At dinner time, Baoyu prepared the New Year's Eve dinner.

Qin Zhao greeted Sibao to sit down and planned to have a good New Year's Eve dinner, when she heard Xiao Ce's footsteps.

She listened carefully, and from the sound of Xiao Ce's footsteps, she could tell that he was lingering outside Jinyang Palace.

But in the end, Xiao Ce still couldn't get in...

"Why didn't the girl eat?" Baozhu saw that Qin Zhao suddenly stared straight at the food in front of him and didn't even move his chopsticks, so he didn't know why.

Qin Zhao reluctantly raised his spirits: "There are too many, I don't know which dish to start with."

Baoyu laughed when he heard the words, and gave Qin Zhao a chicken leg: "The girl's favorite food is chicken legs, of course this is the one."

"You're wrong! With so many delicacies, I don't have the stomach to pack other dishes after eating this chicken leg." Qin Zhao laughed.

Baoyu felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said, "It's still a girl with a delicate mind."

This New Year's Eve dinner was very warm. Everyone was talking and laughing. They were all thinking about this time in the coming year. Maybe the little prince will be born. By then, the girl won't have to spend the New Year alone in Jinyang Palace, right?

Qin Zhao didn't think so long-term, she felt that she still owed Xiao Ce after all.

He is the father of the child, the child has been more than three months old, and he, the father, does not know it yet. With his temper, he might be angry with her again.

In the early morning of the next day, there was a lot of good news from the harem.

There are several concubines in the harem who have won their positions, and Wu Xirou is the only concubine who has been promoted to the concubine.

Because it was the good news that came out on the first day of the new year, when this news came out, it shook the entire harem.

It wasn't just other people who were surprised, but Wu Xirou herself, who was now the head of the first palace of Zhong Cui Palace, was also surprised.

She never thought that she would be promoted so quickly, and there was He Zhaoyi ahead of her. It would never be her turn to be promoted, and Xiao Ce had not communicated with her beforehand.

So when she received the news, she was very surprised.

"Concubine Xian, you still haven't received the order?!" Zhang Jixiang reminded Wu Xirou stupidly when he saw Wu Xirou.

Wu Xirou hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down to receive the order, "Long live my emperor, long live!"

Zhang Jixiang then ordered people to bring up several boxes of rewards. This one and only honor is the first day of the new year. Concubine Xian is the first person in this harem.

Less than a year after the emperor ascended the throne, Concubine Xian took the position from Xiu Rong, which was beyond the expectations of many people, including him of course.

However, Liuli was overjoyed, and immediately congratulated Wu Xirou.

Wu Xirou also recovered from the shock at this time. She gave Zhang Jixiang a reward, and Zhang Jixiang happily took it, "Congratulations to Concubine Xian."

"You're welcome." Wu Xirou responded falsely.

"The servant has to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to resume his life, so he won't stop there, let's take the first step." Zhang Jixiang said his farewell and left.

As soon as Zhang Jixiang left, Liuli couldn't wait to say: "It seems that in the emperor's heart, grooming... No, now you are the concubine Xianfei. In the emperor's heart, the concubine Xianfei is also a special existence. This time, even the concubine Zhaoyi. Even though they haven't been promoted, Concubine Xian is already one of the four concubines, because the emperor values ​​her..."

Wu Xirou was also happy in her heart, but she was not as exaggerated as Liu Li said.

Seeing Liuli talking endlessly, Wu Xirou reminded: "It's almost enough."

Liuli nodded vigorously, "The servant is just happy for the empress."

The concubine Xian was also a good concubine herself, and she was promoted to one of the four concubines within a year of entering the palace. Even Qin Zhao, who was the favorite harem, couldn't do this.

Wu Xirou's lips curved slightly, but she didn't say anything.

Wu Xirou was suddenly promoted to concubine Xian. The news was like a bomb dropped in the harem, bringing the dead harem back to life.

Everyone was stunned by the news, and everyone was not convinced why Wu Xirou was promoted to Concubine Rou, among them He Zhaoyi was the most.

"Why does Mrs. Wu become a virtuous concubine? In terms of the time when I entered the palace, I was a few years earlier than her. In terms of favorability, she is not as good as Qin Zhao. In terms of qualifications, she is not even better than Zuo Zhaorong!" He Zhaoyi was furious. I was so angry that I wanted to swear.

Xiangqiao is also very puzzled: "That is, why did the emperor promote the concubine Xian alone?"

The reason why the other two were promoted was that they were in the lowest rank. Even if they were promoted, it wouldn't bother anyone. Only Wu Xirou's promotion jumped directly to the front of everyone, including their master.

This is extremely frustrating!

He Zhaoyi punched the table hard: "Bitch!"

Wu Xirou disgusted her just like Qin Zhao. It looks silent on weekdays, but the means are very good.

Wu Xirou's promotion made her a joke in the entire harem, because when the emperor was the crown prince, she was the highest rank in the east palace, and after the emperor ascended the throne, she was also the highest in the entire harem.

Why is Wu Xirou running in front of her now?

To say that Wu Xirou has not made any achievements, why is Wu Xirou in the top? She really can't understand.

He Zhaoyi was so angry that his stomach hurt, and the masters of other palaces wished they could tear Wu Xirou's face apart.

Of course, Qin Zhao, who was in Jinyang Palace, also received the news. For no reason, Wu Xirou was promoted, and Qiushui ran over and handed Baoyuan the news.

Even if Bao Yuan didn't want her to know the news, because of her good hearing, she passively received the news.

Four Treasures were discussing this matter quietly, and they all felt that Wu Xirou's promotion was strange.

She found this to be expected.

Xiao Cexuan was promoted to Wu Xirou on the first day of the new year, because Wu Xirou did a good job, and of course it was Wu Xirou's heart that attracted Xiao Ce the most.

If Xiao Ce had to choose one of the many concubines in the harem to be canonized and promoted, Wu Xirou would undoubtedly be the best choice.

She guessed that He Zhaoyi must be unconvinced, after all, He Zhaoyi is the one with the highest qualifications, and Wu Xirou has not been in the palace for a long time. But He Zhaoyi never thought that she has no sense of existence in this harem, and she has no chance to show her face in front of Xiao Ce. Xiao Ce wants to be canonized, why not canonize a familiar face?

He Zhaoyi didn't lose at all this time, just because He Zhaoyi played a role that was indisputable in the world. In this case, how could Xiao Ce go against He Zhaoyi's wishes and promote He Zhaoyi?

He Zhaoyi may not be able to understand such a simple truth when he is in the game. As an outsider, she knew very well that Xiao Ce had no more suitable candidates besides Jin Feng Wu Xirou.

There is another very important reason. Wu Xirou also has a brother who is guarding the frontier. In order to appease the Wu family and let the Wu family give up to help Daqi guard the country, Wu Xirou will be promoted sooner or later.

The promotion of Wu Xirou on the first day of the new year was deliberately chosen, doesn't it mean that the King of Daqi values ​​the Wu family?

Those who understand it naturally understand it, but most of the concubines in the harem see only superficial phenomena.

I don't know if Wu Xirou, as a colleague of the authorities, will link her promotion to her brother.

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