After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 695: One Book, One World

After seeing Wu Xirou, the imperial doctor shook his head and said, "If Empress Xiurong burns like this, her brain will only burn out."

Liu Li was correcting her heart, and when she heard the imperial doctor's words, she couldn't help but sarcastically: "When Fang Ruo went to the imperial hospital to ask the imperial physician to see a doctor, no adults were willing to visit the doctor."

It was for Qin Zhao's sake that the imperial doctor came here on purpose.

It can only be said that there is never a shortage of people who step on the low and hold the high in the palace. Isn't this adult in front of you the same?

The imperial doctor was a little embarrassed to hear this. He was in the hospital before, but because Wu Xiurong was being neglected by the emperor now, he didn't take it to heart.

How did she know that in the end, Miss Qin would send Xiao Linzi over to invite someone?

Qin Zhao coughed lightly to ease the embarrassment at the scene: "It's important for the adults to see the doctor for Sister Wu. If there is something wrong with Sister Wu, the adults can't get rid of it."

The doctor thought this was reasonable. Even if Wu Xiurong wasn't as favored as before, he was still one of the nine concubines, and he couldn't escape the blame if he was investigated.

After about half an hour, Wu Xirou finally subsided and woke up faintly.

When she saw Qin Zhao sitting on the edge of the bed, she once thought she was dazzled.

"elder sister……"

When she opened her mouth, she found that her voice was hoarse and barely audible.

"My sister's fever persists. She has been burning for a whole day, and has just subsided. You don't have the strength now, so don't be too busy talking." At this time, Fang Ruo brought the medicine, and she gave up her seat: "You guys take good care of Sister Wu, I'll go back first, just go to Jinyang Palace and let me know if anything happens."

Wu Xirou didn't have a chance to speak after that, she watched Qin Zhao walk away.

After that, Liuli told Wu Xirou what happened today, and Qin Zhao was mentioned at the end: "The slave has no choice but to go to Miss Qin. Miss Qin did not push back and asked Xiao Linzi to find the imperial doctor to come over to repair the face. Madam sees a doctor."

Empress Xiurong was able to quickly reduce her fever, so naturally she had nothing to do with Qin Zhao's help.

"Sister Qin is generous and saved my life at a critical moment." Wu Xirou's eyebrows were lowered, her mood was not so good.

The more polite Qin Zhao was, the more petty she seemed. She is obviously a lady raised by a wealthy family, and Qin Zhao is only the daughter of a businessman, how could she even be inferior to Qin Zhao?

"Ms. Xiurong is just thinking too much, so take a good rest tonight. Only when you take care of yourself can you plan better in the future." After Liuli finished speaking, she saw Wu Xirou's empty eyes.

Wu Xirou smiled sadly: "I'm so sick, and Sister Qin came to see me on purpose, but the emperor never came here. What do you think I'm going to do?"

Qin Zhao's willingness to lend a helping hand to her can only mean that she is not a threat to Qin Zhao. Xiao Ce didn't come to see her because he didn't take her to heart.

"Miss Xiurong is the most important thing to take care of her body right now, don't think about it any more." Liu Li didn't know how to comfort her.

Wu Xirou was seriously ill, and her energy was low. When she finished taking the medicine, her consciousness was a little chaotic, and she fell into a dream unknowingly.

Liuli was worried that her master's illness would recur, so she stayed at the bedside, waiting for the errand at any time.

After Qin Zhao returned to Jinyang Palace, Baozhu couldn't hold back and said, "Why do you care about this matter, girl? It's better if Empress Xiurong is good, but if there is something wrong, people will think that the girl is harming Empress Xiurong. Empress Xiurong and Liuli don’t seem to be grateful, and they will only turn around and bite the girl in the future.”

She still understands this truth, there is no reason why a person like the girl doesn't know it, but the girl is very tolerant towards Empress Xiurong, and she can't figure out the reason.

"Because Sister Wu is special to me." Qin Zhao yawned and said the truth.

Because Wu Xirou was originally the heroine, and she was just cannon fodder. She, the cannon fodder, robbed the heroine of the role she deserved, which seemed to go against the development of the plot master.

Although Wu Xirou's identity was transferred has nothing to do with her, but she still felt that she had to hold a sense of awe, not to be like the previous life, but to do better than the previous life.

"What kind of special method?!" Baozhu asked curiously.

Qin Zhao thought for a while before answering, "If it wasn't for Sister Wu, I probably wouldn't have appeared."

She may not appear in this time and space. After all, there is no heroine, which means that the world of this book does not exist, so she cannot exist as a cannon fodder.

"The slave does not understand what the girl means." Baozhu frowned, she really didn't understand.

"It's normal if you don't understand. If you understand, something big will happen." Qin Zhao fell asleep: "You also have to rest early."

Baozhu Zhang Er was at a loss, and left the dormitory in doubt.

Suddenly quiet, Qin Zhao opened his eyes wide and looked at the flickering lights outside the tent, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Baozhu asked her why she was so tolerant towards Wu Xirou. She knew that Wu Xirou had bad intentions when approaching her, but she was still willing to deal with Wu Xirou.

She clearly knew that she helped Wu Xirou this time, but Wu Xirou would not be grateful to her, and she might even make a comeback and find opportunities to deal with her in the future. Why would she ask for trouble?

When Wu Xirou died in her previous life, she hadn't crossed over yet, so no matter how Wu Xirou died, it had nothing to do with her, because her character was originally a character in the show.

In this life, she came early, the heroine Wu Xirou appeared later than her cannon fodder, and she took the lead.

If Wu Xirou appeared earlier than her as in the previous life, maybe the result would not be like this, maybe the person Xiao Ce cared about would be Wu Xirou.

She would rather believe that as the heroine Wu Xirou has her own aura, she doesn't want to do too much, at least she doesn't want to take the initiative to harm Wu Xirou.

This time Wu Xirou fell ill, and she didn't want to get into trouble, at least she could feel at ease.

After that, Qin Zhao's mood gradually calmed down.

If she doesn't follow the old path of her previous life, if she accumulates a little more fortune, maybe the people she cares about can live well, and Xiao Ce can live a long life...

After thinking about it, Qin Zhao quickly fell asleep. This time, she dreamed of many things that happened in her previous life, but she never returned to her previous life.

After having a dream all night, she was not in a good mood when she woke up.

"Ms. Xiurong is here, she's waiting outside." Baozhu stepped forward to serve Qin Zhao in the wash.

Qin Zhao laughed dumbly.

So, Wu Xirou is going up so fast, and she has to continue her old days, often acting as a sister with Wu Xirou?

"If you don't want to see the girl, then the servant will go to send it away." Baozhu could see that Qin Zhao's mood was waning.

"It's okay to meet." Qin Zhao quickly washed up properly.

She has never wronged herself, and seeing guests is more important than having breakfast.

After she finished her breakfast, she went to the main hall in a hurry.

Wu Xirou was only able to walk down the ground, and she was still very weak, but when she saw Qin Zhao, she should have had a lot of courtesy.

She respectfully greeted Qin Zhao before taking a seat with Liuli's support.

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