Inside the Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao sighed softly, "Should I tell the emperor that I am pregnant?"

Previously, she hoped that after the child was three months old, the fetus would be stable at that time, and if someone came to stimulate her, she would not be so nervous, and only then did she disclose that she was pregnant.

Now she felt sorry for Xiao Ce.

"Wait, girl?" Baozhu was the first to object.

Don't worry about reconciling with the emperor, the emperor is there and won't run, but the little prince is precious, the girl is not stable in this child, and needs to be raised well.

Even if it is to wait until the child is born to reconcile with the emperor, it is not too late.

"The servant also thinks it's okay to wait." Baoyu thought the same way.

Baozhu told her about the twists and turns, and she also understood that the emperor was the source of the trouble. That being the case, of course, it is necessary to avoid the trouble of the emperor from creating more trouble for the girl and the unstable little prince.

Miss Luo also specially explained that the girl should not be too nervous, otherwise it will be detrimental to the miscarriage.

There is still more than a month before the full three months, and it will soon pass.

Qin Zhao was still a little hesitant: "I'm afraid that the emperor will be angry, how can I make it if I really ignore it?"

"Don't worry, if the emperor knew that the girl had this concern because she was pregnant with the little prince, it would be too late to be happy. By then, the girl will have a stable baby, and the emperor will be very happy to know the good news." Baoyu answered quickly.

Qin Zhao felt that Baoyu's words made sense: "Listen to you, just wait."

She did not expect at this time, because the people of Yangxin Palace often ran to Jinyang Palace, so many harem concubines began to walk in Jinyang Palace again.

Among them, Luo Baolin ran the fastest, and not long after Qiushui left Jinyang Palace, Luo Baolin came over.

At this time, Qin Zhao was about to have lunch, but Luo Baolin, who was familiar with the situation, asked, "The lunch here is really rich, can I accompany my sister for lunch?"

Qin Zhao wondered if Luo Baolin had come over to eat at the meal time, but seeing Luo Baolin opened her mouth, she couldn't open her mouth to chase people away, so she said, "Since you're here, let's eat together."

Luo Baolin sat down immediately, she glanced at the dishes on the table, there were as many as eight or nine dishes, each of which was exquisite, and it made people's appetites open.

"Baoyu's cooking skills are really good." She took a bite and was full of praise.

Baoyu saw that Luo Baolin had taken one bite after another, and the girl had not eaten as much as Luo Baolin, and she was crying blood in her heart.

This is obviously the food she specially made for the girl and the little prince, but a large part of it entered Luo Baolin's mouth. Has Luo Baolin never eaten before?

It's just that she is soft-spoken, and no matter how much dissatisfaction she has, she can only swallow it in her stomach.

Luo Baolin was full and full, and Niansu led Cui Yan over there again.

"Has Miss Qin just finished her lunch?" Cui Yan asked with a smile when she saw Baozhu was cleaning up the leftovers on the table.

Qin Zhao was in a good mood at the moment: "Yeah, just finished lunch."

Luo Baolin also knew Cui Yan's identity, and continued: "Baoyu's cooking skills are first-class, not inferior to royal chefs. It is my blessing to be able to taste Baoyu's cooking skills."

Her truth was very useful to Baoyu.

Seeing this, Cui Yan looked at Baoyu: "It seems that everyone around Miss Qin is very useful. I just hope that I will have the opportunity to taste Baoyu's cooking skills in the future."

"Don't praise Baoyu anymore, otherwise she will easily float away." As Qin Zhao spoke, Baozhu served tea.

After Qin Zhao took the tea, he put it in his hand and was not in a hurry to drink it.

Seeing this detail, Luo Baolin glanced at Qin Zhao more. Not only Luo Baolin saw it, but Cui Yan also saw it, and asked, "Why doesn't Miss Qin drink tea?"

"I just drank two bowls of soup, it's too much." Qin Zhao said, and simply handed the tea to Baozhu.

Baozhu put the tea aside, it would be out of Qin Zhao's reach.

Originally, this cup of tea was just a pretense, and I didn't want Luo Baolin and Cui Yan to find out that she didn't drink tea, so these two women could see from the details that it was not easy.

Neither Cui Yan nor Luo Baolin could fault Qin Zhao's words. They would say a few words to Qin Zhao from time to time. After about half an hour, Luo Baolin got up and said goodbye.

Qin Zhao also said, "I feel sleepy when I'm full. I'm going to take a nap."

Cui Yan didn't want to leave so soon, but Qin Zhao said that, she didn't want to stay any longer.

When Luo Baolin was far away, Niansu said to Cui Yan, "Miss Qin seems to have gained weight."

Cui Yan hadn't noticed it before, she wasn't quite sure: "Really?"

"My servant seems to have gotten fatter. If Miss Qin doesn't drink tea, is there something wrong with the tea?" Niansu asked again.

Cui Yan's face changed slightly: "Impossible? Luo Baolin and I both drank tea, so it's not like there was something in the tea."

Nian Su also thinks this makes no sense. Unless it is said that Cui Yan and Luo Baolin pose any threat to Qin Zhao, it is possible to know the tea water, but these two are obviously not Qin Zhao's opponents.

Now that everyone in the harem has to look at Qin Zhao's face, how could Qin Zhao attack these people who look up to her? This is illogical.

When she figured this out, she felt that she was thinking too much.

Maybe Qin Zhao didn't drink tea because she just ate as she said, and there was no other special reason.

There is another way to verify, that is, when you go to Jinyang Palace next time, you should pay attention to whether Qin Zhao does not drink tea.

It was okay once, but if you didn't drink tea all the time, there must be a reason.

"Miss Cui will come to Jinyang Palace tomorrow, and carefully observe whether Miss Qin doesn't drink tea. If Miss Qin still doesn't drink tea, there must be a problem." Niansu gave Cui Yan an idea.

Cui Yan felt that Niansu's words were reasonable, and immediately decided to come back to Qin Zhao the next day.

They didn't know it, but Qin Zhao listened to their conversation.

Qin Zhao shook his head and said, "The women in the palace are too suspicious!"

In particular, this woman, Niansu, can cause trouble, and she can make a big deal out of small things like not drinking tea. She was pregnant and did not dare to drink tea indiscriminately, but not drinking tea would attract attention, so Baozhu brought her a cup.

I don't want to make Niansu and Cui Yan suspicious.

Now that she knew that Cui Yan would come to Jinyang Palace tomorrow, she had to make a plan in advance.

In the evening, Qin Zhao got up, and other concubines came to walk around Jinyang Palace one after another. The reason why Jinyang Palace has become lively is of course because people from Yangxin Palace frequently enter and leave Jinyang Palace.

Therefore, Xiao Ce has a lot of right and wrong wherever she goes, and it's not that she is overly concerned about this.

After finally dealing with everyone, Qin Zhao had to take a breath.

Seeing that she seemed a little tired, Baozhu hurriedly asked Baoping to give Qin Zhao a pulse. Seeing this, Qin Zhao smiled and said, "I'm fine, but my energy is not as good as before."

In the past, she felt no problem dealing with many women, but now she has a feeling that the child is absorbing nutrients from her body, so her energy is not as good as before she was pregnant.

She didn't know if it was her own illusion, but the pressure was a fact.


There are still a few more chapters to update in the morning, so sleepy, go to bed, good night, babies

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