Qin Zhao couldn't breathe after being kissed by Xiao Ce, and he made sure of one thing right now, it was Xiao Ce himself, and tonight was another hard night...

Qin Zhao couldn't fall asleep until midnight, and didn't get up until the next day.

She was eating breakfast, and suddenly remembered what Xiao Ce said to her before she went to bed. He said that he was looking for a genius doctor outside the palace, and that he could take care of her body after finding it.

She knew that Xiao Ce really wanted her to have a baby, otherwise she wouldn't find a doctor from outside the palace.

I was afraid that Xiao Ce would become more and more disappointed in her in the end. He is the prince, and of course he needs to inherit from his heirs, but she is not good enough to live up to her body, and there is no way to conceive a child.

Seeing that Qin Zhao suddenly stopped eating breakfast, Baozhu's expression became solemn, and she asked with concern, "Is breakfast not meeting Liang Di's appetite?"

Qin Zhao shook her head and lost her appetite. She put down the tableware and chopsticks: "I'm full."

Baoyu knew at a glance that her master was lying, "This servant will cook some other breakfast, Liang Di will wait..."

"No need, I'm really full." Qin Zhao yawned: "I'll go to sleep for a while, and eat when I wake up."

There is really no appetite right now.

She was lying on the couch, and she didn't feel sleepy at all. When she thought of what Xiao Ce said last night, she felt sad.

She also wanted to give birth to a baby for Xiao Ce. It was best to have a son. The children of the two of them in the previous life did not know how well-behaved and smart they were. It would be great if they could continue their relationship in this life?

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became, the more upset she became.

When Xiao Ce came in, he saw Qin Zhao moving around on the couch.

He sat down on the edge of the couch, Qin Zhao was not mentally prepared at all, and was taken aback by his sudden arrival.

She was still in shock: "His Royal Highness is also true, why is there no sound when walking?"

She was almost scared to death by Xiao Ce.

"You have something on your mind?" Xiao Ce stepped forward and pulled Qin Zhao up.

He brushed away her long hair, revealing her delicate little face.

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Qin Zhao didn't expect that Xiao Ce would make out with her in broad daylight. She looked at him angrily: "Has your Highness been beaten by a ghost?"

Such a change is scary.

Xiao Ce tapped her head: "I don't know what's in your head, but some strange ideas will always pop up."

Qin Zhao leaned on him, wrapped around his neck, and followed his example, and kissed him on the face.

Xiao Ce originally wanted to reprimand her, but he suddenly remembered that he kissed her first, as if he had no position to speak of her.

Qin Zhao, of course, also saw Xiao Ce's contradiction, and she fell into his arms with a smile: "Does your Highness think that your concubine should not take the initiative to kiss His Highness?"

Xiao Ce was facing her clear water eyes, and her eyes were full of narrow smiles, clearly seeing through his ambivalence.

In order to protect the face of the Crown Prince Xiao Ce, Qin Zhao changed the subject politely: "By the way, how did Qing'er's cousin surnamed Fan do?"

"Fan Yuan is talented, but he has a crush. Coincidentally, Fan Yuan's crush is surnamed Wu and is Wu Xiyu's cousin." Xiao Ce patted Qin Zhao's head: "If you didn't insist on checking Fan Far away, Gu still doesn't know that there is such a hidden relationship in it."

Qin Zhao was secretly shocked when he heard this.

It turns out that Zhuang Qing married Fan Yuan in her previous life, but did Fan Yuan have a relationship with Wu Xiyu's cousin?

Could it be that Zhuang Qing's unhappy life after marriage is because Fan Yuan brought Wu Xiyu's cousin into the mansion?

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

Zhuang Qing has a simple temperament and doesn't know how to play, so how can she be the opponent of the Wu family's women?

"What's the name of Wu Xiyu's cousin?" Qin Zhao asked curiously.

"This... I don't know." Xiao Ce didn't expect Qin Zhao to be interested in Wu Xiyu's cousin.

"Then look at it, Your Highness. Qing'er is His Highness's cousin. If her cousin accidentally marries Fan Yuan in the future, wouldn't she have entered the wolf's den by mistake?" Qin Zhao said hurriedly.

Xiao Ce couldn't help Qin Zhao. Seeing that she was looking at him earnestly, she refused to say anything, so she said, "I will tell you after I check it out. Now that I know that there is someone in Fan Yuan's heart, Qing'er must not marry Fan Yuan in the future... …”

"But the Zhuang family is in a hurry, plus Qinger likes it, how can it be so easy to prevent Qinger from marrying into the Fan family? The only way is to let the Zhuang family not be too eager to marry Qinger, and the second is to let Qinger marry. I can see clearly that Fan Yuan is not worthy of her life." Qin Zhao said sternly: "If a woman doesn't marry well, her life will be ruined. Qinger is so good, my concubine hopes that she can marry a man who loves her and loves her."

Not like Fan Yuan, who has Bai Yueguang in his heart, and that Bai Yueguang is still a woman from the Wu family.

Xiao Ce felt that Qin Zhao was talking about herself.

Before she married into the Zhao family, she was wasted for two years, and when he met her, her body was almost exhausted.

She should have felt the same way, so she was particularly concerned about Qing'er's marriage?

"The orphan will put pressure on the banker, and if there is anything about Fan Yuan, the orphan will find out, so that Qinger will know the truth. Don't worry, the orphan will not let Qinger marry easily." Xiao Ce also corrected his color.

Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ce is not someone who promises easily. Since he said so, the banker will think twice before marrying Zhuang Qing.

After all, Xiao Ce is also the prince, and the banker does not dare to violate yin and yang.

Besides, if you can raise a family with a temperament like Zhuang Qing, it won't be too bad.

When she first saw Zhuang Qing, she felt that Zhuang Qing grew up in an environment full of love, so she was so simple and lovely.

"I'm relieved to have His Highness's words. I'm just curious about what kind of woman Wu Xiyu's cousin is, who can fascinate Fan Yuan." Qin Zhao muttered to himself.

Hearing Xiao Ce mention Fan Yuan's tone just now, Fan Yuan should be an excellent talent, but she doesn't think the Wu family women are necessarily good women.

Maybe it was a preconceived idea, she even decided that Wu Xiyu's cousin was not a good one.

"Are you worried?" Xiao Ce brought the topic back on track.

Qin Zhao was a little puzzled: "Does Your Highness hope that your concubine will have something on her mind?"

"Baoyu said that you look gloomy, so I'll come and have a look." Xiao Ce straightened Qin Zhao's face and made her face him: "I want to hear the truth."

Qin Zhao secretly thought that Baoyu had no way to speak, and told Xiao Ce everything.

With a smile on her face, she said, "What's the point of being unhappy? My concubine just thinks it's boring in the East Palace, and there is nothing else to do except read and write. But recently, my concubine is learning to be a female celebrity and is preparing a birthday present for His Royal Highness."

Xiao Ce did not expect that she was unhappy because she was detained in the palace.

If other things are fine, it is not safe to let her out of the palace just because she doesn't like to stay in the East Palace.

"I'll go and find Yonghe to accompany you, okay?" Xiao Ce thought about it and only thought of Princess Yonghe.

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