"From today, I can have a leisurely life." Qin Zhao's lips curved slightly.

At least before the Chinese New Year, there is no need to worry anymore. This way, the mind will be relaxed, and the child will naturally grow up in a stable manner.

For the sake of this child, she embarrassed Xiao Ce more than once, but she was sure that it was worth it.

When Xiao Ce returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he still couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Although he was dissatisfied with Qin Zhao's rude words to the Empress Dowager, he didn't say that she was wrong at that time. Why did she punish herself instead?

In such a situation at the time, even if he believed in the queen mother more, it was reasonable. Why should she make a self-punishment and think about it behind closed doors under her anger?

There are still some days before the new year, and next is his birthday. He also expects Qin Zhao to prepare a birthday gift for him. At this moment, no one can see it, let alone a birthday gift.

Could it be the wrong time for him to go?

Perhaps it was what the Queen Mother said before that angered Qin Zhao, and Qin Zhao suddenly became angry and said those disrespectful words to the Queen Mother.

"Jixiang, do you think Qin Zhao is an unreasonable person?" Xiao Ce lost his mind and asked Zhang Jixiang instead.

Zhang Jixiang replied cautiously: "Miss Qin has always been reasonable, but today is uncharacteristically, there may be other hidden feelings."

According to his understanding of the emperor, this must be what the emperor wanted to hear.

Sure enough, I saw the emperor nodded and said, "I thought of something with me."

Zhang Jixiang lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

The emperor was too partial. He clearly heard what Miss Qin said to the empress dowager, but the emperor's heart was still towards Miss Qin, and she could only say that she was capable.

But today's girl Qin is indeed a little weird. Miss Qin, who has never been willing to suffer losses, actually punished herself and thought about it behind closed doors. According to Miss Qin's temperament, it was normal to argue with the emperor to the end.

"Miss Qin is angry at the moment. After a few days, she will calm down. By then, Miss Qin will come out on her own. Don't worry about it." Zhang Jixiang took advantage of the situation and said something that was in line with his master.

Xiao Ce felt that what Zhang Jixiang said made sense.

Maybe Qin Zhao will calm down in two days, plus she herself has to punish herself behind closed doors, so she can find the steps to go down by herself.

This matter can only be put on hold for the time being, and we will see Qin Zhao's reaction in a few days.

In Zhong Cui Palace, Wu Xirou also knew what happened in Jinyang Palace.

"That's weird, given how smart Sister Qin is, it's not difficult to face the empress dowager's troubles, so why would she punish herself and think about it behind closed doors?" Wu Xirou looked at Liuli and asked, "Have you heard all the facts? "

"The slave is not in Jinyang Palace, so I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, the news from Cihe Palace is like this. There were many people at the scene at that time." Liuli thinks this is not fake news, after all, she bought it with money information.

"If it's true, then it's strange." Wu Xirou thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "Have you noticed that my sister doesn't like to go out recently?"

Wu Xirou's words made Liuli stunned for a moment, before she said, "If Empress Xiurong doesn't say anything, the slaves didn't notice this little detail."

I don't know when it started, Qin Zhao rarely went out of Jinyang Palace, and this time it was even more outrageous. He actually punished himself and thought about it behind closed doors. In this way, Qin Zhao would probably miss the big festival of the New Year.

After the New Year, it is the emperor's birthday again. Such a big day is also celebrated by the whole country. At that time, Qin Zhao will not be out of Jinyang Palace. Don't you have to miss this big day?

"I also suddenly remembered that Sister Qin didn't step out of Jinyang Palace for some days before she thought about it behind closed doors. It's up to the Empress Dowager to find Sister Qin first." Wu Xirou felt that she might have missed something important, but she thought about it for a while. Can't figure out what I missed.

"Fangcai slave and maid thought about it carefully, it seems that Miss Qin had a quarrel with the emperor two months ago, and Miss Qin didn't love to go out of Jinyang Palace. Is it because the emperor chilled Miss Qin's heart?" Liuli expressed her guess. .

Listening to Liu Li's words, Wu Xirou felt that she thought too much.

On the surface, Qin Zhao looked at her temperament, but after dealing with Qin Zhao for a long time, she knew that Qin Zhao was a very proud woman, and she was very assertive.

If Xiao Ce hurts Qin Zhao's heart and makes Qin Zhao disheartened, and he doesn't like to go out and walk around, that's also reasonable.

"Maybe I think too much. The Jinyang Palace is closed, and I can't say goodbye to Sister Qin for some days." Wu Xirou said with emotion.

She was used to greeting Qin Zhao every day, but suddenly saving this important event really made her not used to it.

"Ms. Xiurong doesn't have to be as tired as before, isn't it good? Besides, Miss Qin is no longer going out of Jinyang Palace, that's the chance for Empress Xiurong." Liuli said, and glanced at her master quietly.

Wu Xirou heard the words and smiled: "You are wrong. Sister Qin has not seen the emperor recently, but the emperor has not ordered other concubines to serve the bed, which shows that the emperor does not order anyone to be lucky, and sister Qin has no necessary contact."

"This... In short, there are more opportunities for Empress Xiu Rong, which is a good thing." Liuli said loudly.

"For me, seeing the emperor from time to time is a very happy thing, and I can't think too much about other things." Wu Xirou said softly, "I always take the life-saving grace of Sister Qin in my heart."

If it wasn't for Qin Zhao, she might have died then. Since then, she has felt that Qin Zhao is an open-minded woman. Perhaps this is why Xiao Ce likes Qin Zhao.

So she also wants to be the kind of woman Xiao Ce likes...

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, it was late December. The harem was still deserted. Even if the gate of Jinyang Palace was closed, Qin Zhao never walked out of Jinyang Palace. It seemed that there was no Qin Zhao in this harem, and the harem was still there. It wasn't lively because Xiao Ce didn't walk around the harem after he was busy with political affairs.

This scene made Empress Dowager Guo worry.

Xiao Ce is not walking around the harem, how can he spread the branches for the royal family? Soon Xiao Ce will be twenty-one years old, and it seems that the man in the market already has a group of children at this age.

As an emperor, Xiao Ce has no children and no daughters, which is criticized.

Every day there are courtiers to criticize this. In the past, she could still blame Qin Zhao, but now Qin Zhao stays behind closed doors, and Xiao Ce still doesn't walk in the harem. Could she still blame Qin Zhao for seducing Xiao Ce?

She was worried every day about this matter, and she persuaded Xiao Ce more than once, but Xiao Ce couldn't listen, and it was useless for her to say anything.

"Don't worry, Niangniang, and persuade the emperor again." Nianyun comforted the Queen Mother Guo with a sigh and sigh.

The Queen Mother Guo couldn't help sighing again: "Ai's family's biggest wish now is to see the emperor's branches and leaves, but Ai's family can't force the emperor. Ai's family can't understand why the emperor's temper is completely different from the previous emperor Same."

The first emperor was flirtatious, but Xiao Ce was just the opposite.

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