest?" Zhang Jixiang was a little surprised to see Niansu still waiting here.

And Nian Su's expression was indescribably weird.

Niansu regained his senses, looked at Zhang Jixiang, and forced a smile: "I'm afraid that there will be no one around to serve after His Royal Highness comes back, so I'll wait here."

"His Royal Highness is in the council room right now, you can go and rest." Zhang Jixiang hurriedly said.

At this moment, Qiu Shui is waiting at the council hall, but Nian Su is still waiting for His Highness here, is he stupid?

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