Qin Zhao deliberately wanted to repel Cui Yan, but when she saw Cui Yan's ugly face, she only found it funny: "I'll be honest, Miss Cui should learn more about the world, I really don't have time to chat with Miss Cui here, it's a waste of my time. Precious time."

After she finished speaking, she got up, put down Cui Yan, and left by herself.

Cui Yan clenched her fists and managed to hold back her anger.

Seeing Cui Yan's clenched fists, Niansu thought to herself that Cui Yan was still too tender. He wanted to climb up to Qin Zhao to get close to the emperor, but he couldn't bear Qin Zhao's vicious tongue. This way, he was far worse than Qin Zhao.

After walking out of Jinyang Palace, Cui Yan couldn't bear it any longer: "Qin Zhao deceives people too much!"

"Miss Qin is deliberately angering the girl. If the girl can't stand even this little verbal stimulation, then she won't have to come to Jinyang Palace tomorrow." Niansu replied softly.

Qin Zhao seems to be reluctant to see guests recently. He had been behind closed doors for five days, and Cui Yan only came today. Qin Zhao used words to stimulate Cui Yan again. It seemed that he did not want Cui Yan to come to Jinyang Palace.

Also, does drinking tea make your stomach upset? Why didn't Bao Ping let Qin Zhao drink tea?

"Why not come? She doesn't want me to come, but I want to come!" Cui Yan gritted her teeth.

Niansu looked back at Jinyang Palace and expressed the doubts in her heart: "I wonder if Miss Cui found out that Miss Qin didn't drink tea today."

"Why do you need to say that? Didn't the treasure bottle say that Miss Qin has a bad stomach and can't drink tea." Cui Yan felt that Niansu's memory was not very good.

"But what if this is just Miss Qin's excuse?" Niansu disagreed.

Or should I say that Cui Yan's current scheming is not deep enough?

"Why make excuses for this kind of thing?" Cui Yan felt that Niansu thought too much.

Nian Su shook her head secretly, feeling that Cui Yan was useless.

Seeing Niansu's disapproval, Cui Yan remembered what Niansu had said before, and she suddenly had a bright light: "Is there really another reason why Miss Qin can't drink tea?"

"Ms. Qin has a very active temperament. She used to walk around the harem frequently, but recently she has been very low-key, and she seldom goes out of Jinyang Palace. The servants wondered if there was a reason why Miss Qin could not see people so she had to keep a low profile. Maybe Miss Qin did not. Drinking tea is one of the reasons for this." Nian Su analyzed it carefully.

Cui Yan felt that this made no sense: "What is the reason for not drinking tea?"

"The servant also wants to find out the reason. Let's go back to the Cihe Palace first, and the servant will go and find out the reason why you can't drink tea..."

Niansu's voice gradually faded away, Qin Zhao frowned when he heard it, and felt that Niansu was not an ordinary woman.

But even if Niansu finds out that she is pregnant, she can't change anything, she must give birth to the child smoothly.

Furthermore, even if Niansu suspected that she did not drink tea for any reason why she couldn't see the light, would she suspect that she was pregnant?

After the fake pregnancy incident last time, maybe the whole harem would not believe that she could conceive a child.

When something is really noticed, she will have a stable baby, and then she will protect the child well until the child is born safely.

After figuring this out, she felt relaxed, feeling more relaxed than ever.

In the past, I always worried about this and that. The most fear is that the gain will be lost, but as a mother, she must have the determination and confidence to take good care of her child.

Since Little Atom had said that she would renew the mother-son relationship with her, the child would not be unbelieving.

Soon Baozhu discovered Qin Zhao's change.

Since she found out she was pregnant, the girl didn't go out much, and most of the time she was reading. Although Miss Luo said that she should recuperate and not have too many mood swings, but the girl is too quiet and confined to the room all day, which may not be beneficial to the miscarriage.

Now that she is willing to go out of the house, she also said that she should exercise properly and bask in the sun often. She thinks this is a good thing, and it can also be seen that the girl's mentality has changed.

After that Xiang Niansu returned to the Cihe Palace, he was inquiring about the reasons why his body could not drink tea. It was not difficult to find. The first reason was the special period of the body, which included pregnancy or breastfeeding. Seeing this situation, she skipped it without thinking, because Qin Zhao couldn't possibly be pregnant.

The second reason is that you cannot drink tea when you are unwell, including when you have stomach upset.

She was thoughtful after reading the pharmacopoeia.

Could it be that she is suspicious? Is it just because of gastrointestinal problems that Qin Zhao doesn't drink tea? The last time it was reported that Qin Zhao was falsely pregnant, it seemed that it was because of gastrointestinal problems. Later, the rumors spread and the rumors intensified. It is not a secret.

She thought about it for a long time, and the more she felt that she was making a big deal.

After that, she reported the matter to Cui Yan, and after listening, Cui Yan said: "I just said that you think too much, but you still don't believe it. It turns out that you have a heavy heart, and even a trivial matter like not drinking tea can make you so happy. many doubts."

Niansu felt that Cui Yan's words were really unpleasant, but she couldn't say that Cui Yan was not.

Early the next morning, when Niansu accompanied Cui Yan to Jinyang Palace, he found that Qin Zhao was watering flowers in the small garden, and the picture looked very warm.

Cui Yan went up to meet Li, Qin Zhao glanced at her, and opened his lips indifferently: "Miss Cui runs to my Jinyang Palace every day. People who don't know it think that I have a deep friendship with Miss Cui."

Xiao Ce didn't come to Jinyang Palace, and Cui Yan always came here every day. Isn't that unnecessary?

"Miss Qin really likes to joke." Cui Yan's gaze was fixed on Qin Zhao's face.

It was obvious that Qin Zhao was very beautiful yesterday. Today, when I look at Qin Zhao under the sun, I can see that her skin is as transparent as jade snow, with a healthy luster. This woman is a beautiful woman in both temperament and appearance. One is good, and it is difficult to make the emperor's cousin so obsessed.

Even if she is also a woman, she has to sigh that Qin Zhao looks good.

Niansu also found that Qin Zhao was different from yesterday.

If yesterday's Qin Zhao was unapproachable, today's Qin Zhao appears to be much more approachable. Even if her words were thorny, she still couldn't hate her.

"Everyone is not a fool, and Miss Cui doesn't look stupid. Do you think I don't know your purpose? The emperor hasn't come to Jinyang Palace for a long time. If you come to me and want to meet the emperor, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you want. If it was you, I would switch to a quicker shortcut, stay with this woman like me all day, will the emperor fall in love with you?!" Qin Zhao sneered, and simply stated his words clearly.

Before Cui Yan came, she told herself to be patient, but Qin Zhao's words were too hurtful, so she stood up suddenly and sneered: "Miss Qin thinks of herself too much, I came to Jinyang Palace just for etiquette, if I want to get close to the emperor, There are many ways, girl Qin, don't take yourself too seriously!"

After she finished speaking, she walked away without looking back.

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