Seeing Xiao Ce's thoughts, Qin Zhao was a little surprised.

She did not expect that Xiao Ce was so worried about Empress Dowager Guo. Perhaps in Xiao Ce's heart, in addition to Xiaoyi, Empress Dowager Guo's actions over the years had made Xiao Ce no longer trust Empress Dowager Guo.

This is also because Queen Mother Guo obliterated Xiao Ce's mother-son affection for Queen Mother Guo little by little, right?

Speaking of which, Xiao Ce and the late emperor still have something in common.

During the previous dynasties, no matter what Taifei Wu did, the previous emperor tolerated it unconditionally. Even if Taifei Wu did so many vicious things, the previous emperor still condoned it blindly.

When we arrived at Xiao Ce, why not?

Even if she knew that the Queen Mother Guo had done so many things that were not on the table, Xiao Ce still put Xiaoyi first.

Xiao Ce's guardians also include her.

From the first day she entered the palace, Xiao Ce was unconditionally tolerant and stood by her side again and again.

So she and Empress Dowager Guo are the one favored by Xiao Ce. The other concubines in the harem are like Concubine Shu of the previous dynasty. Under the premise that there is no way out, they can only try their best to get rid of her.

Before she knew it, she still played the role of Concubine Wu in the previous dynasty.

No wonder so many people compared her to Concubine Wu of the previous dynasty. In fact, she followed the path of Concubine Wu of the previous dynasty.

She used to sneer when she heard other people's words, but now she feels that she does have the taste of the former imperial concubine Wu.

Xiao Ce found that Qin Zhao was distracted and thought she had something on her mind, so he asked, "But the mother embarrassed you? If there is such a thing, you might as well tell me directly."

Qin Zhao returned to his senses and shook his head slightly: "Nothing, the empress dowager just left after delivering the child's clothes. There was no place for embarrassing the concubine, and the concubine was not the one who was wronged."

Xiao Ce felt that her words also made sense.

What he likes most is Qin Zhao's temperament, he is not wronged and seeks perfection, he is optimistic, and always faces difficulties positively and positively.

Sometimes he felt he was inferior to her.

The fact that Mrs. Guo later went to Jinyang Palace was gradually forgotten by Qin Zhao, because Mrs. Guo did not appear for the next few days.

Just when she was about to forget that Empress Guo came to Jinyang Palace, Empress Dowager Guo came to Jinyang Palace again this day.

Like the last time, the Queen Mother Guo specially sent the children's clothes over. Qin Zhao chatted with the Queen Mother Guo a few words, thinking that the Queen Mother Guo would soon leave the Jinyang Palace.

Unexpectedly, the Queen Mother Guo did not leave after sitting down this time, and then uttered a surprising statement: "The Ai family plans to have lunch at Jinyang Palace today."

Qin Zhao didn't answer for a while.

Empress Dowager Guo had lunch at Jinyang Palace, she was afraid of indigestion.

She was sincere, so she said bluntly: "I'm just afraid that the meal in Jinyang Palace will not suit the Empress Dowager's appetite. She thought that it would be better for the Empress Dowager not to have lunch in Jinyang Palace."

Empress Dowager Guo really wants to eat something wrong, so she has to rely on her?

Empress Dowager Guo's temper has improved recently, and she is neither anxious nor angry: "I heard that Baoyu's cooking skills are good, and Aijia wanted to try it."

After Empress Dowager Guo said this, Qin Zhao certainly had no choice but to refuse: "The Empress Dowager wants to try Baoyu's cooking skills, and that is Baoyu's honor."

Follow her to call Xiao Linzi in, "Go to the small kitchen and tell Baoyu that the Empress Dowager will have lunch at Jinyang Palace today, and she needs to cook more light and delicious dishes."

"Yes, noble concubine." Xiao Linzi took the order and left.

He quickly went to the small kitchen to spread the word. After he finished speaking, he hesitated whether to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and invite the emperor to sit in battle.

However, the imperial concubine did not have this order before. After thinking about it, he decided to give it up, and did not dare to make an assertion, so as not to make the imperial concubine unhappy.

When it was time for lunch, Qin Zhao and the Queen Mother Guo sat down face to face.

Because she has had the experience of eating with Queen Mother Guo, this is not difficult for Qin Zhao. Anyway, she will never feel wronged when it comes to eating, even when facing the face of Queen Mother Guo, her appetite Just as good.

She holds the child for meals and feeds the child soup from time to time.

Empress Dowager Guo opened her mouth when she saw this scene: "A Yuan is still too young, it is inappropriate to drink soup so small."

"Xiao Yuan is almost four months old. It's not a big problem to drink some soup at this time. It's also a good thing to let the child taste the ups and downs earlier." What Qin Zhao didn't say was that the child only drank a little soup.

The Queen Mother Guo did not argue with her on this issue: "You can know what you have in mind."

Qin Zhao looked at Nianyun and said, "Nianyun, don't just stick with the pestle, and provide food for the empress dowager."

Nianyun responded quickly and stepped forward to provide food for the Queen Mother Guo.

She also thought that the noble concubine would take the opportunity to curry favor with the queen mother and provide food for the queen mother.

She peeked at Empress Dowager Guo. Although Empress Dowager Guo's expression could not be seen wrong, she could sense that Empress Dowager was not happy.

Originally, the queen mother did not deal with the noble concubine. Today, the queen mother lowered her body and came to Jinyang Palace, and she did not see the noble concubine being more enthusiastic. With the queen mother's temperament, how could she be happy?

It's just that this kind of thing doesn't allow her maid to interrupt, she can only pretend that she doesn't know anything.

When the lunch was over, the Queen Mother Guo said to Qin Zhao: "Aijia knows that you have the habit of taking naps, you just go to rest, and Aijia helps to watch A Yuan."

Qin Zhao heard the words and looked sideways: "How dare you bother the Empress Dowager with a child like this? I'm not afraid of the Empress Dowager's jokes, Xiao Yuan also has the habit of taking naps. The Empress Dowager doesn't need to take care of Xiao Yuan, it's unnecessary."

Empress Dowager Guo looked at the child in Qin Zhao's arms, and said after a moment of pondering: "Forget it, you take A Yuan to take a nap. When you wake up, Aijia will take care of A Yuan."

The implication is that she is staying in Jinyang Palace temporarily and will not leave.

Only at this time did Qin Zhao understand Empress Dowager Guo's intentions. Empress Dowager Guo wanted to develop a relationship with Xiao Yuan, thinking that Xiao Yuan was easy to deceive, and that Xiao Yuan would not recognize her again after getting along more.

In fact, the little atom didn't cry because she recognized her life, but because she didn't like the Queen Mother Guo.

"Xiao Linzi, you have to take good care of the Queen Mother." Qin Zhao said to Xiao Linzi.

Xiao Linzi respectfully replied, "Yes, your concubine!"

After confessing to Xiao Linzi, Qin Zhao went to the dormitory with Xiao Yuan in his arms.

When she looked back and saw Baozhu's frowning face, she couldn't help joking: "Is the empress dowager a ghost? What is your expression?"

Baozhu's face sank: "The Empress Dowager is more troublesome than the ghosts. The servants suspect that the Empress Dowager has thought of what way to deal with the Empress, and the Empress can get some snacks."

"Bengong knows something, don't worry, no matter how powerful the queen mother is, she won't be able to make waves." Qin Zhao deliberately walked in the dormitory for two quarters of an hour, before taking a nap after eating.

When Little Atom saw her sleeping, she slept with her, and the two mothers and sons took the nap in unison.

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