"Your Majesty, please calm down. The most important thing at the moment is to detoxify the empress dowager, and the matter of accountability is postponed." Qin Zhao also spoke at this time.

Xiao Ceqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Luo Qing: "I know that your medical skills are superb, and I must be able to heal the queen mother..."

"If you go back to the emperor, Minnu can only do her best to heal. Fang Cai Minnu also said that the Empress Dowager has been poisoned for a long time, and it has entered her heart. It is too late to find out, and it is difficult to completely remove the poison." Luo Qing refused Xiao Ce This tall hat for myself.

Her medical skills are indeed pretty good, but she doesn't have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

In the past, she could not save the late emperor, and now she may not be able to save the queen mother Guo.

Empress Dowager Guo is already very ill. She has practiced medicine for many years. The results of the initial diagnosis of Empress Dowager Guo are not optimistic. She can only say that she tries her best to treat her. She is not sure whether she can save the Queen Mother Guo.

"Luo Qing is a doctor, and he will do his best to treat patients. The emperor is not too worried." Qin Zhao saw Luo Qing's straightforwardness and smoothed it out.

The Queen Mother Guo frowned when she heard Qin Zhao's words. She remembered that Luo Qing and Qin Zhao were friends, and Qin Zhao and her had never gotten along.

"The emperor should find another doctor for the Ai family." Queen Mother Guo said weakly.

She really doesn't have the strength to intrigue with Qin Zhao right now.

It was because she was too careless that she didn't realize that her disease was caused by human beings.

If she finds out that something is wrong, she can find out her poisoning earlier by bringing a folk genius doctor into the palace to see a doctor for her.

"I trust Luo Qing's medical skills, and the mother's illness is serious, so it shouldn't be delayed any longer." Xiao Ce said and looked at Luo Qing: "Luo Qing, you try your best to heal, I trust you."

"The people's daughter will do her best." Luo Qing saw Xiao Ce say this, and it was not easy to refuse, so he set out to help Empress Dowager Guo heal.

She had no idea in her heart, after all, the Queen Mother Guo had been poisoned for more than a year. For more than a year, the toxins have soaked into the whole body of the Queen Mother Guo. How easy is it to get rid of it?

She thought it was not optimistic at all.

After that, Luo Qing started to get busy, and the others could only fight.

Seeing Xiao Ce's condensed expression, Qin Zhao knew in his heart that he was in a bad mood.

Xiao Ce grew up in such an environment as a harem, and he has seen various methods of pickling, but the first emperor died of poisoning. Now it is the turn of the Queen Mother Guo. As a child, how can Xiao Ce be able to face such a big change calmly?

She took Xiao Ce to the corridor and said softly, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager will get better."

"I have been fuming with my mother for several days. If I hadn't vented my anger with my mother, maybe I would have discovered the poisoning of my mother earlier." Xiao Ce took a while to answer.

"It's not the emperor's fault, the emperor don't blame yourself. With Luo Qing around, the toxins from the Empress Dowager's body will definitely be removed. The concubine once also hurt her body, but didn't she get better later?" Qin Zhao comforted her softly.

She knew that she had done the right thing. No matter how much hatred Queen Guo had with her, she couldn't let Xiao Ce hide it from her.

No matter how vicious the Queen Mother Guo did, she was still Xiao Ce's biological mother and the one who brought Xiao Ce into this world.

Xiao Ce sighed softly: "Luo Qing's medical skills are indeed good, but she is not an immortal, I know..."

He only hates that he found out too late, but regrets are useless, he can't change any results.

He just couldn't understand why even his mother could not escape the poisoning.

Who in this harem can't tolerate her mother, why would she have such a vicious hand on an old man of her mother.

"Let's take a look at the results of Luo Qing's diagnosis and treatment. The emperor can't be too depressed in front of the empress dowager, otherwise it will affect the empress dowager's mood." Qin Zhao said, stuffing the child in Xiao Ce's arms: "I can't hold my concubine. Child, the emperor helps to hug."

The moment Xiao Ce took over the child, he felt a little better.

"In any case, there are still concubines and Xiao Yuan to accompany the emperor. Our family faces difficulties together, and no one can easily back down. The emperor must set an example for our mother and son." Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce tenderly.

Xiao Ce clenched Qin Zhao's hand and said in a low voice, "Fortunately, I have you and the child."

The waiting time was long. When Luo Qing came out of the dormitory, it was already an hour later.

As soon as Luo Qing came out, Xiao Ce quickly walked up to him and asked, "How is the condition of the queen mother?"

Luo Qing couldn't hide the tired look on her face, she said honestly: "The situation is not optimistic, Minnu has done her best. Just as Minnu said, the toxins of the Empress Dowager have spread all over the body. Although Minnu tried her best to remove the toxins, the effect was not very good. ideal."

Although Xiao Ce had prepared for the worst, he was still disappointed when he heard this. He hoped for a miracle to happen, but...

"You haven't had lunch, have you? I think you're tired too. Go eat first." Qin Zhao said and looked at Baozhu: "Take Luo Qing to eat."

"Yes, Niangniang." Baozhu responded and took Luo Qing to dinner.

Seeing Luo Qing walking away, Qin Zhaocai said to Xiao Ce, "Luo Qing will definitely try his best to heal the empress dowager. Don't worry about it, the emperor, there may be a turning point."

Xiao Ceqiang cheered up: "I'm going to see the queen mother."

Qin Zhao stepped forward and hugged the child: "Go to the emperor, the concubine is waiting for the emperor outside."

Xiao Ce nodded and entered the bedroom.

The Queen Mother Guo did not fall asleep. After knowing that she had been poisoned for a year, apart from the shock and anger at the beginning, she suddenly remembered the late emperor.

Since the death of the previous emperor and she became the queen mother, she has rarely thought of the previous emperor, just because that man hurt her all her life.

And today she has followed in the footsteps of the late emperor. Is this just a coincidence?

She was suddenly unsure if this was the previous emperor's revenge against her. It was precisely because the previous emperor died in this way that the previous emperor was not reconciled and wanted to take revenge on her in the same way.

When Xiao Ce came in, he found that the Queen Mother Guo looked very calm.

"Mom, don't worry, Luo Qing's medical skills are superb, and she will definitely be able to heal her." Xiao Ce sat down on the edge of the bed and looked down at the Queen Mother Guo lying on the bed.

In his impression, the Queen Mother Guo is very virtuous in front of outsiders, but his impression of the Queen Mother Guo is very strong.

But the woman in front of him was so old that he almost didn't recognize it.

"Luo Qing said that the situation of Ai's family is only a little better than that of the previous emperor, but not much better." Empress Dowager Guo struggled to get up.

Xiao Ce hurriedly grabbed a pillow and placed it behind Empress Guo.

Empress Dowager Guo shook her head and sighed: "At that time, when Aijia was powerless, I only felt that I was getting old, but I didn't know that it was Master Yan who wanted to seduce the soul of Aijia."

Xiao Ce looked at Empress Dowager Guo's wrinkled face, and suddenly remembered that Empress Dowager Guo was actually very concerned about her appearance.

It's just that there are many times when Concubine Wu is in front, and Empress Guo is more beautiful, and the previous emperor only cared about Concubine Wu.

He knew that his mother was actually a woman who had been fighting for a lifetime but was still a loser, and she was also a poor woman.

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