Qin Zhao didn't know what Xiao Ce was thinking, but felt that Xiao Ce's expression was a little scary. Although he is serious, his expression is not as serious as he is now.

"Are you okay?" Qin Zhao asked uncertainly.

Xiao Ce looked at the rice paper that was handed over, and after taking it, he stared at the words on it and read it carefully.

Qin Zhao suddenly had an epiphany. Did Xiao Ce find any clues in her handwriting? After all, she has a similar temperament to Concubine Qin. Although her handwriting is much better now than in her previous life, can't she also find similar handwriting?

Moreover, she and Qin Guifei have a fatal similarity, that is, neither of them can freely enter and exit the barrier created by Ding Lian.

She wasn't sure for a while whether Xiao Ce had discovered her identity. Just when she was hesitating whether to ask more clearly, Xiao Ce finally said, "You are not Qing'er."

Qin Zhao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, Xiao Ce really doubted her?

Just when she was in a trance, Xiao Ce suddenly asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?!"

His voice is quite powerful!

As soon as Qin Zhao heard Xiao Ce's question, she knew she thought too much. She breathed a sigh of relief. This time, she slowed down and wrote more correctly.

She found that she was writing seriously, and Xiao Ce was standing beside her and looked closely. He couldn't see her, but he knew that she was in this position.

And she could see him and found that he was very close to her, so close that she felt guilty.

Although she was apprehensive, she still wrote down what she wanted to say: "It doesn't matter who I am, because I'm not from your world, and my arrival is just an accident."

Yes, it was an accident.

Xiao Ce read Qin Zhao's words carefully and thought it made sense.

"In your world, are you an enemy or a friend?" he asked.

Qin Zhao felt that the question asked by Xiao Ce was really clever. This time he didn't directly ask who she was, but turned around to test.

Qin Zhao wrote seriously: "The emperor and I will never be enemies."

So, she can do Tai Chi too.

The corners of Xiao Ce's lips curved slightly, and suddenly he threw a strange question: "Then are you my woman?!"

Qin Zhao:  …

Or how could Xiao Ce be cunning? He obviously knew that she knew him, and he was sure that she was not Zhuang Qing, but she was very concerned about the safety of the Empress Dowager, which showed that she was very likely to have a close relationship with him.

"Is my question so difficult to answer?" Xiao Ce asked again.

Qin Zhao snorted coldly and wrote, "No!"

Anyway, she hasn't been canonized yet, she just lives in Jinyang Palace, not a woman in his official sense.

"Are you sure?" Xiao Ce was obviously surprised by this answer.

Qin Zhao thought it was ridiculous: "What's so uncertain about this, of course I'm not the emperor's woman."

Xiao Ce fell silent again, she didn't know what Xiao Ce was thinking, maybe she was guessing whether her answer was true.

After a while, Xiao Ce said again: "Then who are you from Zhen?"

Qin Zhao rolled his eyes to the sky and said, "I'm nothing. A noble person like the emperor can't be reached by ordinary people like me."

"Are you a commoner?" Xiao Ce accurately grasped the point of the question.

Qin Zhao only wanted to give him a face, and she dared to say that she was wrong, and she could always ask him to find the problem.

"I'm not a commoner, can I still be an official?" Qin Zhao asked back.

Xiao Ce was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Then do you often go to the palace?"

Qin Zhao was 100% sure that Xiao Ce was looking at her this time. She ignored it for a while, and only now did she see his real purpose.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with the emperor." Qin Zhao was too lazy to deal with Xiao Ce, she felt that she should not come here.

After all, she can't change any plot development, it's better to go back sooner.

She thought about it and was about to leave when Xiao Ce suddenly said, "I think you are lying."

Qin Zhao snorted coldly, even if she lied, he couldn't prove it.

She thought about it, and then wrote: "I probably won't come again, Your Majesty, there will be a period in the future!"

Xiao Ce, who was on the side, watched Qin Zhao write, and when he saw this, he said slowly: "There is a contradiction in what you said. You clearly said that you will not come again, and that there will be a future. What does this mean?"

Is she sure that she will see him again, but she will not come to this time and space again, is this subconsciously saying that their goodbye will be in another time and space?

Qin Zhao was speechless for a while.

She didn't think she was a stupid person, but in Xiao Ce's eyes, she seemed a little stupid.

"I'm leaving!" Qin Zhao didn't want to write more, after all, there were many mistakes.

Xiao Ce said in time: "You really won't come again?"

"Really!" Qin Zhao wrote quickly.

"Why?" Xiao Ce asked again.

Qin Zhao just looked at the man in front of him like this, do you want to tell him that he will die soon? Even if she comes back to this time and space, he no longer exists, right?

"Tell me, why don't you come anymore?" Xiao Ce asked again.

Qin Zhao solemnly wrote: "Because I shouldn't be here. I'm just a spectator here, not even a spectator. Xiao Ce, goodbye!"

Xiao Ce suddenly grabbed him: "I haven't finished speaking yet, you can't leave!"

But he only caught the air, because there was no smell of that person in front of him.

He picked up the rice paper, saw the handwriting on it, and then took out the words written by Qin Guifei a few days ago for comparison.

This seems to be written by two completely different people, but they have similarities. It's as if their temperaments are very active, and they can't freely enter and exit the enchantment under Dinglian, maybe they are all souls of another world...

Xiao Ce was no longer sleepy.

He remembered that before he ascended the throne, Qin Guifei never appeared. If the female ghost in another time and space was Qin Zhao, why did he appear when he was still the prince?

And he would rather believe that anything that happened to Qin Zhao could find a reasonable explanation.

In Jinyang Palace, Qin Guifei had not seen Xiao Ce for several days.

It was because Niansu's cheap maid provoked discord, which made her easy to say, but when she saw Niansu's cheap appearance, she wanted to beat people. Even if she knew that this was a trap of Niansu, she thought about hand addiction.

"Son, doesn't your father want our mother and son? Tell me, I gave birth to a son for him, and I love him so much, without credit or hard work, why is he so harsh to me?!"

Xiao Yuan was already asleep, so naturally he couldn't hear what Qin Guifei said.

Qin Guifei only envied that the child had no worries. She kissed the little guy fiercely a few times on the face and whispered: "You look like your father, I will still love you the most in the future."

Xiao Ce didn't need her love anyway, and he hated her.

After that, she muttered and muttered for a while before taking the child into her arms and falling asleep.

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