Xu Cairen frowned and said nothing.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao added fuel to the fire: "Bengong is also for the good of Sister Xu. If you keep people like Xiao Qingzi around, Sister Xu will face backlash sooner or later. My sister listened to Bengong's advice and some people can't stay."

After thinking for a long time, Xu Caicai slowly shook his head: "Even though my sister is for my own good, I still can't bear it. Xiao Qingzi has been serving me for a long time, and I really want to change other people, and I'm not used to it. Xiaoqing and Jinxin are both People I trust, I can't abandon any of them."

Xiao Qingzi breathed a sigh of relief, at that moment he thought he was going to be abandoned.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zhao smiled: "Baozhu, since Xiao Qingzi pushed you, and Sister Xu is reluctant to punish Xiao Qingzi, then you can do it yourself, and you can take revenge whatever you want."

Baozhu came out in response, she went to Xiao Qingzi, opened her bow from left to right, and attacked with ruthlessness, precision, and speed. Two huge palm prints appeared on Xiao Qingzi's face immediately.

After the slap was finished, Baozhu returned to Qin Zhao and stood still: "Slave maid, thank you for your success."

Qin Zhao smiled: "Just feel at ease, go back to Jinyang Palace."

Seeing this, Xu Cairen stepped forward and said, "I have nowhere to go, so please forgive me."

"You're a good master, and it's not your fault." Qin Zhao stopped wasting time, got up and said goodbye: "My sister's face is fine, and this palace will be at ease."

"Sister Lao went this trip, sister has worked hard." Xu Cairen stepped forward to send them off.

"Just go out and walk around, it's not hard work. My sister's face is just right, let's go back and rest, Ben Gong is back." Qin Zhao said, and left Xu Cairen's room.

After that, she went to Wu Baolin's house to sit for a while before leaving Yonghua Palace.

After returning to Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao rejected the others, leaving only Baozhu to wait in front of him: "Do you have something to say to this palace?"

Baozhu was silent on the way back to Jinyang Palace, as if thinking about something.

She knew that Baozhu was upset when she confronted Xiao Qingzi. After that, Baozhu held on to Xiao Qingzi, which was not like Baozhu's usual temperament. This abnormality made her feel that Xiao Qingzi really annoyed Baozhu.

Of course, there is another possibility that Baozhu is deliberately embarrassing Xiao Qingzi, which is to test Xu Cairen's master and servant.

Baozhu leaned closer to Qin Zhao, and whispered in her ear: "The servant suspects that Xiao Qingzi is very skilled and has a very deep inner strength. Previously, Xiao Qingzi seemed to push it inadvertently, and the servant took two steps back uncontrollably."

Qin Zhao was stunned after hearing this: "Profound inner strength?!"

If the inner strength is deep, does it also mean that Xiao Qingzi can hear movements from far away?

Therefore, she often followed Xu Cairen's master and servant, but couldn't eavesdrop on any useful information.

"Exactly! The slave is thinking, if it is an ordinary servant, how can it be so deep? If Xiao Qingzi has a strong inner strength, I am afraid that his hearing is not bad." Baozhu lowered her voice again.

Qin Zhao knew that Baozhu's thoughts coincided with hers.

But she thought that no matter how good Xiao Qingzi's hearing was, she couldn't compare to her. If Xiao Qingzi came to the vicinity of Jinyang Palace, she would have noticed immediately that there was no need for Baozhu to speak in such a low voice.

"If that's the case, then it's normal for Xu Cairen to value Xiaoqingzi. If Jinyang Palace has a talent like Xiaoqingzi, this palace will make offerings like a Buddha." Qin Zhao was relieved.

So it's not difficult to understand that she couldn't overhear any useful information from Xu Cairen.

"Then the slave is not a talent?" Baozhu said angrily.

Qin Zhao laughed dumbly: "You are still jealous? Ben Gong's truth is that even if Xiao Qingzi is powerful, Ben Gong will not use him, just because he is too impulsive and prone to bad things. Ben Gong let Xu Cairen Sending Xiao Qingzi away is more than just talking."

Baozhu smiled: "This is the true temperament of the empress."

Can't Xiao Linzi do it too? Just because she violated the empress's taboo, she mercilessly sent Xiao Linzi back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

If it wasn't for Xiao Linzi who seized the opportunity later, Xiao Linzi would not be able to return to Jinyang Palace to serve again.

"There are talents like Xiao Qingzi around Xu Cairen, how can he be ordinary? This palace thinks that Li Yunu has a vicious look at people." Qin Zhao praised him generously.

Because Li Yunu was helping her to observe the movements of everyone in Yonghua Palace, she easily targeted Xu Cairen.

At present, the results of the test are not bad, which proves that Xu Cairen is very suspicious.

I don't know if there are any comrades of Xu Cairen in Yonghua Palace. People like Sun Yunv have a plan, but Li Yunv's opinion of Sun Yunv is still ordinary, so Sun Yunv is not suspicious.

"As long as you keep an eye on Xu Cairen in the future, you may be able to catch the big fish behind Xu Cairen." Qin Zhao thought that there was a person named Xiao Qingzi next to Xu Cairen, and his head was a little big.

The most troublesome thing is that Xu Cairen knew that she had followed Xu Cairen to Yonghua Palace, but she did not enter when she went to the door of Yonghua Palace. Will this make Xu Cairen suspect that she has? Deep inner strength, can overhear other people's conversations from far away?

If this is the case, she will be close to Yonghua Palace, and Xu Cairen will know her whereabouts, which will cause many inconveniences.

"Maybe we can think of a way to get rid of Xiao Qingzi!" After hearing Qin Zhao's concerns, Baozhu felt that silence was the best way.

"It's not at the point where you have to beat the grass and startle the snake." Qin Zhao denied Baozhu's approach.

Except for Xiao Qingzi, doesn't that mean to tell Xu Cairen that someone is following her?

"But with Xiao Qingzi here, there are many obstacles for the niece to act, and the slaves are afraid that Xiao Qingzi will ruin the great event of the niece." Baozhu said.

"What's going on in this palace? It's just to find out the black hand behind the scenes." Qin Zhao said after a pause, and suddenly said, "Have you noticed that Concubine Xian has been quiet recently as if there is no such person in this harem?"

Even if it was revealed that the Queen Mother Guo was poisoned, Wu Xirou did not show her face. What does this mean?

"Yes, Niangniang doesn't mention the concubine Xianfei, and the slaves don't even remember the person in the harem and the concubine Xianfei." Baozhu was ashamed.

She really doesn't remember the existence of Concubine Xian. There are things happening in the harem every day, but Concubine Xian seems to have disappeared.

"Isn't it good? The trouble won't find Concubine Xian. Concubine Xian just needs to watch the harem surging, but she can stay out of the way and act as a spectator. Maybe in the end, the final winner is Concubine Xian..." Qin Zhao said at the end , the voice fades away.

Baozhu heard it earnestly, frowning: "Niangniang, don't think about it. This harem really wants to find a winner, it must be Niangniang, and it can't be anyone other than Niangniang!"

It's not that she protects her shortcomings, it's an iron-like fact, just because the emperor values ​​the empress, and the empress loves the emperor like that, plus the existence of the little highness, no one can shake the empress' status, including the concubine Xian.

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