After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 608 Contents of the will

Wu Xirou secretly looked at Xiao Ce, only to feel that his aura became stronger after he ascended the throne, as if he was born to be a man for the throne.

At this time, Xiao Ce also looked over and opened his lips indifferently: "Wu Xiurong, you don't need to accompany you."

The smile on Wu Xirou's face gradually disappeared, and her heart continued to sink.

She didn't expect that Empress Dowager Guo pushed her to Xiao Ce, but Xiao Ce still pushed her away.

"Yes, Your Majesty." She slowly bent over, her head bowed slightly.

She didn't raise her head until the chariot team left, watching the people who were walking away, drowning in darkness, and her heart seemed to sink into the abyss.

How long does she have to wait until she has a chance to serve in the bed?

Seeing Wu Xirou's sad, sad and despairing appearance, Liuli comforted her in a low voice: "Today is only the first day of the emperor's ascension to the throne, Niu Xiurong should not be in a hurry.

"Really?" Wu Xirou showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Empress Dowager Guo pushed her to Xiao Ce, but Xiao Ce pushed her away without hesitation. Did he like other sisters to serve the bed, or did he want only Qin Zhao?

"Of course it is, it's not too early tonight. Empress Xiurong should go back and rest first?" Liu Li responded hastily.

It took a while for Wu Xirou to regain her senses, and she instructed in a hoarse voice, "Go and ask, where is Sister Qin today?"

Liuli said in a soft tone: "What do you call your sister? Qin Shi doesn't even have a position..."

"I'll let you go and you'll go!"

Wu Xirou looked at him coldly, making Liuli dare not object again: "Yes, the servant will go to inquire later!"

Wu Xirou's face was calm and she didn't speak any more.

Liuli quickly inquired about the situation, and told Wu Xirou one by one: "I heard that Qin's family once left the palace, and then the emperor took Qin's back to the palace, and now Qin's family is in the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

No wonder Empress Xiurong asked her to inquire, she must have predicted Qin Zhao's destination.

Qin Zhao is a formidable character after all, and this move, by retreating, succeeded in arousing the emperor's mind.

Even if Qin Zhao was not awarded the title, she could stay in the position closest to the emperor.

"The Qin family is really amazing. I couldn't be enshrined today, but I can stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The slaves are afraid that the emperor will be soft-hearted, and then go against the last emperor's edict and insist on the canonization of the Qin family. How can it be good?" Speaking of this, Liuli secretly glanced at Wu Xirou.

Originally, Qin Zhao had become the biggest joke in the entire harem today, but who would have guessed that Qin Zhao would come here at night.

"No problem, isn't there the Empress Dowager? If Sister Qin stayed in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Empress Dowager would definitely be unhappy." Wu Xirou swept away her previous decadence.

Next, we will see how Empress Dowager Guo will deal with this matter. After all, Empress Dowager Guo has the last emperor's edict in her hand. I don't know what the last emperor's edict was. At that time, Xiao Ce interrupted the Queen Mother Guo to issue the edict, so that no one knew the content of the edict.

Judging from Xiao Ce's failure to enshrine Qin Zhao, the last wish of the late emperor must have embarrassed Xiao Ce.

"It's still Empress Xiurong who thinks it through. With the Empress Dowager to deal with the Qin family, we just need to take advantage of the fisherman." Liuli was a little excited.

Wu Xirou opened her lips indifferently: "I just look forward to being able to sleep one day, and Sister Qin doesn't need to pay attention. Especially when Sister Qin is in trouble, I want to stand in the same camp with Sister Qin, and I can't leave her."

Liuli's eyes flickered slightly, and she responded with a sound, which was regarded as revealing the topic.

On the other side, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Qin Zhao was bored waiting alone, so he simply lay down on the chaise longue and planned to take a nap.

Xiao Ce returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and went straight to the apse.

When he saw Qin Zhao sleeping peacefully, he was amused for a while.

Although he knew that she was open-minded and informal, he was still surprised that she could still sleep as peacefully as yesterday after experiencing such a thing.

Seeing that Xiao Ce was back, Baozhu hurriedly stepped forward and nudged Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao opened her eyes in a daze, she thought for a while that she was in Mochizuki Residence.

It wasn't until she saw Xiao Ce who was looking down at her that she asked in confusion, "Why is Your Highness here?"

Baozhu coughed twice, correcting Qin Zhao's slip of the tongue: "This is the emperor!"

Qin Zhao was stunned for a while, and suddenly she felt sleepy. She remembered that today was the first day of Xiao Ce's ascension to the throne. She is now in the apse of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, where the emperor Xiao Ce lives. .

"I'm sorry, I'm sleepy, is the banquet over yet?" Qin Zhao got up, and his reason returned.

Xiao Ce took her to the seat, "It's just over, you..."

"I'm curious about what the emperor's last edict said?" Qin Zhao, as a party, was naturally curious about this matter.

She felt that since Empress Dowager Guo wanted to deal with her, the last edict of the late emperor, of course, would be to kill her, or send her to a temple to stay away from Xiao Ce, right?

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Empress Dowager Guo, Xiao Ce and Empress Dowager Tai entered the apse of Fengtian Palace to discuss, but did not tell her where she was going, which showed that the content of the edict was not intended to kill her.

This will not be the mercy of Empress Dowager Guo. The problem may lie with the previous emperor, who did not agree to the request of Empress Dowager Guo to kill her. This is what she does not understand.

"My father's edict does not allow you to enter my harem." Xiao Ce still told the truth.

As a party, Qin Zhao has the right to know.

"That's it?" Qin Zhao was a little surprised, but still couldn't understand: "Why didn't the previous emperor put me to death?"

Xiao Ce thought for a moment before saying: "Probably because I told the royal father that I can only approach you, not other women. If the royal father executes you, I will not be able to approach other women in the future. It should be because of this. , the father did not dare to kill you."

Qin Zhao glared at Xiao Ce, and Xiao Ce squeezed her face lightly: "My father should have such concerns."

Now he is only glad that he kept this last move, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's lower body with meaningful eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have, girl?" Xiao Ce felt embarrassed, what kind of eyes does this dead girl have?

Qin Zhao laughed in a sullen voice: "The aggrieved emperor sacrificed his reputation to save my life."

Anyway, as long as it's not a major event that will kill her, everything else is easy to say.

"I didn't expect that my mother would come to deal with you this way. What I should have noticed in advance was that I couldn't handle you and made you feel wronged." Xiao Ce's expression was rare and serious.

Seeing that he apologized to herself, Qin Zhao said loudly, "This matter is easy to handle, I just leave the palace, that's all."

Xiao Ce's face turned gloomy in an instant, looking a little scary.

Qin Zhao got up immediately and kept a little distance from Xiao Ce before saying, "It was originally the first emperor who issued an edict, and the empress dowager doesn't like me either. Since that's the case, I might as well leave the palace and keep everyone quiet..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Ce swept over.

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