"It's not too late to talk about the relatives after the three-year filial piety of the father. I don't want to discuss this topic any more. This is the end." Princess Yongning did not hide her dislike of this topic at all.

Princess Yongchun didn't want to stop here, she persuaded: "Yongning, if you are still young..."

"It's here again. Do you think I'm blocking your way to propose marriage, so you want me to get married quickly?" Princess Yongning interrupted Princess Yongchun's words.

As soon as she said this, the atmosphere that had just gotten better became stagnant in an instant.

"How do you see me like this?" Princess Yongchun took a while to spit out a sentence.

"It's my fault, I talk nonsense when I get excited. Well, I'll go back, but I still say that, you are the person I value most in the palace, and you will always be my good sister." Princess Yongning cast After this sentence, I left Yongchunzhai in a hurry.

Princess Yongchun watched Princess Yongning go away, but she did not step forward to stop her.

Speaking of which, there is still a conflict between her and Yongning, otherwise the atmosphere will not be stiff if they disagree.

Xiangyuan heard her master's sigh, and she stepped forward and said, "If your Highness is not happy with His Royal Highness, Princess Yongning, then you should stop contacting, and when the knot of your heart is resolved, you can contact more often. The servant thinks that the concubine has a saying. Well said, strong melons are not sweet."

But Princess Yongchun heard the deep meaning of Xiangyuan's words: "Do you also have a prejudice against Yongning?"

Xiangyuan shook her head hurriedly: "The slaves don't dare! The slaves just focus on His Highness, and don't dare to have any prejudice against the other masters of the harem. The slaves just feel that if they are tired of getting along with His Royal Highness Princess Yongning, why would your Highness embarrass yourself?"

Wouldn't all problems be solved if we could distance ourselves a bit?

Princess Yongchun couldn't find the fault of her words, she pondered for a moment before saying: "I won't go to Yongning recently, calm down."

She used to look for Yongning, but Yongning never took the initiative to look for her.

Has it been like this for two years? She didn't think there was anything before, but now she feels as if the maintenance of the sisterhood between her and Yongning was what she asked for.

After that, Xiangyuan deliberately took snacks to divert the attention of her master. Her Royal Highness, who was still worried about Princess Yongning, immediately felt happy after eating the snacks.

Xiangyuan couldn't help but sigh that her master was too coaxing.

When necessary, they still have to go to Jinyang Palace from time to time, so that they can get the desserts made by Baoyu, which are better than any gold and silver jewelry.

In Jinyang Palace, Baozhu saw that Qin Zhao was holding the child and did not speak, and thought that Qin Zhao was still worrying about Princess Yongchun: "My lord, don't worry, Her Royal Highness Princess Yongchun is an adult, if Her Royal Highness Princess Yongchun can't find Princess Yongning in time The true face of His Highness, that is also the problem of His Highness Princess Yongchun, and has nothing to do with the empress."

No matter what the empress said, she was only an outsider, and she had no way of interfering with the two eldest princesses.

"That's what I said, but if Princess Yongchun is used by Princess Yongning, it is also because of the relationship of this palace." Qin Zhao shook his hand with the child: "So the world of adults is trouble, there are so many small atoms. Good? I eat, sleep, sleep and eat every day, and there is no trouble at all."

Xiao Yuan suddenly sat up when she heard what she said, and said something to her, but she didn't understand.

"Do you understand what the child said?" Qin Zhao asked Baozhu, who was staring at him.

Baozhu was also listening attentively just now, and she was amazed: "Your Highness should be trying to learn tongues, right?"

Qin Zhao agreed with Baozhu's conjecture: "But this kid doesn't understand what the palace says."

Maybe the child is eager to speak, but the physical function is not yet the time to speak.

At this time, the little atom yelled at her for a long time, but she still couldn't understand it.

Xiao Yuan also seemed to realize that he was wasting his time in vain, so he leaned back into Qin Zhao's arms and looked resigned.

"Little Highness is very interesting." Baohong watched in amazement from the side.

Like a little adult.

She has seen very few children since she was a child, but she can be sure that a child as intelligent as His Highness is unique in the world.

"You repeat the same words every day, don't you feel tired?" Qin Zhao smiled.

Baohong's expression was slightly embarrassed: "The slave servant is stupid and the mouth is stupid, but the sentence the slave servant said came from the heart."

Qin Zhao smiled and said, "Ben Gong thinks you are also very interesting."

It's a bit similar to Baoyu's temperament. Although she is a mouthless person and sometimes speaks without thinking, it is easy to offend people, but she still has an appetite.

She is not afraid of anything now, most afraid of dealing with hypocritical and insidious people. A simple person like Baohong has no pressure when they get along.

Baohong's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"How can this be fake? If I don't like someone, I will say it directly. If I like it, I will also say it." Qin Zhao said sternly.

Baohong had seen Qin Zhao in front of Princess Yongning before, and said that Princess Yongning was hypocritical. Now that Qin Zhao said this, what else could she not believe?

"The slaves will continue to work hard to make the empress like them more and more." Baohong replied hurriedly.

Qin Zhao's smile deepened, and he was very satisfied with Baohong's answer. At least Baohong knew that she had room for improvement, and she was not complacent. This meant that she had a certain understanding of herself.

As for Concubine Rong's coffin, after staying in the palace for three days, it was quietly carried into Dongling and buried in haste.

Qin Zhao also heard that this is what Queen Mother Guo meant.

Originally, the identity and status of Concubine Rong should be buried in a glorious way, but with the order of the Queen Mother Guo, Concubine Rong's life ended in a scrawled way.

Qin Zhao didn't feel anything after hearing it.

When Concubine Rong attacked Empress Dowager Guo, she should have understood that as long as Empress Dowager Guo was still alive, even after her death, Empress Dowager Guo could not easily let her go.

On the contrary, everyone in the harem had different opinions, and they all wondered why Xiao Ce would treat Bo Xianhuang's concubine.

Of course, everyone only dares to talk behind their backs, and dare not speak out.

In addition, the death of Concubine Rong was a mystery. Although many people speculated that it was related to Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao had time to witness and cleared the suspicion, which made everyone even more confused about the secret of Concubine Rong's death. , why would Xiao Ce stay with Concubine Bo Rong after Concubine Rong died?

Later, everyone heard that it was Empress Dowager Guo, and everyone wondered whether the death of Concubine Rong had something to do with Empress Dowager Guo.

Not to mention that everyone in the harem is discussing this matter, even in Changkang Palace, there are palace servants discussing this matter.

Concubine Wu didn't feel anything at first. Later, she heard that Empress Dowager Guo targeted Concubine Rong, so she let Concubine Rong's funeral be held hastily, and she felt that it was unusual.

Xiao Ce is also a reasonable emperor. After the Queen Mother Guo was strong, there were times when Xiao Ce showed weakness.

But this time Toffee Rong's funeral did not meet the regulations that Toffee should have, which is intriguing.

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