"What is Niangniang thinking?" Baozhu asked curiously when she saw that her master was distracted again.

It seems that the empress has been in a state of distraction since she went to the Cihe Palace.

Qin Zhao glanced at Baozhu: "Bengong is thinking about something on his mind, don't disturb me."

She also had to eavesdrop on Concubine Rong's master and servant, for fear of missing the point.

Baozhu didn't dare to speak any more, but Qin Zhao continued to perk up his ears to eavesdrop.

"Don't underestimate the imperial concubine. After so many frame-ups, the imperial concubine is still safe and sound. It can be seen that the imperial concubine is not ordinary. At first, the imperial concubine visited the empress dowager, and then came to visit the imperial concubine, but finally moved in. Shoukang Palace, this old slave always thinks this is unusual." Inside Changkang Palace, Mama Qian expressed her concerns.

"Ai's family and her well won't run into the river, so she won't come to trouble Ai's family. Well, don't mention anyone who has nothing to do with Ai's family. Retire." Concubine Rong ended the topic about Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao was still eavesdropping, but he didn't hear Concubine Rong's voice again.

She felt that she could not wait indefinitely this time. Since Concubine Rong was very at ease with her, she had to make Concubine Rong feel a certain sense of anxiety, so that Concubine Rong could bring up that plan she didn't know about with Grandma Qian again.

It's not good to go to Concubine Rong directly, but she can go to Grandma Qian. Grandma Qian's determination is not as good as Concubine Rong, so Grandma Qian is the breakthrough she is looking for.

With a decision, Qin Zhao knew what to do.

After having dinner at Shoukang Palace, Qin Zhao instructed Baozhu to go to Yuankang Palace and invite Momo Qian.

"The slaves are afraid that Mama Qian won't be invited." Baozhu expressed her worries.

Qin Zhao didn't think it was a big problem, so she handed the dragon jade to Baozhu: "If she doesn't come, you can show the emperor's dragon jade."

Of course, if Mama Qian is willing to come to Shoukang Palace, there is no need to do this.

"The servant knows what to do." Baozhu took Longyu and left for Yuankang Palace.

There were few people in Yuankang Palace, and Baozhu entered Yuankang Palace smoothly. When Mama Qian heard the news, Baozhu had already entered.

Baozhu didn't talk nonsense, and explained her intention to Qian Momo: "The noble concubine, the maiden, invites you to visit the Shoukang Palace."

Grandma Qian's brows and heart skipped a beat. The moment she saw Concubine Qin today, she felt restless in her heart, and she always felt that Concubine Qin was unkind.

At this time, Baozhu also came to invite her, which made her even more uneasy.

"The concubine is accustomed to serving me, so I can't leave now." Grandma Qian politely refused.

"If you can't get out of the way again, you still have to follow me, otherwise I can't explain it to the noble concubine." Baozhu said, and specially showed Long Yu who brought it over: "Mummy, please!"

The moment Mama Qian saw Long Yu, her pupils shrank.

She served Taifei Rong for all these years, how could she not know that this is the thing of the King of Daqi?

Qin Guifei seemed to have expected that she would not go to Shoukang Palace readily, so she asked Baozhu to come with this dragon jade.

It can only be said that Qin Guifei is not only difficult to deal with, but also predictable.

This time she could no longer refuse, but she wasn't a vegetarian either, so she said, "I need to talk to the concubine, or I'll be worried if the concubine doesn't see me. I'll come when I go."

Of course, Baozhu didn't stop Mommy Qian either.

Qian Momo quickly went to Concubine Rong and talked about the past of Baozhu, and also mentioned that Baozhu had a dragon jade in her hand.

"The old slave said that the concubine and the concubine were not good people, otherwise they would not have asked the old slave to go to the Shoukang Palace at this time." Grandma Qian couldn't help but be a little worried.

"She is becoming more and more like a noble concubine. In addition, she is spoiled by the emperor, and she is even more rampant in this harem." Rong Taifei's expression was condensed.

"This old slave will go to Shoukang Palace to see what the concubine wants to do, and then report the situation to the goddess." Mother Qian said again.

Concubine Rong didn't stop her: "Go. Aijia will give you three quarters of an hour. If you don't come back during this period, Aijia will find you."

Qin Zhao, who was in Shoukang Palace, heard the three quarters of an hour and immediately took it to heart.

Since Concubine Rong could come to visit in three quarters of an hour, she must leave Mammy Qian in Shoukang Palace for more than three quarters of an hour.

She waited in the Shoukang Palace for a long time, and after a while, Baozhu came to her with the Qian mama.

Qian Momo Yili greeted Qin Zhao, and then asked, "I don't know why the noble concubine is looking for the old slave to come over?"

Qin Zhao was about to answer, but Xiao Yuan suddenly struggled.

"Mommy, wait a moment." Qin Zhao said as he walked around the room with the child in his arms.

But the child still didn't stop. Seeing this, she said to Momo Qian, "Little atom thinks she's hungry. I will feed the baby first, Momo will wait here."

Of course, Mama Qian didn't have the chance to refuse. She watched Qin Zhao walk in with the child in her arms.

She waited for nearly two quarters of an hour, she was so anxious, but she couldn't force it.

Just when her patience was about to run out, Qin Zhao finally came out holding the child.

Momo Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again, "I don't know why the concubine and the concubine asked the old slave to come here?"

"It's like this, Empress Rong didn't ask about the world after the emperor ascended the throne. The emperor was busy with government affairs on weekdays, and he cared very little for Empress Rong. I just wanted to ask Concubine Rong how she is doing recently? Feng? Are you healthy?" Qin Zhao said while counting the time.

If there is no accident, Concubine Rong will come over soon.

It turned out that Qin Zhao's timing was just right, and she soon heard the footsteps of Concubine Rong outside Shoukang Palace.

"Lao Guifei Niangniang remembers, the concubine Niangniang is all right." Grandma Qian replied respectfully.

Qin Zhao heard the words and sighed lightly: "What this palace is most afraid of is your answer. How can the concubine be safe when the first emperor dies? People in the world will only say that the emperor treats Concubine Rong badly. They all say that people's words are scary, and this is not a joke."

Momo Qian didn't know what medicine Qin Zhao was selling in the gourd, but she felt a little terrified of Qin Guifei from the bottom of her heart.

"The imperial concubine's words are serious, the imperial concubine is indeed safe." Qian Momo lowered her head and replied.

Qin Zhao looked at the top of Qian Ma's head, and the conversation turned sharply: "I mean, what special plan does the concubine have after the emperor's death?"

When Mama Qian heard the word "plan", she felt her heart skip a beat.

Her throat was a little dry, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Or maybe she thought too much, and Qin Guifei's words didn't have any special meaning?

"Speaking of which, it's almost time, right?" Qin Zhao seemed to mutter to himself.

Grandma Qian was thinking wildly, but when she heard Qin Zhao's words "it's almost time", she felt a chill down her spine.

She has stayed in the harem for so many years, and no concubine has ever made her feel this creepy, as if Qin Guifei had a pair of see-through eyes and knew everything that happened in Yuankang Palace.

She could feel that Concubine Qin was looking at her. In such a cold winter, sweat was oozing from her forehead.

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