"The slave girl thought that the Empress Dowager suddenly shook hands with the girl to make peace. It was just a roundabout way. The girl must not lower your guard." Baozhu said softly, seeing that Qin Zhao was not so happy.

"It may also be because I can't have children that Queen Mother Guo decides to change her strategy." Qin Zhao replied in a low voice.

Perhaps even the Empress Dowager Guo understood that the current Qin Zhao could not become a concubine of the harem and could not conceive, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Like Concubine Wu once traversed the harem, covering the sky with only one hand, but could not give birth to a child, and finally only one Concubine Wu came to be the pawn.

She is like Concubine Wu who can't give birth to a child, and she has no name or role in the harem. It is said that one day Xiao Ce dies, she can't even be a concubine.

That being the case, why should Empress Dowager Guo bother to deal with her, so that Empress Dowager Guo and Xiao Ce are separated from each other?

The Queen Mother Guo's big move has been released, and now she does not have any threat in this harem.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's heart is heavy. In this harem, there is no heir and a girl without a position is really no threat in the harem, so the queen mother can tolerate the existence of the girl.

But for the girl, it is not a humiliation to stay in the palace without a name.

Qin Zhao saw that everyone was mourning like a concubine, and his voice was light and joking: "Your expressions are so heavy that it looks like I'm about to die."

Baozhu immediately answered, "Girl likes food, why not instruct Baoyu to make a dessert?"

Qin Zhao thinks this is a good way to change his mood: "Baoyu, now you can come in handy, let's go, let's go to the small kitchen."

Qin Zhao gave an order, and everyone went to the small kitchen.

Baoyu has now made her own experience in making desserts, and with a little instruction from Qin Zhao, she can come up with tricks. This time, she made a fruit chowder. Qin Zhao saw all kinds of brightly colored fruits, and his appetite suddenly increased.

She complimented while eating: "Baoyu's desserts are getting better and better, so you should try it now. I think it's not a problem if you don't have a name. The point is what the palace wants. I'll eat it here. It is a beautiful thing to wait to die."

"Bah, bah, the girl has said some unlucky things. A woman as lucky as the girl will be rich and noble in the future, and she will live a hundred years." Baozhu said hurriedly.

Qin Zhao didn't bother to pay attention to her, so he added a few bowls of desserts, one for each person, and she brought two to her room to eat.

"Although the desserts are delicious, the girl still needs to be more restrained. The servant noticed that the girl has recently gained weight." Baozhu followed Qin Zhao and reminded her.

Qin Zhao looked down at his waistline: "There is still room to grow fat, don't be afraid."

It's only because Baoyu's cooking skills have improved recently that she has gained some weight. Fortunately, this body has a good foundation. Although she eats a lot, and it's all high-calorie food, she doesn't gain much flesh.

Seeing Qin Zhao say this, Baozhu can only sigh that her master has a big heart.

Just now, everyone was still sentimental, and the girl was in a normal mood. A bowl of dessert made the girl put aside her worries.

A woman like a girl is also the only one in the harem, right?

Qin Zhao did not forget Xiao Ce when he had good things, and specially asked Baozhu to send a copy to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhang Jixiang was worrying about the diet of Lord Long Live, and when he saw Baozhu brought a dessert, he immediately sent it to Xiao Ce diligently: "Your Majesty, this is a dessert that Miss Qin specially ordered Baozhu to send, do you want to try it? "

When Xiao Ce heard Qin Zhao mentioned, he turned to look.

Zhang Jixiang immediately brought the dessert to Xiao Ce and said, "Your Majesty, would you like to try it?"

Xiao Ce saw all kinds of brightly colored fruits and thought they looked good, so he took a bite.

Maybe it was because the desserts were delicious, or maybe it was because Qin Zhao's intentions made him very useful, and a bowl of desserts quickly ran out.

"Is the orb still there?" Xiao Ce asked.

"I'm waiting outside." Zhang Jixiang immediately called Baozhu to the imperial front.

"What did Zhaozhao do before? You might as well tell me." Xiao Cezhang asked casually.

Baozhu thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing to say. The girls had nothing to say except eating and drinking. No matter what the girls had in mind, they couldn't tell the emperor.

"I was researching new desserts before, and the girl thought it was delicious, so she specially ordered slaves to send them over. Other than that, there is nothing special about it." Baozhu replied softly.

The corners of Xiao Ce's lips curved slightly: "Did she shout boring?"

"If you go back to the emperor, never." Baozhu replied respectfully.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Ce said, "Tell Zhaozhao that today's dessert is wonderful."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Baozhu retreated in response.

After returning to Jinyang Palace, Baozhu conveyed Xiao Ce's words. Qin Zhao smiled and said, "If the emperor says it's not delicious, then I won't give it away in the future."

"There was a lot of food on the imperial table when the slaves went, but they didn't move. But the dessert that the girl sent was eaten by the emperor as soon as he saw it. It can be seen that the emperor liked the dessert that the girl sent over." Baozhu smiled.

It's a fact that Baoyu's cooking skills are good, but because this dessert is the girl's heart, the emperor likes it.

"It seems that in the future, more food will be sent to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so that the emperor will not sleep and eat because of political affairs. The emperor is a hard worker. If I were the emperor, I would definitely..."

"You must not talk nonsense, girl!" Baozhu hurriedly interrupted Qin Zhao's words.

"Don't worry, there is no one around to hear my rebellious assumptions." Qin Zhao saw Baozhu's nervous appearance, and the corners of his lips rose.

She has a good ear, and if someone comes to Jinyang Palace, she will know immediately. After being immersed in the palace for two lifetimes, could she still not know the reason why the walls have ears?

"I'm afraid that someone will enter Jinyang Palace without knowing it. The most fortunate thing for slaves is that the emperor did not arbitrarily place an unknown palace servant or servant in Jinyang Palace, otherwise it would be impossible to guard against it." Baozhu sighed.

Qin Zhao felt that Baozhu's words made sense, and the matter of sending sugar water to the Hall of Mental Cultivation was also revealed.

However, after the second day, the Queen Mother Guo successively passed on the concubines and concubines in the harem, and the high-ranking ones were named.

Everyone went to the Cihe Palace to greet each other, and the only person left behind was Wu Xirou.

Two days later, when Wu Xirou saw that the Empress Dowager Guo hadn't named her to see her, she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

She had also heard from other sisters that the Queen Mother Guo asked them to meet with them in order to let them serve Xiao Ce and try to serve Xiao Ce as soon as possible, which was clearly meant to support their struggle for favor.

Why did Empress Dowager Guo leave her behind?

Could it be because of the concubine's aunt that Empress Dowager Guo had a prejudice against her?

In mid-July, Queen Mother Guo seemed to finally remember that there was another Wu Xirou, so she called Wu Xirou to the Cihe Palace again.

Wu Xirou felt a little uneasy.

Judging from what happened after Empress Dowager Guo was honored as Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager Guo was a means. Before the Queen Mother Guo left her alone, could it be because she wanted to beat her?

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