After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 355 The danger of slippery tires

With the decision, Qin Zhao immediately assigned tasks to the Four Treasures, and she went to the main hall to ask Xiao Ce for help.

In fact, she had no idea.

Xiao Ce is a busy person. She always looks for him with this kind of thing, just because he is not happy.

"I have something to tell His Royal Highness, everyone should step down." Qin Zhao said solemnly.

Because Niansu was here, she didn't want Niansu to hear what she said to Xiao Ce, so she said this.

"Yes, the slaves will retire." Nian Su stepped back.

When there were no more outsiders, Qin Zhao went to Xiao Ce and said, "Can Your Highness go to Jinyang Palace to delay for a while?"

After that, she told the news that Yueqing was brought into Jinyang Palace by Concubine Wu. Because of the tight time, she kept a long story short and hoped that Xiao Ce would act quickly, otherwise it would be too late.

After Xiao Ce heard this, her expression was unpredictable. She wondered for a while whether Xiao Ce was unwilling to help.

"You seem to be very concerned about Yueqing." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

"It's not that I care. I have a relationship with her, but I just think that if Concubine Wu kills her child by vicious means, it will not only be unfair to the child, but also to Yueqing. Concubine Wu ignores the law and thinks Whoever hurts will hurt whoever, so unscrupulous, as if she is covering the sky with one hand, I just don't like Concubine Wu's style." Qin Zhao said sternly: "It's too late, can Your Highness make a decision as soon as possible?"

Xiao Ce saving Yueqing is beneficial and harmless.

Wu Xiyu may have encouraged Zhao Yu to betray Xiao Ce, but if Xiao Ce helped to save Yueqing this time, Zhao Yu would definitely remember Xiao Ce's kindness.

Moreover, Xiao Ce's rescue of Yueqing was just a matter of a small effort.

If Xiao Ce doesn't go, she will go by herself.

"Forget it, let's go alone. Don't worry, wait for the news of Gu." Xiao Ce said without delay and left the main hall.

Qin Zhao is not easy to follow, and quietly waits for news in the East Palace.

That Xiang Yueqing followed Madam Zhong to Jinyang Palace uneasy. When she was pregnant, she was overjoyed. This time, because of nervousness, my body is a little heavy.

Seeing Yueqing walking so slowly, Mother Zhong impatiently urged, "Hurry up!"

Even delaying time will not change the result of going to see the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine will never let this woman give birth to Zhao Yu's child.

"Mommy, I'm not feeling well, can you let me rest for a while before leaving?" There was sweat on Yueqing's cheeks.

"No, hurry up!" Madam Zhong ordered coldly.

Yueqing had no choice but to cheer herself up and followed behind Madam Zhong with heavy steps.

The eldest son has not returned to the Zhao residence, she thought that the eldest son might be in the palace. If the eldest son is in the palace, can you save her?

She heard Xiaoling talk about what kind of person Wu Guifei was, and suddenly Wu Guifei ordered her to enter the palace, she was afraid that Wu Guifei wanted to harm her.

On this trip to the palace, Xiaoling was not able to accompany her. She was alone, and she was terrified.

After finally walking to Jinchu Palace, Yueqing failed to meet Zhao Yu by chance, so she panicked even more.

When Wu Guifei saw the timid Yueqing, the cold and glamorous Hongyan said lightly: "Don't you know that you should kneel and salute when you see this palace!"

Yueqing hurriedly knelt to the ground: "My concubine greets the noble concubine."

Wu Guifei didn't seem to hear Yueqing's greeting, she didn't speak, Yueqing could only kneel all the time. After a long time, Yueqing felt more and more uncomfortable.

In particular, the smell of the incense in the hall made her feel sick and nauseous, but this was the concubine Wu Guifei, and Wu Guifei couldn't help but give her a courtesy, so she couldn't get up, let alone escape from this terrifying hall.

Just as she was suffering for a while, the eunuch's shrill voice suddenly sounded outside: "His Royal Highness is here!"

