Qin Zhao felt that the Imperial Garden was nothing to watch, especially when she saw a group of women following a man, and she was one of them, and felt that the scene was particularly dazzling.

She was staring at Xiao Ce's back, when Xiao Ce suddenly turned to look at her, facing her fierce gaze.

She couldn't dodge in time, and was a little embarrassed for a moment.

"What's your dissatisfaction with me?" Xiao Cechong asked Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao replied, "The emperor is serious, how dare I be dissatisfied with the emperor?"

Even if there is, can she tell the truth in front of so many people, does he need face as an emperor?

"Listen to what you said, are you really dissatisfied with Zhen?" Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao coldly, as if he wanted to pursue Qin Zhao to the end.

Qin Zhao saw that everyone was looking at him, probably because he wanted to see her jokes.

That's all, she has to cultivate herself and not be impulsive and reckless like before, and she can't conflict with Xiao Ce for her good baby.

She lowered her head and said: "Of course not, the emperor is wise and martial, he is a good monarch of Daqi, and the common people rely on him. I really have no dissatisfaction with the emperor. But it is because my eyes are a little big, and I may be a little fierce when looking at people. The emperor misunderstood me..."

Seeing that she was confused, Xiao Ce shook his head: "Okay, let's go."

Qin Zhao couldn't ask for it, so he immediately answered, "Your Majesty enjoy the flowers slowly, I'll go back first."

This place of right and wrong not only has a lot of people, but also has a sought-after commodity like Xiao Ce, which is very unsafe.

There are many places where there are many people. She doesn't want to conflict with anyone, and it is safer to return to Jinyang Palace.

Precisely because this pregnancy was not easy, not only Baozhu and Baoyu were nervous, but she was also nervous, for fear of an accident.

Here, she didn't wait for Xiao Ce to answer, and walked away without looking back.

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao's hurried back, frowning slightly.

I thought that after more than a month, her attitude would be better, but who knew that it was just the opposite, this woman became more and more aggressive, and her attitude became more and more arrogant, and he was used to it.

Xiao Ce looked at the direction Qin Zhao was leaving with a solemn expression.

Everyone else was watching Xiao Ce and wanted to remind Xiao Ce that Qin Zhao had been away for a quarter of an hour, so what was there to see? No matter how beautiful that woman is, she is not sensible. She even dared to contradict the emperor in public and embarrass the emperor. This woman is more arrogant than Concubine Wu.

Or Zhang Jixiang stood beside Xiao Ce and reminded: "Does the emperor still want to visit the garden?"

Xiao Ce glanced at the imperial garden, and said in a sullen mood, "Go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

In this way, the Royal Drive team left the Royal Garden.

Only the concubines and concubines were left standing in place, and after the chance encounter that they had been looking forward to, they couldn't even say a word to Xiao Ce in the end.

Xiao Ce's whole attention was on Qin Zhao, how could he still see them?

Nian Su couldn't help frowning when she saw this scene.

The emperor of the previous life was not like this. Except for Qin Zhao, the emperor in this life seemed to have no regard for the second woman. She didn't understand what kind of spell Qin Zhao cast on the emperor, and the emperor was so puzzled.

"The emperor's cousin is very imposing!" Cui Yan looked at the direction where Xiao Ce was leaving, and there was light in his eyes.

If she could marry the emperor's cousin, she would be the most honorable woman in the world. It's a pity that the emperor's cousin is always lukewarm when he sees her. Even if he walked with the emperor's cousin just now, the emperor's cousin didn't give her a second look.

On the contrary, the Qin family, whom the Queen Mother's aunt hated the most, occupied all the thoughts of the emperor's cousin.

It's no wonder that the Queen Mother's aunt doesn't like the Qin family. This Qin family is really a fox. There is a fox-like atmosphere, and he dares to be arrogant, all of which are called by the emperor's cousin.

Niansu asked nonchalantly, "Where else would Miss Cui want to go?"

Cui Yan's heart has long followed Xiao Ce, and she has no intention to visit the garden again, she suddenly said: "I want to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to face the saint."

Niansu lowered her eyes, refraining from the sneering coldness in her eyes, "The Hall of Mental Cultivation is not a place that everyone can go to, and the emperor is busy with government affairs..."

"The emperor's cousin may not be very busy, he just came to visit the imperial garden." Cui Yan interrupted Niansu.

Niansu looked directly at Cui Yan and asked, "Is Miss Cui really going to the Hall of Mental Cultivation? Don't blame the slaves and servants for putting ugly words in the front. The emperor doesn't like to be disturbed when he is dealing with government affairs. to the benefit."

Does Cui Yan really think he is a character?

If she hadn't felt that Cui Yan was useful, she wouldn't take the initiative to take on this errand. But Cui Yan is more stupid than she looks on the surface!

Cui Yan was dissatisfied with Niansu's arrogant attitude, but she also knew that the palace was no better than the outside, and she also knew the cold temper of the emperor's cousin. The Queen Mother's aunt let her seize the opportunity. If it backfired, she might never have the chance to stay in the palace again.

If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, and she knows this truth.

"What you said makes sense, that's all, go back to the Cihe Palace." Cui Yan quickly came to a decision.

Seeing this, Niansu also softened his tone: "Since the girl has entered the palace, the empress dowager also values ​​the girl, and she should not be in a hurry to approach the emperor. There will still be many opportunities in the future. If you can endure the loneliness, you will be able to keep the prosperity. The slaves are very optimistic. girl."

Cui Yan was a little unhappy with Niansu before, but when she heard Niansu's words, she suddenly felt that Niansu was for her own good.

If it was someone else, it wouldn't necessarily stop her.

When she returned to the Cihe Palace, she mentioned Niansu in front of the Queen Mother Guo: "Niansu is good. If it hadn't been stopped by Niansu, I would have gone to the Yangxin Hall to find the emperor's cousin if I hadn't stopped."

The Queen Mother Guo is also very satisfied with Niansu's performance, "Since she has your heart, she will serve you when you live in the palace. She has been in the palace for a long time and knows a lot of things. She used to be by the emperor's side. Waiting, I can give you a lot of reminders. You must remember one thing, the emperor is not easy to approach, and he is not close to women. If you don't have enough patience to impress the emperor, no matter how great Aijia's skills are, it can't help you."

Cui Yan listened to Empress Dowager Guo's words.

She only entered the palace yesterday, and the queen mother's aunt told her a lot about the emperor's cousin. She not only knew about the emperor's cousin, but also heard everything about Qin Zhao.

It was precisely because the former Concubine Wu was not Qin Zhao's opponent, and even the Empress Dowager suffered a loss in Qin Zhao's hands. She understood one more thing. If she wanted to win Qin Zhao, she must first impress the emperor's cousin.

It's just that Qin Zhao, who was left out in the cold, appeared in front of the emperor's cousin, and the emperor's cousin was not as calm and self-reliant as before, which showed that the emperor's cousin still cared about Qin Zhao.

This is the crux of the matter.

If she can't go to Yangxin Palace to find the emperor's cousin, can she go to Qin Zhao for a while?

Then Qin Zhao returned to Jinyang Palace smoothly, feeling that his calf was a little swollen.

Baozhu massaged Qin Zhao's calf and whispered, "In the future, the girl should stay out of the Jinyang Palace. There are so many people today, and the servant is afraid that someone will accidentally bump into the girl."


There will be an explosion tomorrow

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