Baohong looked at it, and couldn't help but sigh that His Highness was caring and sensible.

After Qin Zhao had eaten and drank enough, he took the little atom back in his arms and said to himself doubtfully, "Half a month ago, I felt that this child seemed to want to learn to speak. Why is he still the same after half a month?"

"Your Highness is only four months old, how can you speak so quickly?" Baozhu reminded with a smile.

Qin Zhao thought about it too. The little atom is only four months old, so he is not in a hurry to speak, or he will really be able to speak, and he will not be regarded as a monster?

"Son, let's not talk in a hurry, it won't be too late to learn your tongue after you are half a year old." Qin Zhao whispered to the handsome little guy.

Xiao Yuan leaned lazily in Qin Zhao's arms and said "Oh".

Baohong couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene: "Your Highness is talking to the empress."

Qin Zhao also curled the corners of her lips, she kissed the child's pink face, and her heart was full of happiness.

There is no need to let the world know about the child's early wisdom. Some things still need to be kept low-key, otherwise they will be used by ulterior motives to write articles.

Baohong looked greedy from the side: "Niangniang, can this servant give a hug to your little highness?"

Qin Zhao looked at Baohong and met Baohong's eager eyes.

She felt that anything could be deceived, but her eyes couldn't. Baohong knew that she liked Little Atom very much.

Here, Baozhu was about to refuse Qin Zhao's place, but Qin Zhao handed the child into Baohong's hands: "Hold it better, you can't let the child fall."

"This servant knows." Baohong carefully took the soft meat dumplings.

She didn't expect that she would be able to hold such a noble little prince in her life. At this moment, she seemed to be blessed by the little prince.

"Your Highness is so beautiful." Baohong said, her eyes were red.

Seeing this little detail, Qin Zhao asked, "what's the matter?"

Baohong found that she lost her temper, and said in a hurry: "The slave is crying with joy. The slave never dreamed that one day he would be able to hold such a noble person as Your Highness."

Baozhu couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Qin Zhao was also amused by Baohong.

Baohong hugged her for a while, and then reluctantly hugged Xiao Yuan and returned it to Qin Zhao's arms: "Your Highness is really good."

Qin Zhao nodded in approval: "After the birth of this child, Ben Gong is very relieved."

"That's because Your Highness is sympathetic to the goddess." After Baohong hugged the little atom, when she saw the little atom, she felt that the child was smart and lovely.

When Qin Zhao was taking a nap, Baohong also returned to his residence, and couldn't wait to show off to Baoqing: "I hugged the little prince today, the little prince was born so beautiful, and he was very smart. Smart kid."

Baoqing didn't want to talk to Baohong, but seeing that Baohong was exaggerating, he reminded her: "Your Highness is only four months old, how can you tell if she is smart at such a young age?"

Baohong insisted: "Although the little prince is young, I can still see that the little prince is a very intelligent child. You think, the little prince is the child born of dragons and phoenixes among people like the imperial concubine and the emperor, little prince. The blue is out of the blue, and naturally he is very smart."

Baoqing burst into laughter when he saw this: "You like your little highness so much?"

"Of course, the little prince is my master, how could I not like it? Don't you like the little prince?" Baohong asked rhetorically.

Baoqing was silent for a moment before saying, "I really envy you for being able to serve the concubine and the little highness at close range. I don't even have the chance to serve the goddess, so how can I talk about whether I like the little highness?"

"Don't be discouraged. Anyway, listen to what the concubine said, and in a few days, it will be your turn to be in front of the goddess." Baohong said, frowning: "I don't know if I will have a chance to be in front of the goddess in the future. Waiting?"

She comforted Baoqing, but she was in a low mood, really boring.

Baoqing didn't quite believe Baohong's words: "Is that what your mother said?"

"That's what Niangniang said, I shouldn't have listened. Forget it, I'll take a break. When Niangniang wakes up from a nap, I'll go to the main hall to serve you." Baohong lay down and rested after saying that.

Qin Zhao listened to the conversation between Baohong and Baoqing, and thought that Baohong was also a big mouth.

If she wants to do something, she can start with Baohong and test other people's reactions.

Soon seven days passed, and Baohong thought that it would be someone else's turn to be on duty.

She waited for a long time, but she didn't see any other orders from the concubine.

"You are doing well, continue to be on duty in front of this palace." Qin Zhao replied with a smile.

Baohong was surprised and delighted: "Really?"

"Are you stupid? How could Niangniang make fun of such a thing?" Baozhu said angrily.

Baohong immediately burst into laughter: "Sister Baozhu said yes."

After Qin Zhao took a nap that day, Baohong went back to the front room of the East Side Hall to rest again. Who knew that as soon as she entered the room, Baolan, Baoqing, and Baolu were all there.

As soon as she appeared, Baolu greeted her and asked, "Has your mother said who's turn to be on duty in the main hall today?"

Baohong didn't expect everyone to be there, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing that she was silent, Baolu asked anxiously, "You said it!"

Baohong said: "The niangniang said that I performed well, and let me continue to be on duty in the main hall."

She told Baoqing about everyone's rotation, but she didn't expect Baoqing to tell Baolan and Baolu about it.

Baolu was impatient again, and immediately became anxious when he heard this: "Didn't you say that everyone is on duty? Why are you serving alone in front of the empress? Did you speak ill of us in front of the empress, and you took the opportunity to occupy what should have been Our place?"

Baohong felt that the misunderstanding was too big, and hurriedly explained: "It's not like this, it's the niece who said that I was doing well and asked me to continue to be on duty in front of the niece. The niece only told me this."

She didn't know that the empress would change her mind before, so how could she blame her?

Baolu didn't believe Baohong's words: "How could the noble concubine change her mind for no reason? Did you speak ill of us in front of the goddess..."

"Baolu, it's almost all right." It was Baolan who interrupted Baolu's words: "The maiden is our master, whoever the maiden wants to be on duty in the main hall is the maiden's will, how could Baohong be able to control the maiden's thoughts? "

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense for you to blame Baohong. This is the decision of the imperial concubine." It was Baoqing who answered.

Baolan said again: "My lady made such a decision because Baohong did a good job..."

"But if the mother-in-law doesn't give us a chance, how do you know that the three of us can't do well?" Baolu was extremely depressed.

Baolan took Baolu aside: "Don't worry, it's just a matter of time. We've only been on duty in Jinyang Palace for more than three months, do you still want to eat a big fat man?"

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