"The gourd means fortune and longevity. Today is the Empress Dowager's birthday. It's a good idea to send this thing." Qin Zhao replied calmly.

The Queen Mother Guo smiled coldly when she heard the words: "How dare you say that the meaning of this cheap thing is good? Who gave you a face?!"

"I think things are dead, and the most important thing is the heart of the gift giver. If the empress dowager thinks this thing is good, no matter how cheap it is, it can be regarded as priceless. What's more, this birthday gift is priceless. ." Compared with the anger of the Queen Mother Guo, Qin Zhao looked much calmer.

As soon as she finished speaking, the Queen Mother Guo threw the gourd directly to the ground.

Empress Dowager Guo fell hard, and the gourd instantly shattered on the ground.

Just when everyone was thinking about watching Qin Zhao's joke, the ground suddenly became jeweled.

Everyone took a closer look and found that several delicate and small gold beads fell out of the broken gourd.

Seeing that the gourd was broken, Qin Zhao hurriedly picked up a few gold beads and sent them back to the Empress Dowager Guo: "Qin Zhao congratulates the Empress Dowager on her blessings like the East China Sea and her longevity as Nanshan Mountain."

Nianyun's eyes were sharp, and he saw that each of the eight gold beads was engraved with words.

If you take a closer look, it is precisely the eight characters "Fu Ru Donghai, Longevity Bi Nanshan".

Jin Zhu doesn't look big, but he can engrave such handwriting. To be honest, it's very rare. And if there is no accident, this golden pearl is the legendary golden pearl.

No one else could find one, but Qin Zhao gave away eight, and they were placed in a gourd.

It seems that she expected that the empress dowager would drop the mediocre gourd, otherwise how could she hide the gold beads in the gourd?

The Queen Mother Guo did not expect such a change.

She made up her mind to make Qin Zhao ugly, but Qin Zhao did things smoothly, and there was such a reversal.

Just when Empress Dowager Guo was hesitating whether to continue embarrassing Qin Zhao, Xiao Ce said: "Qin Zhao came to ask me what kind of birthday gift I want to give because of my mother's birthday, so I gave her some ideas. But these ingenious ideas are all thought up by Qin Zhao, and the gold beads are priceless, and it is also her heart."

"According to my opinion, it is not. It is clearly the emperor who made a lot of ideas. This is the emperor's filial piety to the empress dowager." Qin Zhao followed Xiao Ce's words.

When Xiao Ce spoke at this time, he clearly knew that Empress Dowager Guo prepared more than this surprise for her. This is to hope that Empress Dowager Guo could stop in moderation and not continue to do things on the Holy Birthday.

Empress Dowager Guo could naturally hear the deep meaning in Xiao Ce's words.

This gift from Qin Zhao has Xiao Ce's heart. If she continues to trouble Qin Zhao, it will be Xiao Ce's face as an emperor.

As soon as she saw Qin Zhao's face, she felt unhappy, but she wouldn't be able to attack for a while.

Princess Yongning, who had been silent for a long time, saw this and said: "Miss Qin's birthday ceremony is quite innovative, but it is better than all of us."

Princess Yongchun immediately agreed: "Yes, the gold beads given by Miss Qin are of extraordinary value, each of which is priceless and extremely generous. Even the gifts from the emperor's brother were compared by Miss Qin."

The two eldest princesses spoke, and the others also agreed, and the tense atmosphere in the hall immediately dissipated without a trace.

Qin Zhao sat firmly beside Xiao Ce, and Xiao Ce patted the back of her hand with a touch of comfort.

Qin Zhao smiled back at him and sat quietly beside Xiao Ce.

I don't know if it was her arrival that made the atmosphere of Cihe Palace strange, or whether she affected Empress Dowager Guo's mood. After all, after she appeared, Empress Dowager Guo didn't have the slightest smile on her face.

Qin Zhao is very calm, it is time to eat, drink, and smile, but there are many women's eyes looking at the man beside her from time to time.

Apart from An Wang and Xiao Ce, there were no other men at the scene.

Between An Wang and Xiao Ce, Xiao Ce is naturally more handsome and more attractive to women.

Qin Zhao envies Xiao Ce's peach blossom luck, and thinks that if a man is like Xiao Ce, it probably makes other men jealous, right? For example, King An...

I don't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that someone was watching her.

She looked at the source of the strong gaze, but she was facing the eyes of King An.

For a while, her reaction was half a beat, and she didn't understand what Wang An was looking at.

At this moment, the Queen Mother Guo suddenly attacked: "Qin Zhao, you are flirting with Prince An in broad daylight?!"

Qin Zhao was dumbfounded for a while.

How could she look back and forth with Xiao Yi, isn't that the only way she meets Xiao Yi's eyes?

But just like this, she was caught by the Queen Mother Guo, and under the onlookers of so many people, the Queen Mother Guo actually said that she was flirting with Wang An?

She really wanted to see what was in Empress Dowager Guo's mind, no matter how much she was dissatisfied with her, why would she take such a thing on such a big occasion.

This time, it was not her who was really embarrassed, but the emperor Xiao Ce.

"Dare to ask the Empress Dowager why she said this?!" Qin Zhao asked indifferently.

The Empress Dowager Guo also felt inappropriate after the words were spoken. Although she wanted Qin Zhao to be embarrassed, it also made the emperor lose face and embarrassed the entire Daqi royal family.

But this is the end, she can only bite the bullet and continue.

"There are so many people present to witness that you and An Wang frowned!" Queen Mother Guo said, looking at all the onlookers, and opened her lips coldly.

When the people watching the excitement saw the fire burn on themselves, they immediately sat upright, fearing that they would be named by the Queen Mother Guo.

Although everyone wanted to see Qin Zhao make a fool of himself, this matter was not a good idea, but it got him on fire. After all, it was no secret that the new emperor cared about Qin Zhao.

And the other one is King An, after all, King An is also a member of the royal family.

Everyone present could not afford to offend, especially the dignified emperor and today's birthday queen Guo.

Princess Yongchun's impression of Qin Zhao has changed a lot recently. Seeing that everyone at the scene was silent, and the Queen Mother Guo was throwing dirty water on Qin Zhao, she was the first to stand up and clarify.

She has always been straight-minded, so she stood up and said, "Mother's words are bad, I have never seen a lawsuit between the second brother and Miss Qin. Besides, even if you want to flirt, how can you flirt in front of so many faces?! If the mother doesn't like Qin Zhao again, then she can't just throw dirty water on Qin Zhao, where is the emperor brother?!"

Her words were sonorous and powerful, and her rebuttals were well-founded, which surprised Qin Zhao.

In the past, Princess Yongchun hated her very much. Recently, she occasionally came to Jinyang Palace to look for her, but Princess Yongchun still had the same temper as before, sarcasm her from time to time.

I don't want to believe that Princess Yongchun unconditionally believes in her at a moment like today.

Empress Dowager Guo did not expect that the first person to stand up was Princess Yongchun, and Princess Yongchun also spoke for Qin Zhao.

As soon as Princess Yongchun's voice fell, Princess Yongning also said: "It should be just the mother's misunderstanding. How is the character of Miss Qin, the servants can see it, and the emperor's brother is also very clear."

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