Soon after, news came from Yuankang Palace that Concubine Rong had passed away.

When they heard the news, everyone in the harem was surprised.

Everyone doesn't have a deep impression of Concubine Rong. They only know that Concubine Rong is a low-key person. She stays at home on weekdays, but when you don't want to hear news of Concubine Rong suddenly, there is no Concubine Rong in this harem.

At first, everyone thought that Concubine Rong was killed by someone, but later the investigation results came out, saying Concubine Rong was suicidal.

Others in the harem thought it was incredible, but Qin Zhao felt that Concubine Rong was justified.

Concubine Rong is to protect King Lu and Princess Yongning. Before Concubine Rong was dying, she wanted to frame her, so she brought Xiao Ce here. I have to say that Concubine Rong was indeed high.

Fortunately, she had a good hearing and responded quickly, and erased the evidence on the pillar in the shortest time, otherwise the whole harem would have rumored that she was the one who killed Concubine Rong.

It's just that Xiao Ce is not good at fooling around. How can she explain this to Xiao Ce? Also, does she want to tell the truth?

Qin Zhao was still calculating, and it was rumored from the harem that she had entered the Yuankang Palace one step ahead of Xiao Ce, and some people poured dirty water on her, claiming that she had killed Concubine Rong.

After hearing this rumor, Qin Zhao quickly found out the bodyguards, palace maids and chamberlains who had seen her in the morning. These people were all her time witnesses.

She just entered Yuankang Palace one step ahead of Xiao Ce, and it was impossible to kill Concubine Rong's master and servant in such a short time.

Because there are strong time witnesses, this rumor will naturally be self-defeating.

When Xiao Ce came over in the evening, Qin Zhao felt that Xiao Ce was not so easy to fool. After all, there were so many capable people around Xiao Ce, and he could definitely see that the pillar was knocked down by an external force.

But she also made a decision, and she should tell Xiao Ce the truth.

She can lie to anyone, the only one who doesn't want to lie is Xiao Ce.

After Xiao Ce was seated, Qin Zhao personally brought a glass of boiled water to him: "I want to be honest with the emperor."

Xiao Ce looked at the boiled water with doubts in his eyes.

Qin Zhao explained his doubts: "Drinking tea at night will make you excited. It's better to drink plain water. The emperor has been busy all day during the day, and he has to rest well at night."

Xiao Ce took her hand and pulled her to sit down: "What do you want to be honest about?"

"The emperor should already know, right? The pillar meeting was caused by human beings. The concubine went to Yuankang Palace this morning because she had seen the concubine Rong. The concubine Rong asked the concubine to see her this morning. When the concubine arrived at Yuankang Palace, the concubine Rong had already died, but the name of the concubine was engraved in blood on the pillar. The concubine did not know why the concubine Rong engraved the name of the concubine in blood, but After all, it's not a good thing. The concubine made a decisive decision and let Baozhu knock down the pillar and erased the name of the concubine. Even if the concubine didn't care about her reputation, she had to consider the little atom and the emperor. The concubine didn't want to drag your father and son down. "Qin Zhao finished the sentence in one breath.

Xiao Ce praised Qin Zhao after listening: "You girl's emergency response ability is not bad, you know how to protect yourself."

Qin Zhao was a little stunned: "Don't the emperor think it's bad for me to do this?"

"What's wrong? Concubine Rong wanted to frame you before she died. If you didn't know how to protect yourself, you would be stupid. But I know that Zhaozhao is a woman who knows priorities." Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao tenderly. .

He thought that it would be good for Concubine Rong to die, but before Concubine Rong came, she wanted to harm Qin Zhao, which was unbearable.

Qin Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "The concubine was worried that the emperor would not be happy when he knew the truth, and he hesitated for a whole day."

So she was worried for nothing.

Xiao Ce smiled: "As long as you know that your happiness and health are the things that I am most satisfied with. If someone harms you again in the future, you must protect yourself as soon as possible. This is the most important thing, and the others are second."

"Okay!" Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce up and down: "The emperor's mood today seems to be a lot better for you."

Maybe it was because Concubine Rong entered the tomb with the unknown secrets of the previous dynasty, and Xiao Ce breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought that even if Concubine Rong did not choose to end herself, people like Xiao Ce would definitely not be able to tolerate Concubine Rong continuing to breathe in this harem.

Only when Concubine Rong died, those secrets of the harem who could not see the light could be buried in the dust, and no one would remember it.

"When you went to see Concubine Rong, what did Concubine Rong say?" Xiao Ce led to another topic.

Qin Zhao thought that Xiao Ce, the emperor, was still very suspicious, and he couldn't tell the truth, otherwise Xiao Ce would always keep in mind that she knew the secrets of the previous dynasty.

"Empress Rong Taifei said some specious things, but she didn't say it completely. After arousing the curiosity of the concubine, she didn't say it again. Then she asked the concubine to go to Yuankang Palace again this morning. I have to say, Concubine Rong is a scheming person. I just don't know when the concubine offended the concubine Rong, but she can't tolerate the concubine, so she will use this method to harm the concubine." Qin Zhao sighed softly: "The concubine is here. Now I don't understand how the concubine Rong was poisonous to the queen mother. I thought I could know the truth of the matter from the mouth of the concubine Rong. Now it's alright, the concubine Rong has passed away. The secrets of knowledge have also been brought into the dust."

The only doubt left in Xiao Ce's heart disappeared.

After all, those things in the previous dynasty were disgraceful, and the fewer people knew about it, the better.

He also murdered Concubine Rong, but before she had time to do it, Concubine Rong had chosen to commit suicide, which saved the trouble.

The next day, not long after Xiao Cecai went to court, a guest came to Jinyang Palace, it was Princess Yongning.

When Princess Yongning appeared, Qin Zhao still hadn't woken up.

After a full hour, Qin Zhao went to the main hall to receive guests.

"Are you going to accompany this palace for a walk?" Princess Yongning gave an order.

Qin Zhao just happened to have a bad temper, she sat steadily and showed no sign of getting up.

Princess Yongning's face sank when she saw this, and after a while she said, "This palace has something to tell your concubine, and your concubine may wish to go out with this palace."

Qin Zhao still sat in his original position and did not move.

Princess Yongning's face sank, but she had no choice but to say, "What on earth does the imperial concubine want to go out with this palace?"

"The eldest princess has something to say, but this palace has to listen. If the eldest princess can add the word 'please' in front of it, it will be more polite." Qin Zhao smiled lightly and curled his lips.

Princess Yongning held a sigh of relief in her heart. She couldn't go up or down, but she couldn't do anything: "Please go out with this palace, your concubine."

Qin Zhao couldn't help feeling ridiculous when she heard her unwillingness.

If you don't want to see her, why appear in Jinyang Palace? Since he wanted to talk to her, he had such an arrogant attitude.

Princess Yongning is more and more displeased by this person.

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