"Don't be afraid, I'm here with you alone." Xiao Ce said softly.

Qin Zhao turned her eyes and met his gentle eyebrows, her eyes warmed: "Fortunately, Your Highness didn't go far."

Otherwise, Bao Yuan's accident would be the price she paid for her arrogance. She kept telling the Four Treasures to be careful, but she herself was careless at a critical moment.

She knew that Xiao Ce didn't go too far because he was worried about her, and he was her eternal patron saint.

Xiao Ce patted her head, "Concubine Wu is eager to see you as soon as she returns to the palace. She must have a plan to deal with you. She has more minds and doesn't dare to go too far."

It was a blessing that the Shadow Guard was able to take action in time when he heard the sound of fighting coming from the hall.

As soon as Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce left, Concubine Wu was so angry that she threw away another set of precious porcelain.

The ground was a mess, and there was still a corpse to deal with. Madam Zhong stepped forward and persuaded: "It will be long in Japan, why should the noble concubine be angry with that bitch? In the future, the queen will find a way to deal with Qin Liangdi."

It's not worth it to be so anxious for such a slut!

"Dispose of the corpse, don't pass it on to the emperor's ears." Wu Guifei took a deep breath, and finally calmed down the anger that was surging in her heart.

Madam Zhong dealt with the corpse as quickly as possible, then returned to Concubine Wu and asked, "Do you want to spend a lot of money to buy a master into the palace?"

Qin Liangdi has Baoyuan by her side, which makes it difficult for the empress to do anything to Qin Liangdi.

"If Ben Gong buys people into the palace again, the crown prince will charge Ben Gong with trumped-up charges. This method treats the symptoms but not the root cause." Concubine Wu only felt a headache: "This Qin family is really difficult to deal with."

Just now at a critical juncture, the prince actually rescued Qin Zhao again.

Qin Zhao dared to be presumptuous in front of her, but it was because the prince was protecting Qin Zhao that Qin Zhao had no fear.

In fact, the best way is to let Qin Zhao fall out of favor, but how can it be done?

Especially Sister Xi, who actually did something stupid, not only Hong Xing went out of the wall, but also forced Zhao Yu to marry her by shameful means, so even if she got married, can she be happy?

She also doesn't think about the inferiority of men. The more she can't get it, the more she wants it, and the easier she gets, the less she doesn't know how to cherish it.

Sister Xi's self-recommended pillow seat was lost at the starting point, and she was not optimistic that the relationship between Zhao Yu and Sister Xi would last long.

"I think it's better to let Qiushui try it. Qiushui has recently been highly regarded by His Royal Highness. If possible, let Qiushui find a way to climb the bed and compete for favor. As long as Qin Liangdi falls out of favor, it will be easy for the empress to deal with Qin Liangdi." Niangniang placed one of her own chess pieces in the East Palace.

"Prince has not liked Qiushui for so long, do you think Qiushui can succeed?" Wu Guifei snorted coldly: "Whether a man is interested in a woman can be seen from the beginning."

"That's not necessarily true. Back then, the emperor's favorite was Concubine Wan. Later, after Concubine Wan's death, the empress won the emperor's holy favor, and it has lasted for a long time." Madam Zhong felt that there were no absolutes in the world.

When Wu Guifei heard Concubine Wan, her expression suddenly turned cold: "Why do you mention the dead for no reason? It's not good luck!"

"It's the old slave who talks too much, so he should be punished!" Madam Zhong slapped her mouth twice.

Concubine Wu recalled the scenery of Concubine Wan before her death: "What if she is favored again? It's not that she has no life to enjoy happiness, and even the evil she gave birth to has been neglected by the emperor for more than ten years. That woman will always be the defeat of this palace!"

However, she has been really favored by the emperor for more than ten years, and this is something that Concubine Wan will never be able to match her.

"What Niangniang said is." Madam Zhong replied respectfully.

But in fact, before the death of Concubine Wan, the emperor did not have much affection for the concubine, and it would be good for the concubine to serve once in half a year.

At the time when Concubine Wan was in the prime of her favor, she was the object of envy and hatred by the concubines and concubines of the entire harem, even the noble concubine.

The noble concubine and the concubine can really ascend to the throne, of course, because Concubine Wan disappeared in this harem.

After so many years, if I hadn't accidentally mentioned Concubine Wan today, the noble concubine must have forgotten this character?

"By the way, this old slave heard that Qin Liangdi was getting close to Princess Yonghe recently. Princess Yonghe often went to Cihe Palace to greet the Empress Dowager. The concubine needs to be careful." Madam Zhong mentioned this important event.

During these days when the imperial concubine was away from the palace, Qin Liangdi did a lot of action, frequently interacting with Princess Yonghe, and even relieved the knot between Princess Yonghe and the Queen Mother.

Qin Liangdi is really scheming.

"How could the Queen Mother ignore Princess Yonghe?!" Concubine Wu felt incredible.

Everyone knows that Princess Yonghe is a taboo that the Queen Mother cannot mention. How could Qin Zhao dare to do such a treacherous thing?

"Why don't you say Qin Liangdi is extremely treacherous? Princess Yonghe has been hiding in Yonghezhai for more than ten years and has not come out to see people, and has no contact with everyone in the harem. Qin Liangdi actually brought Princess Yonghe to the Empress Dowager, and also solved the Queen Mother's knot, that Qin Liangdi was behind the scenes." When it came to Qin Zhao, Madam Zhong also tickled her teeth with hatred.

The noble concubine has been in the harem for all these years, but she has never encountered a difficult opponent like Qin Liangdi.

Fortunately, the concubine has returned to the palace, and there will be many opportunities to get rid of Qin Liangdi in the future.

"I don't believe that the prince can protect Qin Zhao for a lifetime!" Concubine Wu slammed her palm on the table.

Qin Zhao, accompanied by Xiao Ce, returned to Wangyueju smoothly. Baozhu told Baoyu and Baoping about the process. The two did not expect such a thrilling scene, and they went to comfort Baoyuan.

Bao Yuan had already recovered, she smiled and said, "I have completely recovered, but Liang Di still remembers this matter."

"I told you thousands of times before and told you to be careful, but I was blind and arrogant. Fortunately, His Royal Highness did not go far and protected Baoyuan." Qin Zhao smiled bitterly, "This time it is indeed mine. wrong."

"Liangdi should think about it, this battle is wrong or wrong. Even if Concubine Wu does not release that master today, it will be surprising in the future. It just so happens that His Royal Highness the Prince is also present this time, and the hidden danger was removed in time, which is a good thing. , Liangdi doesn't need to blame herself." Baozhu comforted Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao stepped forward and patted Baoyuan's head: "It's fine, you can do your own thing, I'll rest for a while."

The Four Treasures retreated together, and the other Three Treasures pulled Bao Yuan to greet him, while Bao Yu went to make some desserts for Bao Yuan, making Bao Yuan overwhelmed.

When Wu Guifei remembered what Wu Xiyu had done, she became angry. Early the next morning, she asked Mammy Zhong to leave the palace and bring Wu Xiyu into the palace. She wanted to question her in person.

When Madam Zhong saw Wu Xiyu, she suddenly felt that Wu Xiyu was not doing so well...


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