As soon as the Empress Dowager said these words, Mammy Li couldn't help but be overjoyed.

She suppressed a smile and said, "Your Majesty has not even been born yet, and the Empress is looking towards her. In the past, the Empress was the most important thing for the Emperor."

Miss Qin really wants to give birth to a little prince, but the lady still doesn't know how happy she will be.

"Girl Zhao finally got pregnant, she must be a little prince, otherwise..."

If the Empress Dowager didn't finish her words, Mammy Li naturally understood.

Originally, there were only three princes in the period of the previous emperor, and it was even more outrageous in the emperor's generation. Neither the emperor nor An Wang had ever given birth to a son.

There are so many beautiful concubines in Prince An's house, but none of them can conceive a child, because the emperor has no children yet, and Prince An does not dare to have children. This is common sense.

How many people are staring at the position of the prince. In the early dynasty a few years ago, many courtiers suggested that the prince should be established as soon as possible, which put the emperor in a very embarrassing situation.

As long as the emperor has a little prince, he will not be criticized.

"Don't worry, Niangniang, Miss Qin will definitely give birth to a little prince for the emperor, and relieve the emperor's troubles. Miss Qin is a blessing. Under such circumstances, she can get pregnant. It can be seen that God is also protecting Miss Qin." The mother appeases the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager smiled: "I hope so. Zhao girl has always been a good candidate, and Aijia is counting on her for this child."

As for the other concubines and concubines in the harem, none of them had anything to do with each other. Although Concubine Xian was canonized this time, she did not have the chance to serve her in bed.

So she can only count on Zhao girl.

It is night, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhang Jixiang saw that Xiao Ce was about to rest, and his heart became cold.

The emperor is unwilling to see Miss Qin. Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and the emperor is still unwilling to see Miss Qin, so it is impossible for Miss Qin to reconcile with the emperor in the near future.

In Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao was also ready to rest.

Baozhu served her to sleep, remembering that tomorrow was the emperor's longevity, and asked, "Do you want to send the birthday gift that the girl prepared for the emperor?"

"I'll put it on hold for now, and I'll have a chance to send it back in the future." Qin Zhao yawned.

Seeing that she was tired, Baozhu didn't say any more, and only after serving Qin Zhao fell asleep, she went to the side to rest.

Tomorrow is the Longevity Festival and the Lantern Festival. It is a big day celebrated by the whole country. It must be very lively.

The girl doesn't care about the New Year's Eve, but on the emperor's birthday, would it be a pity that the girl couldn't show up?

In the early morning of the next day, the palace was decorated with lanterns and festive, all because of the double festival. On such a big day, no one dares to neglect.

The Lantern Festival also took a rest on this day. Xiao Ce rarely needed to get up too early, and he didn't need to go to the morning. Even the book was put away by Zhang Jixiang.

Because he had nothing to do, he turned around in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and everyone had a cheerful smile on their faces, and they greeted him when they saw him.

Seeing these smiling faces, his emotions did not fluctuate.

Just when he was in a trance, a message came from the Cihe Palace, saying that everything was ready.

And this year's Longevity Festival will invite many royal relatives and relatives, of course, there will be no shortage of ministers, as well as the major wives. The venue for the banquet is in the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

The Queen Mother Guo single-handedly handled this matter. Xiao Ce, the birthday star, did not need to prepare anything, as long as someone was present.

Nianyun talked about the general process of today's Longevity Festival, but found that Lord Longevity seemed a little dazed and absent-minded.

"The Empress Dowager said that there may be some ill-considerations. If the emperor still asks, feel free to mention it. The Empress Dowager attaches great importance to the emperor's birthday." Nianyun said again.

"It's alright, don't worry about the Queen Mother's work, you can go back." Xiao Ce said, and then walked away.

Zhang Jixiang hurriedly followed behind Xiao Ce.

He could see that the emperor's absent-mindedness was because of Miss Qin. He clearly wanted to see Miss Qin, but the emperor was still hesitant.

By the time the birthday banquet officially started, the Hall of Preserving Harmony was overcrowded.

The part of congratulating the birthday is indispensable, not to mention that the concubines and concubines tried their best to show their faces in front of Xiao Ce, and others also wanted Xiao Ce to remember them.

Wu Xirou stayed in Zhongcui Palace these days and did not come out, just because she wanted to appease the last meal, Sifeng.

Today is the Longevity Festival, of course she also has to prepare birthday gifts.

But seeing that so many people gave gifts, she was a little hesitant to join in the fun. After all, the small gift she prepared was a sachet, which she sewed by herself, so she couldn't take it out.

With this hesitation, she didn't have a chance to give it away until the afternoon.

She didn't know if it was her delusion, but she felt that Xiao Ce looked a little lethargic and was always flashing.

Because she is now a virtuous concubine, the one with the highest rank among all the concubines, of course she is also sitting closest to Xiao Ce, so she can naturally see how Xiao Ce is feeling.

Maybe the reason why Xiao Ce was absent-minded was because Qin Zhao was not in it?

All the subjects in the world are celebrating Xiao Ce's birthday, but the person Xiao Ce cares about the most is not among them, which must be the reason for Xiao Ce's gaffe.

Longevity starts in the morning and ends in the evening.

Xiao Ce received a lot of gifts for this life span, but he was not interested in any of them.

Seeing that it was not too early, and another hour would be the hour, Zhang Jixiang mustered up his courage and said to Xiao Ce, "Do you want the emperor to go to Jinyang Palace for a walk?"

Wu Xirou was not far from Xiao Ce. She had not had time to send out the birthday gift she had prepared. When she heard the Jinyang Palace, she slowed down.

Xiao Ce didn't notice Wu Xirou chasing after him, he hesitated for a moment, and finally followed his heart and went to Jinyang Palace.

He wanted to ask Qin Zhao if he remembered what he said last year. She said that the birthday present that was not given last year can be made up in the coming year.

If he didn't meet Qin Zhao, he would never be reconciled.

Inside Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao yawned, she couldn't wait any longer, she was so sleepy.

Seeing that Qin Zhao was yawning frequently, Baozhu stepped forward and said, "If the girl is tired, take a rest early."

Qin Zhao looked at the hourglass, and when he saw the hour, he stopped insisting: "Well, go to sleep."

She originally thought that if Xiao Ce came over, she would give the sachet to Xiao Ce as a remedy for last year's regret.

Since Xiao Ce can't come, then I will give it to him when I see Xiao Ce next time.

She was about to go to bed when she heard familiar footsteps getting closer.

"What's wrong with the girl?" Baozhu asked in confusion when she saw Qin Zhao standing still.

Qin Zhao raised his brows lightly: "Suddenly I am refreshed again."

Baozhu believed it to be true: "Does that girl want to read again?"

"Listen to you." Qin Zhao picked up the book he hadn't read before and pretended to continue reading.

After a while, Xiao Ce stepped inside, and when he saw Qin Zhaojiao was still reading, he fixed his gaze.

Baozhu saluted Xiao Ce for the first time, and when she saw Qin Zhao was still sitting, she coughed hard: "Girl, the emperor is here."

Only then did Qin Zhao pretend to stand up and saluted intentionally.

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