Baohong frowned slightly, but didn't say any more, and turned back to her room to rest.

I hope she really thinks more, right? But Baoqing's eyes when looking at the emperor are indeed unusual.

Because Qin Zhao's hearing was good, he naturally listened to the conversation between Baoqing and Baohong.

She was distracted, Xiao Ce had come out of the clean room, walked to her and stood still: "Why do you always have so many things on your mind?"

Every time I see her, I see her distracted.

Qin Zhao looked up at the man in front of him and looked at his face carefully.

I have to say that Xiao Ce is really handsome, but he is the only serious man in the harem. Most of the maids in the palace are young girls. It is normal for Xiao Ce to be attracted to such a handsome, capable and just man. But the thing.

"What kind of look are you looking at?" Xiao Ce felt terrified by Qin Zhao's small eyes.

Qin Zhao gave him a fake smile: "The emperor is so handsome that the concubine couldn't look away."

As Xiao Ce looks like this, even if he doesn't go out to attract bees and butterflies, he will attract many wild bees and butterflies to chase. Wasn't she fascinated to death by his face?

"There's no truth." Xiao Ce took Qin Zhao's small hand and went to the clean room: "Go take a bath."

Qin Zhao frowned when she heard the words. She looked around and found that everyone had retreated, and Xiao Yuan was carried away, so on such a dark and windy night, she had to work hard again, right?

Qin Zhao felt that it was still necessary to clarify: "The concubine just told the truth, the emperor is really handsome."

This man is so handsome that he is easily tempted to commit crimes.

"I believe you once." Xiao Ce pushed Qin Zhao to the clean room, "Do you want me to help you?"

Qin Zhao turned to look at Xiao Ce, facing his abstinence face.

She pushed him away without smiling: "I can do it myself, how can I trouble the emperor with such a trivial matter?"

Xiao Ce didn't force it, just dropped a low voice: "I'm waiting for you."

Qin Zhao touched his ears and thought to himself, why didn't he think Xiao Ce's voice was so sexy before?

She deliberately slowed down to take a bath, but Xiao Ce got impatient and broke into the clean room later.

Qin Zhao:  …

Qin Zhao was not less tired that night.

I don't know if Xiao Cekuang took too long, or if she stirred up some factors in his bones that made him so difficult.

She didn't sleep well that night, so she didn't know when Xiao Ce left in the morning.

She vaguely felt that she still had one thing to do, and when she suddenly remembered that she was going to see the Queen Mother Guo in the Cihe Palace, she suddenly woke up.

"Oops, I got up late again today." Qin Zhao said angrily.

It's all Xiao Ce's fault, just like taking medicine, he suddenly became fierce. She hasn't exercised in the past year or so, and her body is not as strong as before.

"If Niangniang really wants to go to Cihe Palace, it's not too late to go now." Baozhu couldn't help laughing when she saw Qin Zhao's annoyed appearance.

It seems that only at this time can the empress have what a young woman should look like.

It seems that the emperor made the concubine become charming and charming.

Qin Zhao looked at the hourglass, and she was not sure whether Xiao Ce would come over tonight. If Xiao Ce came over at night, she would have to get up late tomorrow.

"Forget it, I'll go to the Cihe Palace later. You go to prepare." Qin Zhao quickly made a decision.

Jewel went away.

Baohong stepped forward to serve Qin Zhao to wash, and then carried the little prince over.

Qin Zhao took the child, and the child leaned lazily in her arms, playing with his little fat hand.

As soon as she saw her handsome son, Qin Zhao was overjoyed, she kissed the child on the face, and then went to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Qin Zhao led a group of people to the Cihe Palace.

Going to the vicinity of the Cihe Palace, she deliberately listened carefully, and found that the Cihe Palace was very quiet and there was no sound.

At this moment, the voice of Concubine Rong suddenly came from Yuankang Palace.

To be honest, Concubine Rong's presence is almost zero. Especially during her pregnancy and childbirth, Concubine Rong never appeared, and she almost forgot that there was such a person in the harem.

"Niangniang, it's more than a month before the Chinese New Year." The person who spoke was the grandmother who served Princess Rong all her life.

"Time flies so fast. Calculate the time, it's fast, right?" Concubine Rong's voice was a little low.

"Yeah, it's almost time." Mama Qian's voice was also a little low.

"Emperor Concubine, it's here!" Baozhu's voice suddenly sounded, awakening Qin Zhao's thoughts.

Qin Zhao stepped down, still thinking about what Concubine Rong said just now.

What does Concubine Rong mean by saying it's too soon?

In a trance, she stepped into the Cihe Palace.

The Cihe Palace was very quiet, and Qin Zhao felt a little different from before as soon as he stepped in.

The Queen Mother Guo has become a high-profile and publicity since she became the Queen Mother. Therefore, even the Cihe Palace has become very lively, with people coming and going. But this time, as soon as she came in, she felt unusual...

"Is Cihe Palace so calm?" Baozhu also had the same confusion.

Qin Zhao frowned slightly, and after a while, the maid ran out to greet her.

"Why is the Cihe Palace so quiet?" Qin Zhao slowed down and asked.

The little eunuch didn't dare to hide it, so he told the truth: "It's the Queen Mother's order. The Queen Mother doesn't like making noise. If someone disturbs the Queen Mother to rest, the Queen Mother will be furious, so no one dares to speak loudly."

Qin Zhao raised his brows lightly: "Really?"

Is it because the Empress Dowager Guo doesn't like to make noise because she doesn't see Empress Dowager Guo out for a walk recently?

She walked slowly to the main hall, and Nianyun came out to greet her after a while.

"No ceremony, where is the Empress Dowager?" Qin Zhao asked.

Nianyun replied respectfully: "The empress dowager is resting, please ask the noble concubine to come back next time. The goddess doesn't like someone disturbing her to rest."

Qin Zhao slowed down: "Bengong is here waiting for the Empress Dowager to wake up. When the Empress Dowager wakes up, you can inform Bengong."

She said carrying the little atom and went to the corridor.

Nianyun looked at Qin Zhao's back, but couldn't stop it.

Baozhu was afraid that Qin Zhao would be too tired, so she stepped forward and hugged Xiao Yuan: "I don't know when the queen mother will wake up. Why don't she come to visit the queen mother next time?"

The servants of the Cihe Palace are also short-sighted. When the imperial concubine came, no one came to serve.

"Since it's here, I guess we'll wait." Qin Zhao went to the pavilion and found a place to rest.

Seeing that the wind was too strong, Baozhu stepped forward to help Qin Zhao put on his cloak, for fear that Qin Zhao would get sick from the cold wind.

Qin Zhao sat dry for about half an hour before hearing the voice of the Queen Mother Guo from the main hall, and she knew that it was the Queen Mother Guo who woke up.

Immediately, she took her own people and went to the dormitory of the Queen Mother Guo.

Empress Dowager Guo did wake up, but she was still in a bad mood. Maybe she slept so deeply that she couldn't tell what was in the past and what was in the past.

"What time is it?" Queen Mother Guo asked weakly.

"It's noon." Nianyun stepped forward to wait on the Empress Dowager Guo to change her clothes.

She lowered her head and looked very focused.

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