The fact that Xiao Ce stayed in Zhongcui Palace quickly spread in the harem. Previously, Qin Zhao monopolized Xiao Ce, but now Xiao Ce is willing to walk in the harem and stay overnight, which shows that other concubines also have hope.

As a result, everyone felt like it was New Year's Eve, and they walked briskly.

The Queen Mother Guo, who was in the Cihe Palace, was also very happy to hear this, and felt that she had hope for her grandson.

For a few days, Xiao Ce stayed in Zhong Cui Palace, but Jinyang Palace was completely left out.

Usually, Xiao Ce would go to Jinyang Palace to deliver something or walk around, but these few days, Xiao Ce was in the Hall of Mental Cultivation in addition to the morning court in Fengtian Palace, and stayed in Zhongcui Palace at night.

So everyone guessed that Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce had a conflict, otherwise it would not be so abnormal.

Zuo Zhaorong heard the gossip outside the palace and went to Jinyang Palace to find Qin Zhao.

She talked about the news circulating in the harem. After Qin Zhao quietly listened to it, he said in a low voice, "I didn't expect my sister to gossip."

"Isn't my sister really going to have a quarrel with the emperor?" Zuo Zhaorong asked with concern.

"The emperor and I often quarrel. It's not uncommon." Qin Zhao smiled lightly and hooked his lips.

Zuo Zhaorong was speechless for a while.

She heard it, Qin Zhao admitted in disguise that he had a conflict with the emperor, and the emperor would stay overnight in Zhongcui Palace one after another.

"Sister still has to be careful. Sister Wu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I'm afraid that the emperor will fall in love with Sister Wu for a long time, and then my sister will..." Zuo Zhaorong hesitated.

Of course Qin Zhao understood what she didn't finish.

Zuo Zhaorong's words make sense, and feelings come out of nowhere. When she first met Xiao Ce, Xiao Ce had no affection for her.

Later, seeing that she was pitiful, and being responsible for her, she made her a liangdi. She and Xiao Ce don't know if they are mutually supportive or not. In short, it's not a one-time event.

"Sister don't have to worry about me, I have a sense of balance." Qin Zhao looked indifferent.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhaorong couldn't help but sigh: "My elder sister is the person I admire most in this harem. No wonder the emperor likes elder sister. Just the measure and mind of elder sister's incident, I can't compare."

Qin Zhao raised his eyebrows lightly: "Isn't it good for my sister? Everyone is an independent individual, and they also have their own characteristics."

Zuo Zhaorong smiled, only taking it as Qin Zhao's polite words.

She talked to Qin Zhao for a while before getting up to leave.

Not long after leaving Zuo Zhaorong, Luo Baolin came again.

Qin Zhao felt funny when he saw this scene. She felt that Luo Baolin and Zuo Zhaorong were the most active people in the entire harem. No one else would come to her to gossip, but Luo Baolin and Zuo Zhaorong were just the opposite.

After greeting Luo Baolin to be seated, Luo Baolin ate a lot of snacks before opening the chat box: "It is said that the emperor is infatuated with Sister Wu, but according to me it is not. Although Sister Wu is capable of painting, chess, calligraphy and painting, in my opinion, Sister Wu is not only a little worse than Sister Qin. It is said that Jinyang Palace has more capable people than Zhong Cui Palace. "

She said and looked at Baoyu.

Baoyu immediately realized that it was her that Luo Baolin praised.

Baoyu understood, of course Qin Zhao understood, she smiled and said, "Baoyu does have a pair of skillful hands. As for comparing with Sister Wu, it is unnecessary. When Sister Zuo came, I told her before. Everyone in the world is an independent individual, and everyone has their own characteristics, but everyone has different conditions.”

Although Xiao Ce recently stayed at Zhongcui Palace every day, Wu Xirou was not complacent, and came to say goodbye to her every day, and also to Cihe Palace.

Wu Xirou's way of doing things is not leaking.

She can not only be pampered and insulted, but also be liked by men and women. Even she can't pick on Wu Xirou's fault. This only shows that Wu Xirou is smooth in her work.

Whether this is the halo that the heroine should have, or the ability that Wu Xirou should have, in the end, Wu Xirou is what the heroine should look like now.

"I benefited a lot from what my sister said." Luo Baolin sighed.

Qin Zhao just smiled when he saw this.

She has no preconceived notions about Luo Baolin now, so she looks at Luo Baolin more objectively, and she even sees that Luo Baolin is not sincere.

It remains to be seen whether she thinks so.

In short, for Luo Baolin, she still doesn't need to draw conclusions too early.

Luo Baolin ate and drank in Jinyang Palace for an hour before leaving contentedly.

When she left, she also took away some desserts and snacks made by Baoyu.

"This servant thinks that Little Master Luo is too good to eat." Baoyu muttered in a low voice.

"No matter how much you can eat, you can't eat Jinyang Palace." Baozhu stepped forward to clean up the mess on the table.

"That's true. I just think it's strange that Luo Xiaozhu is not from a small family, why is he like someone who is not used to the world?"

The so-called speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention.

Qin Zhao had another scruple in his heart.

As Baoyu said, Luo Baolin didn't come from a small family, and the Luo family was considered a big family in Daqi, but Luo Baolin ate and drank heavily in Jinyang Palace, as if he had never eaten delicious food.

What is Luo Baolin's drawing? Is it to make her take precautions against Luo Baolin, or just hope that she can sit in Jinyang Palace for a longer time?

After all, Luo Baolin's move seemed too deliberate, it was too much.

After all, her impression of Luo Baolin is getting deeper and deeper, and she will not be surprised by anything Luo Baolin does in the future.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye it was mid-October.

In addition to staying overnight in Zhongcui Palace, Xiao Ce also occasionally walked around the harem. The only place he didn't set foot on was Jinyang Palace.

In the past, everyone was just guessing, but now watching such a battle, it is even more certain that Qin Zhao has fallen out of favor.

Everyone else was waiting to see Qin Zhao's joke, but Wu Xirou went to Qin Zhao on time every day to greet Qin Zhao.

Even Qin Zhao had to admit that people like Wu Xirou were disgusting.

In the past, Wu Xirou was overwhelmed by her aura, but after Wu Xirou has gained momentum recently, Wu Xirou not only was not complacent, but also came to greet her on time every day.

When Wu Xirou came to greet her, she didn't mention Xiao Ce at all, just chatted with her on irrelevant topics every day, and left after sitting for about half an hour.

Qin Zhao felt that Wu Xirou's whole figure had settled down, and she could not see the slightest impetuousness.

After sending Wu Xirou away that day, Baoyu couldn't help but ask, "Isn't the girl planning to reconcile with the emperor?"

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that the emperor will not be able to remember the character of the girl.

She also heard that the Empress Dowager Guo is preparing for the draft. Although she doesn't know whether the rumor is true or not, there must be traces of this news, right?


Thank you treasures for your rewards and tickets, wow, compare your hearts

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