"Forget it, you think I didn't say anything." Baolu didn't want to talk to Baoqing anymore, this was not speculation.

"If the noble concubine is fair enough, it will never be your turn to be promoted to the second-class palace maid." Bao Qing said again, out of control.

Baolu didn't expect Baoqing to say such hurtful words, and the smile on her face disappeared: "I finally know why you didn't get attention from the empress after you tried it twice in a row. It turns out that the empress sees people very accurately, If you put it next to your mother, how dare you use it?"

After she answered this sentence, she walked away without looking back.

Niangniang was afraid that she would have seen that Baoqing was an extreme person. On the surface, he looked calm, but in fact he was very careful.

Only Bao Qing remained where he was, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Qin Zhao heard the conversation between Baoqing and Baolu, and changed her mind temporarily. She said to Baozhu, "Go and call Baoqing over."

Like Baoqing, she should not stay in Jinyang Palace to avoid more troubles.

And after these two trial periods, she can be sure that Baoqing is not a ghost in Jinyang Palace. Those who really want to do things for the latter, won't be as restless as Bao Qing.

The inner ghost hiding in Jinyang Palace is unlikely to be Baoqing.

Since the inner ghost is not Baoqing, Baoqing does not have to stay in Jinyang Palace to continue to observe, she has made a decision at this moment.

Baoqing quickly came to Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao didn't talk nonsense, and gave an order directly: "Baoqing, you are not suitable to stay in Jinyang Palace on duty. From today, you are no longer Jinyang Palace. people."

As for where Baoqing went after leaving Jinyang Palace, it was Baoqing's own business, not hers.

Baoqing did not expect that Qin Zhao would suddenly give such an order. She was unprepared and her face turned pale: "Is there something wrong with this servant, can't I correct it?"

"Your heart is not in Jinyang Palace. This palace can see that your heart is in the emperor. There are countless women in this harem who are happy with the emperor. If you see the emperor from time to time, you will have a demon in your heart, and in the future you will not be able to meet because of your begging. It's even more painful. This palace asked you to leave Jinyang Palace for your own good." Qin Zhao replied in a low voice, piercing the mystery in one sentence.

Baoqing's face was indifferent, Qin Zhao's words for her were good, which made her the biggest joke.

This woman clearly looked down on her and felt that she had no chance to be favored by the emperor?

"Bengong is indeed for your own good, but if you can listen to it, that's your business, and it has nothing to do with Bengong. Retire." Qin Zhao said again.

In her opinion, Baoqing was the second niansu, delusional towards Xiao Ce, and hatred for her. Wouldn't such a person be blocking himself by staying in Jinyang Palace?

Baoqing said in her heart that it was good for her, but Qin Zhao clearly wanted to drive her to a dead end.

She was kicked out of Jinyang Palace by Qin Zhao, where else would dare to use her?

No matter if Bao Qingle was happy or not, Jinyang Palace no longer had a place for her. When she left Jinyang Palace, no one came to see her.

Obviously, when they first entered Jinyang Palace, everyone said they wanted to grow up together.

She left Jinyang Palace passively without staying for a few months, but everyone drew a clear line with her.

Baolu also heard about Baoqing's departure from Jinyang Palace. While she was surprised, she felt that it was reasonable.

She was also heavy in her heart and deliberately asked Bao Lan to talk.

"You only need to remember one thing, Baoqing will leave Jinyang Palace. The problem lies with Baoqing himself, not the concubine. The concubine is fair and everyone has given opportunities. The root cause of the performance is Baoqing's own problems, you don't have to worry about it." Baolan said slowly.

Baolu usually gets close to Baolan, plus Baolan has a good temperament, works thoughtfully, and speaks appropriately. She trusts Baolan most.

Listening to Bao Lan's answer at this moment, she felt that it was very reasonable: "I just feel a little pity, at first I thought that Bao Qing was the fastest among the four of us, but who knows what happened in the end."

Baolan smiled: "Since Baoqing has left Jinyang Palace, there is no need to mention it in the future, lest the imperial concubine be unhappy when she hears it. It is a good thing that you are promoted to the second-class palace maid, don't be disturbed by other irrelevant people... …”

In the main hall, Baozhu saw that Qin Zhao was distracted, thinking that she was still worrying about Princess Yongning, so he said, "If there is something you can't figure out, just put it aside for the time being."

Qin Zhao didn't understand what Baozhu was talking about for a while.

She heard the conversation between Baolan and Baolu just now, and suddenly remembered that Baolan was not included in the probation period.

When the Queen Mother Guo's matter is over, she not only needs to let Bao Lan come to participate in the trial period, but also the four new servants including Xiao Lizi will also be included in the trial period, and carefully observe whether the remaining few have any problems.

The top priority is the matter of the Queen Mother Guo is more important.

She didn't even know whether to tell Xiao Ce that it was Concubine Rong's poisonous hand against Empress Dowager Guo. It is not known in what way Concubine Rong's poisonous hand against Empress Dowager Guo was made.

"Bengong knew that Concubine Rong had attacked the Empress Dowager, but I don't know how to tell the emperor about it." Qin Zhao expressed his troubles.

"What's wrong with this?" Baozhu said he couldn't understand.

"If the emperor asked me how I knew it was Taifei Rong, how would I answer?" Qin Zhao asked back.

"Could it be okay for the lady to tell the truth? The slaves are also curious about how the lady knew that it was Taifei Rong who had poisoned the queen mother." Baozhu's eyes lit up, and she took the opportunity to ask.

Qin Zhao glanced at Baozhu angrily: "It's boring to talk to you."

Could it be that she wanted to tell Baozhu that it was because of her good hearing that she overheard the conversation between Concubine Rong's master and servant before she realized something was wrong?

She can't tell Baozhu such an answer, nor can she tell Xiao Ce such an answer, so the best way is to not interfere in this matter and let Xiao Ce investigate it himself.

With a decision, Qin Zhao no longer struggled, and decided to wait and see what happened.

Qin Zhao didn't sleep well that night, and got up early in the morning. She heard that Xiao Ce didn't go to the morning court and stayed in the Cihe Palace.

"Do you want to go to the Cihe Palace?" Baozhu asked Qin Zhao's uneasy look.

Qin Zhao shook his head: "The Emperor is busy taking care of the Empress Dowager. Going to this palace will only distract the Emperor. It's better to wait here for news."

With Luo Qing as a genius doctor, others would be of no use.

Seeing this, Baozhu stopped making comments.

This afternoon, Xiao Linzi went to inquire about the news and came back, saying that Empress Dowager Guo was in better spirits. Although Luo Qing could not completely remove the toxins in the body of the Queen Mother Guo, but he controlled it.

Luo Qing also said that as long as the toxins are controlled and no longer spread to the heart, the Queen Mother Guo can live a few more years, but she will still suffer some crimes during this period.

"What does Luo Qing mean?" Qin Zhao expressed his confusion.

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