Concubine Wu Gui was admiring Yueqing's painful appearance, but when she heard the prince coming, she frowned slightly.

It's not always the prince who came for Yueqing.

Or did Zhao Yu ask the prince to come and take Yueqing away?

Thinking of this possibility, Concubine Wu's face was very ugly.

At this time, Xiao Ce had already stepped inside, he saw Yueqing kneeling on the ground, and opened his lips indifferently: "I came here alone to take Yueqing away, it happened that Zhao Yu was in the palace, Yueqing was pregnant, so she could just go with Zhao Yu. out of the palace together."

Concubine Wu Gui smiled instead of being angry: "Then let Master Zhao come to beg the palace!"

How dare Zhao Yu let the prince get involved in this matter? Doesn't this make the prince also watch the jokes of the Wu family and Sister Xi?

"Zhao Yu is busy and doesn't have time, so I will take this trip alone." Xiao Ce said and looked at Yueqing who was kneeling on the ground, "Zhang Jixiang, go and help Yueqing get up."

"Yes!" Zhang Jixiang took the order and stepped forward to help Yueqing.

Wu Guifei suddenly shouted angrily: "You dare!"

Xiao Ce looked at Concubine Wu who was in anger, and said with a half-smile, "Zhang Jixiang, do you dare not even listen to Gu's orders?!"

Zhang Jixiang didn't dare to hesitate at this time, so he stepped forward and helped Yueqing.

Yueqing knelt for half an hour, she was shaky, but thanks to Zhang Jixiang's support, she was prevented from falling.

Xiao Ce also smelled a problem with the incense. He ordered Zhang Jixiang to take Yueqing with him and was about to leave Jinyang Palace.

At this time, Concubine Wu said coldly: "Prince, this account book palace has remembered it!"

"It's easy to say, the account of Gu and the imperial concubine will be settled sooner or later. It's not bad!" Xiao Ce said, and walked away with graceful steps.

Wu Guifei was so angry that her face turned blue, but she had no choice but to take Xiao Ce away, so she could only watch Xiao Ce take people away.

At this time, Zhao Yu heard the news and rushed over. Xiao Ce saw this and handed him over to Zhao Yu: "She has been kneeling in the hall for a long time, and there is incense in the hall for small births. You can take her back to the house quickly."

"Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your help." Zhao Yu showed gratitude.

Xiao Ce thought to himself that it was not that he wanted to save Yueqing. If Qin Zhao had not come to look for him, he would not have made a special trip to Jinyang Palace.

But Qin Zhao opened his mouth, of course he didn't want to disappoint Qin Zhao.

"You send her out of the palace first, and find a doctor to take a good look at it." Xiao Ce said quietly.

Zhao Yu didn't dare to delay any longer, and took Yueqing out of the palace at the fastest speed, and went to Zhao's house.

The valet next to him, Liu Wen, came to the doctor immediately. After the doctor took Shang Yueqing's pulse, he frowned.

"The pulse phase is very disordered, and there is a risk of slipping tires." The doctor said, busy giving Yueqing acupuncture.

Zhao Yu was very nervous, until Yueqing's breathing became steady and she fell asleep peacefully. The doctor said that it was temporarily stable, and he was relieved.

At this time, Princess Ronghua rushed over from the Princess Mansion when she heard the news. She asked about the situation and became furious: "What a good concubine Wu Gui, she actually put her hand into Zhao Mansion, and this palace will go to the imperial brother today to file a complaint with the imperial court!"

"Today, many princes heard the news and rushed to Jinyang Palace to rescue Yueqing in time, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable." Zhao Yu was full of gratitude when he mentioned Xiao Ce.

He also knows what kind of person His Royal Highness is, so how could His Highness, a small person like Yueqing, put his eyes on him? But this time, the Crown Prince went to Jinyang Palace and rescued Yueqing in time. He kept this kindness in his heart.

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