After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 705 Let her be a maid in Cihe Palace

Qin Zhao didn't know that Xiao Ce and Empress Dowager Guo had an unpleasant quarrel, but early the next morning, Nianyun came to send a message and asked her to go to the Cihe Palace.

When she learned that the Queen Mother Guo wanted to see her, she felt that there was nothing good.

But the identity of Queen Mother Guo is there, and she can't help but take this trip no matter how unwilling she is.

When she went to the Cihe Palace, she saw Li and stood aside.

Empress Dowager Guo looked at her without saying a word, as if looking at the value of the goods, which made her unhappy.

"It's not a good thing for you to live in the harem without a name and a share. Aijia thought about it for a long time last night, and planned to transfer you to be a palace maid next to Aijia." Empress Dowager Guo simply pointed out the words.

Qin Zhao glanced at the Empress Dowager Guo and replied indifferently: "Whether I can be a palace maid by the Empress Dowager's side depends on the emperor's intention."

"Okay, wait for the emperor to come and ask him what he means." Queen Mother Guo had an idea in her heart.

Qin Zhao frowned when he heard the words.

Does Empress Dowager Guo's determined tone think that Xiao Ce will let her be a palace maid in the Cihe Palace?

It didn't take long for Xiao Ce to come to the Cihe Palace.

As soon as Empress Dowager Guo saw Xiao Ce, she said to him: "The emperor came just in time, and the Aijia has something to discuss with the emperor."

This is the meaning of asking Xiao Ce to discuss with her in the apse.

Xiao Ce glanced at Qin Zhao with a hint of comfort.

Qin Zhao watched Xiao Ce and the Queen Mother Guo enter the apse. It just so happened that she had a good hearing, and she could hear their conversation no matter how far the mother and son went.

After a while, she heard the Queen Mother Guo say: "You said that you want to canonize Qin Zhao, but the Aijia thought about it for a long time, but still felt that you should respect your idea. But with the emperor's edict, the Aijia must know Qin Zhao's character. How can you decide whether to follow your decision or not.”

"What is the meaning of the mother's words?" Xiao Ce heard that the queen mother had something to say.

"The best way to observe Qin Zhao is to put her in the Cihe Palace for a few days. It doesn't take long, a month is enough..."

The Queen Mother Guo's voice came clearly into Qin Zhao's ears.

Hearing this, she suddenly realized that the Queen Mother Guo had this idea.

What to say to observe her nearby, in her opinion, the Queen Mother Guo was thinking of putting her in the Cihe Palace, so she could have a way to kill her, right?

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, Xiao Ce and the Queen Mother Guo returned from the apse.

Qin Zhao pretended not to know what was going on. She stood beside Xiao Ce for granted, looked at him earnestly and said, "What did the emperor whisper to the empress dowager? Are those words that I can't listen to?"

Xiao Ce was still hesitating.

He really wanted to canonize Qin Zhao, but his mother didn't agree, and the matter didn't go so well. Now the queen mother was relieved, but asked Qin Zhao to move into the Cihe Palace.

According to Qin Zhao's temperament, he is definitely not willing to move into the Cihe Palace, right?

"By the way, the Empress Dowager just now said that she would let me enter the Cihe Palace as a maid, and she also said that she would ask the emperor's opinion. Does the emperor rest assured that I will enter the Cihe Palace as a maid?" Qin Zhao suddenly asked.

Xiao Ce was stunned.

Fang Cai's mother only said that Qin Zhao should move into the Cihe Palace, but did not say that Qin Zhao should be a palace maid.

"Didn't the empress dowager discuss this matter with the emperor just now?" Qin Zhao asked in confusion when he saw Xiao Ce's strange expression.

She stretched out her green jade finger: "I have been spoiled by the emperor for so long, and I have been raised so white and tender. If I really come here to be a palace maid, I am afraid that my hands will also be useless."

She said with a long sigh: "It's not that I don't want to serve the Empress Dowager, but I'm afraid that the emperor will see my hands full of calluses and dislike me in the future."

Xiao Ce immediately reassured her: "No, you live in Jinyang Palace and don't go anywhere."

Qin Zhao made a surprise: "Really?"

"My words are the imperial decree, and naturally they are true." Xiao Ce was no longer entangled.

He was worried about letting Qin Zhao move into the Cihe Palace.

The Queen Mother Guo on the side was furious, but she couldn't show it on her face. I originally thought that this would happen today, but who knew that Qin Zhao, a demon girl, could easily make the emperor change his mind with just a few words.

It can only be said that Qin Zhao is more capable than she thought.

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Qin Zhao said to the Empress Dowager Guo with a face full of regret: "The Empress Dowager, if Ci and the palace staff are waiting for you, I can find a few capable ones for the Empress Dowager..."

Empress Dowager Guo patiently waited for Qin Zhao to finish speaking, and then she said slowly: "The emperor will take her back. You should consider what the Aijia told you, and the Aijia is also for the sake of the country."

Xiao Ce responded and took Qin Zhao out of the Cihe Palace.

Qin Zhao pretended not to know what happened, and asked Xiao Ce, "What did the empress dowager whisper to the emperor?"

"It's just some trivial things, let's not talk about it." Xiao Ce replied indifferently.

Seeing his appearance, Qin Zhao knew that he didn't want to say more.

He never mentioned that he wanted to canonize her, and he should have known that it was not easy. Whether it was the obstruction of the Empress Dowager Guo or the will of the late emperor, they were all obstacles.

Whether she can be canonized or not, what he said is not a blank check, that's enough.

This man deserves her trust.

"No matter what problem you encounter, take your time, don't worry, Your Majesty, you can always think of a solution." Qin Zhao smiled: "Today the Empress Dowager took me to the Cihe Palace, the Emperor came so soon, I I know that the emperor cares about me."

"I just came here to greet my mother." Xiao Ce defended.

"Okay, the emperor just picked me up by the way, I'm being affectionate." Qin Zhao said following Xiao Ce's words.

Xiao Ce glanced at her helplessly, and did not continue to discuss this issue.

After sending her back to Jinyang Palace, Xiao Ce turned back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's back, and felt that his back was full of thoughts. Except for state affairs, it was her affairs that troubled Xiao Ce, right?

She touched her belly, thinking how good it would be if her belly could live up to its expectations?

As long as she is pregnant with the imperial heir, the canonization of her becomes a matter of course, but unfortunately her stomach does not move at all.

Seeing that Qin Zhao was in a low mood, Baozhu comforted Qin Zhao: "Don't be sad, girl, as long as the emperor protects the girl, the empress dowager can't do anything about the girl."

Qin Zhao shook his head and said, "I just feel like I'm not good enough."

If she can't get pregnant in her life, then there will always be regrets between her and Xiao Ce?

Does she want to watch Xiao Ce pass the throne to King An or King Lu?

It was only then that Baozhu understood why Qin Zhao was unhappy, and she hurriedly comforted: "The girl will definitely be pregnant with the little prince, it's just a matter of time."

Qin Zhao gave her a wry smile.

She also comforted herself like this, but for so long, her stomach didn't move. She waited for more than a year, maybe five, ten or even twenty years. At that time, she and Xiao Ce were both old.

Even if Xiao Ce could not touch other women or even have children for her, can she have a clear conscience?

"Baozhu, how do you think I leave the palace?" Qin Zhao asked suddenly.


Happy New Year, congratulations to everyone on making a fortune, there will be more explosions next week.

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