After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 703 Intensifying the Contradiction

Xiao Ce glanced at Wu Xirou, "I hope so."

Although he didn't know whether Qin Zhao and his mother could get along peacefully in the future, he knew that Qin Zhao had been backing down, which was unfair to Qin Zhao.

After he ascended the throne, Qin Zhao lived in the palace with no name and no right, and was always criticized by others, and now he was humiliated by his mother in public.

How important is the festival to women? Even an open-minded woman cannot be framed casually.

It's King An...

"Your Majesty, my concubine has something to say." Wu Xirou said again.

"you say."

With Xiao Ce's permission, Wu Xirou said: "I thought this matter today would make Sister Qin uncomfortable, after all, people's words are scary. No matter how reasonable a woman is, she can't take this kind of thing lightly, the emperor should be more It's for Sister Qin's consideration."

Xiao Ce was a little surprised that Wu Xirou thought so far. He thought that Wu Xirou was estranged from Qin Zhao, but he didn't want Wu Xirou to think about it with him.

"The emperor still needs to deal with the conflict between the empress dowager and sister Qin, otherwise, when the conflict intensifies, one day, sister Qin will be chilled, and the emperor will regret it too late." Wu Xirou said again.

Xiao Ce nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense. Then according to you, what should I do?"

"Since the emperor ascended the throne, Sister Qin has not been enshrined. It is always criticized. Maybe the emperor can think of a way to give her a name. Of course, it would be better if the empress dowager could agree to this matter." Too much: "It's the concubines who have violated the rules, and the affairs of the harem should not be something that the concubines can talk about."

"Rong Zhen think about it." Xiao Ce found that Wu Xirou had thought of something with him again, and he added: "Your suggestion is very good."

After that, the imperial driving team went to Jinyang Palace.

When Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce coming, he ordered Baoyu to pass the meal.

"What is the emperor thinking?" Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce staring straight at him, not understanding what he was thinking.

Xiao Ce lowered his head and took a bite of the dish, and asked casually, "Do you have anything in particular?"

Such as names, such as some of the things he can give...

Qin Zhao thought about it for a while, and looked a little distressed: "I don't seem to lack anything, but it would be better if I could have a child. But, I also know that this kind of thing is not something I want."

Then she burst into laughter: "Anyway, I feel that I already have a lot of things that others have never had, and now I'm very content and happy, really."

Xiao Ce looked at her bright smile, and her heart warmed: "We will have children in the future."

"I thought so too. Maybe the first half of my life was a little unsatisfactory, and then God sent the emperor to me." Qin Zhao approached Xiao Ce and quickly kissed him on the face: "Since I saw the emperor, At first glance, I felt that the emperor was an angel sent to me by God."

This man gave her, the cannon fodder, the right to survive. His significance was very important.

Xiao Ce was touched, "Then do you have anything else that you particularly want? If I can get it, I will definitely give it to you."

Qin Zhao was happy when he heard this: "Then what if I want something that the emperor can't get?"

The corners of Xiao Ce's lips rose: "You are not an unreasonable woman."

She wouldn't make unreasonable demands on him either.

The world's evaluation of her is biased, they say she is vicious, and she is arrogant, but this has never been her temperament.

"Women just like to make trouble out of nowhere, and I want something that the emperor can't get. What's the matter, will the emperor give it?" Qin Zhao snorted softly.

Xiao Ce thought for a moment before saying, "I will try my best to satisfy you."

Qin Zhao felt happy to hear this. No matter the result, at least he is willing to work hard for it, she cares about the process.

"Then I have everything, there is the emperor, as well as glory and wealth, nothing is lacking, I have enough. The rest depends on how much God favors me. If it is willing to give me anything else, I will also be happy. Accept." Qin Zhao said silently in her heart, she still hoped to have a child belonging to her and Xiao Ce.

Hope that day will come.

Xiao Ce remembered what Wu Xirou said, and he also felt that Qin Zhao should be given a name, but he still had to tell his mother about this matter.

That night Xiao Ce stayed at Jinyang Palace, and the next day after the morning court, he went to Cihe Palace to greet him.

"I still have something I want to discuss with the queen mother today." After the invitation, Xiao Ce mentioned the business to the queen mother Guo.

When Empress Dowager Guo saw Xiao Celai greeting her, she was in a good mood: "The emperor can say anything."

"I want to canonize Qin Zhao." Xiao Ce said sternly without turning around and wiping his feet.

The smile on Empress Dowager Guo's face disappeared, and for a while she thought she was listening: "What did you say?!"

"Qin Zhao was a Liang Di before I ascended the throne. There is no reason for her to live in the palace without a name and a share after I ascended the throne. This is not in line with etiquette." Xiao Ce said slowly.

He originally wanted to discuss this matter with the Queen Mother yesterday, but yesterday was the Queen Mother's birthday, so he postponed this matter until today to discuss it with the Queen Mother.

"Don't you forget that the first emperor had a last edict, Qin Zhao can't be canonized, does the emperor want to ignore the last emperor's edict?!" Empress Dowager Guo said coldly.

She really didn't understand what was wrong with Xiao Ce and why it was Qin Zhao. This harem has never lacked young and beautiful women, so why can't Xiao Ce broaden his horizons and limit his sight to Qin Zhao?

"Although my father has a will, I still think that the talents around me are the most important. Qin Zhao is very good, and there is no reason to be treated so badly by me..."

"So far, the Ai family does not agree. If the emperor wants to be canonized, he can consider the promotion of other concubines in the harem, but Qin Zhao can't. !" The Queen Mother Guo interrupted Xiao Ce with an impatient tone.

Xiao Ce frowned: "If I have made up my mind, my mother can't change Qin Zhao's canonization."

The reason why he came to discuss with his mother was that he hoped that this matter could be answered by the mother.

"The emperor wants to ignore the last emperor's edict for the sake of a woman, and let the world think of the emperor?!" Empress Dowager Guo was so angry that her face was ashen: "The emperor should focus on the overall situation, and don't do anything stupid for a woman. Be the laughing stock of the world!"

Xiao Ce thought that Empress Dowager Guo would reject this matter, but Empress Dowager Guo's attitude still surprised him: "What did Qin Zhao do to make Empress Dowager so hate? I think Qin Zhao is the most reasonable among all the women in the harem. She is also the most sensible, she is not bad, why is the mother not happy?"

The Empress Dowager Guo resigned sternly and said: "The emperor thinks too much, and Aijia has no likes or dislikes for Qin Zhao. But the emperor's last edict is here, the emperor can't canonize Qin Zhao. Retire, Aijia is tired and wants to take a break. Son."


On the last day of the Year of the Ox, all the bad things have passed. Happy New Year's Eve, treasures.

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