Zhao Yu patted Wu Xiyu's back and said softly, "It's my fault."

After hearing his words, Wu Xiyu felt relieved. She remembered the plot in the book. Every time they quarreled, they would solve the problem on the couch. At that moment, she kissed Zhao Yu desperately.

Zhao Yu also kissed her back enthusiastically, and the two quickly rolled onto the bed...

Luoxia came back after hearing the news, and when she heard the movement inside, she was dumbfounded for a while.

After she heard that Princess Ronghua sued the imperial court, Concubine Wu was severely reprimanded by the emperor, and Princess Ronghua even scolded Concubine Wu to tears on the spot.

At present, Princess Ronghua has returned to the house, and depending on the situation, this time the court report is very effective, and the result also makes Princess Ronghua very satisfied.

She hurried back to report the situation to the eldest grandmother, but the grandmother coaxed the cousin into obedience, which showed that the worst was over.

Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the situation, this time Grandma's crisis was over.

It wasn't until the evening that Zhao Yu and Wu Xiyu's turmoil was over.

Wu Xiyu knew that Zhao Yu was very satisfied with her body, which was enough to make her proud.

Because the noble concubine and aunt once said that to tie a man's heart, you must first tie the man's body, and Zhao Yu can't resist her body. palm.

Just as she was lying in Zhao Yu's arms and secretly delighted, Luoxia's voice came from outside: "Uncle, great grandma, Princess Ronghua is here."

Zhao Yu was holding the fragrant nephrite in his arms, and when he heard his mother came, he hurriedly got up and dressed up.

Wu Xiyu also got off the bed in a hurry, she dressed in random, but Luoxia couldn't stop Princess Ronghua at this time.

Princess Ronghua walked in quickly. When she saw the situation in the room, what else did she not understand?

She hurried to Wu Xiyu and slapped Wu Xiyu's face with a slap in the face: "Wu's family taught you such a scumbag?!"

In her life, she hated the woman who confuses people with beauty. Before, there was Wu Guifei who fascinated the imperial brother, and then Wu Xiyu ran into Zhao's house to seduce her son. This woman is not a good woman.

Wu Xiyu was slapped by Princess Ronghua's palm, causing her eyes to stare. She endured the pain and knelt on the ground: "It's the concubine's fault. Mother can beat or scold her, but don't blame Cousin Yu..."

"Hypocrisy!!" Princess Ronghua is so pleasing to many people, how could she not see that Wu Xiyu is using a bitter plan, this trick is to retreat, clearly wanting Yu'er to take care of her.

Sure enough, seeing Wu Xiyu taking all the responsibilities, Zhao Yu felt more and more guilty: "Mother, it's the son's fault, it's the son who didn't control..."

"You should think more about Yueqing's death in the palace today. If it weren't for the prince, the child in Yueqing's womb and your flesh and blood would be gone, and the culprit would be your so-called 'good helper'. Aunt! You are actually in the mood to be promiscuous with her at this juncture?" The more Princess Ronghua said, the more disappointed she felt.

She thought that Zhao Yu was not such a person before, and she was brought down by Wu Xiyu, and Yu'er became indistinguishable.

Zhao Yu didn't know how to answer for a while.

After being reminded by his mother, he remembered Yueqing. But he and Wu Xiyu hang out here, let Yueqing know how sad it is?

"I'll go see Yueqing." After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he walked away quickly.

Wu Xiyu didn't have time to react, she watched Zhao Yu walk away, and she was the only one left to face Princess Ronghua alone.

"Zhao Jiaqing's innocent family, how can you get into a shameless lewd woman like you?!" Princess Ronghua made no secret of her disgust for Wu Xiyu: "Even the Qin family is a thousand times better than you!"

Hearing that Princess Ronghua compares herself to Qin Zhao, Wu Xiyu no longer bears it any longer. She hooked her lips sarcastically: "It seems that the Qin family climbed up on His Royal Highness's bed and shamed the Zhao family!"

Princess Ronghua didn't remember this, she didn't mind reminding Princess Ronghua.

Princess Ronghua looked at Wu Xiyu coldly, and did not say anything.

Under the gaze of Princess Ronghua, Wu Xiyu's palm was cold, and then Princess Ronghua smiled coldly: "You reminded this palace that you took the initiative to sacrifice your life to Yu'er that day, and this palace should not have done it in the first place, Yu'er. I mean, it should kill you!"

Wu Xiyu was so frightened that her breathing increased. She took two steps back nervously. Princess Ronghua saw this detail and even more disdain Wu Xiyu.

She didn't want to say another word to this woman, so she left Liuyun Pavilion in a hurry.

Wu Xiyu was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. At that moment, she really thought that Princess Ronghua had murdered her.

If Princess Ronghua gets in her way again, she doesn't mind removing Princess Ronghua together.

That night, Zhao Yu did not return to Yunge, but stayed in Lihuayuan.

Wu Xiyu was not surprised by such a result.

In the past, she felt that Zhao Yu loved her like her life, what she said was what she said. Today, Zhao Yu cares about too many people, everyone cares, and even the woman Yueqing has fallen into his heart.

He would choose to stay by Yueqing's side at this juncture, which was not surprising at all.

But this time, she caught Zhao Yu's weakness.

As described in the book, as soon as she touches her body, Zhao Yu will lose control, and her body is fatally attractive to Zhao Yu.

In this case, she can use this weapon to subdue Zhao Yu in the future. Sooner or later, Zhao Yu's body and heart will only belong to her.

Qin Zhao did not know the details of what happened in the Zhao residence. No matter how talented Baoyu was, he still couldn't put a man in Zhao's house.

She was just surprised that after Xiao Ce helped save Yueqing, he ignored him and suddenly became angry with her again, making her inexplicable.

In the end, she decided to turn her grief and anger into appetite, eat more food for dinner, and treat herself as a reward for doing a good thing today.

"Your Highness is arguing with Liangdi, should Liangdi go and coax His Highness?" Seeing Qin Zhao eating so happily, Baoyu suddenly felt that His Royal Highness was also pitiful.

"I didn't see His Highness to coax me when I was angry. Why should I coax him when he is angry? This kind of thing should be equal between men and women, and I can't take the initiative every time." Qin Zhao lightly curled his lips.

"But this time, His Royal Highness helped Liang Di again and rescued Yueqing and the child in her womb." Baoyu reminded Qin Zhao of this fact.

Qin Zhao disagreed: "The problem is that I have no friendship with Yueqing. It is good that Yueqing's mother and son are safe, but there is no causal relationship between me and His Highness?"

"Naturally there is a causal relationship. Although Yueqing has no friendship with Liang Di, it is Liang Di who is kind-hearted and asked the Prince to go to Jinyang Palace. Maybe His Royal Highness was wronged in Jinyang Palace. Only to be angry with Liang Di." Baozhu expressed her conjecture at the right time.


Ask for everything, ask for anything, be careful

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