"Isn't it just right that she is taboo in this palace? This palace has the favor of the emperor, as well as the little atom, as well as the means, and it is so beautiful that she can sit alone in Jinyang Palace. Who doesn't taboo this palace?"

Qin Zhao's truth made Baozhu speechless for a while.

Yes, Niangniang has everything that other concubines in the harem want to have, except for the virtuous concubine, there are others who hate Niangniang.

"Concubine Xian doesn't look as clear as she looks on the surface. If you really don't have ambition and desire, how can there be taboo people and things? As the saying goes, if you ask for something, you will have desire. , as long as she can't let go of her feelings for the emperor, she can't really be without desires." Qin Zhao muttered to himself, looking at the dark sky ahead, and tightening his cloak: "This harem is still not peaceful."

"Is Niangniang worried that Concubine Xian Niangniang will move?" Baozhu asked, listening carefully.

Qin Zhao smiled: "How can this palace know what Concubine Xian is thinking?"

She was talking about Concubine Wu.

The result of today's test proves that Concubine Wu really wants to deal with the Empress Dowager Guo. It is 80% that Princess Yongning sent the news to Concubine Wu. Concubine Wu should have known that Empress Dowager Guo was the main culprit for her inability to conceive.

She didn't want to interfere in the grievances between Concubine Wu and Empress Dowager Guo, but Princess Yongning was uneasy and often provoked. If Empress Dowager Guo had something to do, Xiao Ce would not feel well.

As Xiao Ce's woman, should she stand by and watch, or should she remind Xiao Ce to beware of Concubine Wu's attack on Empress Dowager Guo?

Speaking of which Empress Dowager Guo has done so many bad things, and there are so many creditors, it is not wrong for these people to collect debts from Empress Dowager Guo.

She reminded Xiao Ce last time that it was the utmost righteousness for Empress Dowager Guo to take her life back, but it was impossible for Empress Dowager Guo to intervene in every crisis of Empress Dowager Guo.

Thinking of this, she will no longer be entangled, she will not be involved in this matter, and whether Empress Dowager Guo is dead or alive in the future has nothing to do with her.

Qin Zhao was calm, but Concubine Wu in Changkang Palace was restless.

She didn't know whether to continue to deal with the Queen Mother Guo. If Qin Zhao came to inquire about the situation today, he must have received a rumor. If Qin Zhao told Empress Dowager Guo a secret, wouldn't she be caught by Empress Dowager Guo as soon as she made a move?

In the Changkang Palace, Concubine Wu struggled to decide whether to take action.

Princess Yongning, who was in Yongningzhai, was also shocked when she heard that Qin Zhao had gone to Changkang Palace.

"Are you sure Qin Zhao went to Changkang Palace?!" she asked again.

Ju Yun replied in a low voice: "Exactly, the noble concubine is the Changkang Palace that the concubine Xian went to together."

"Did Qin Zhao know about my plan?" Princess Yongning now has a headache when she mentions Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao doesn't want to eat hard and soft, and has the emperor's brother's favor. Now she is still a noble concubine. If there is a person in this world who really gives her a headache, Qin Zhao is none other than Qin Zhao.

"The slaves have the same suspicion. Would your Highness go to the Zhongcui Palace to walk around?" Ju Yun suggested.

Princess Yongning immediately understood: "I really haven't seen Concubine Xian for a long time. It's okay to go and see Concubine Xian."

She is an activist, and then she left Yongningzhai and went to Zhongcui Palace.

Wu Xirou didn't expect that Zhong Cui Palace would welcome the eldest princess Yongning, and at the same time she couldn't help looking at the eldest princess secretly.

The appearance of Princess Yongning can't be called outstanding, and even some ordinary, but her temperament is better than that of Princess Yongchun. From the tone of Princess Yongchun's words, you can know that she is a smart person.

"Why does the eldest princess come to Zhong Cui Palace to walk around today?" Wu Xirou asked bluntly without talking nonsense.

Princess Yongning took a sip of tea with a smile, moistened her throat, and said, "I happened to pass this neighborhood, thinking that I have never walked in Zhongcui Palace before, so I walked in. Concubine Xian is the head of the first palace here, I first Of course, the one who wants to visit is Concubine Xian.”

Wu Xirou couldn't find the fault of what Princess Yongning said, but she absolutely did not believe the reason for Princess Yongning's nonsense.

Qin Zhao must have other purposes in coming to Zhongcui Palace, she can just wait and see.

At the moment, she calmly waited for Princess Yongning to reveal the mystery by herself.

Sure enough, after chatting for a while, Princess Yongning asked if she went out for a walk today.

A seemingly inadvertent question made Wu Xirou vigilant, but she was able to hide, but she didn't show it on her face: "Sister Qin and I went to Changkang Palace to say goodbye to the concubine."

Concubine Rong had passed away, and there was only one Concubine Wu left in the entire harem. The concubine she was talking about was, of course, Concubine Wu.

Princess Yongning seemed to be aroused by interest, and asked: "This is interesting. The imperial concubine has been at odds with the concubine Wu Taifei for a long time. Why did she suddenly go to Changkang Palace with the concubine Xian to greet the empress of the imperial concubine?"

Wu Xirou's eyes flickered slightly, she wondered if this was just a coincidence?

Or is it that the fact that she and Qin Zhao went to Changkang Palace had long been known in the harem, and Princess Yongning came to inquire about this matter?

The question is why did Princess Yongning ask about this?

"The eldest princess seems to be very interested in the imperial concubine?" Wu Xirou asked with a slight smile, her eyes never taking her eyes off the face of the eldest princess Yongning.

There was nothing wrong with Princess Yongning's expression, "It's not that I am interested in Empress Dowager, I'm just curious what Concubine Concubine Xian and Empress Dowager say to Empress Dowager. From what I know about Concubine Concubine, what does Concubine Concubine do? They have other meanings, so I am curious."

Wu Xirou lowered her head and took a sip of tea, wiping away the strange color in her eyes.

Qin Zhao's actions seem to be out of order, but as Princess Yongning said, there are many times with a certain purpose. Could it be that Qin Zhao suddenly went to see the concubine and aunt for some reason she didn't know?

"I am very curious, but Concubine Xian said it." Princess Yongning urged.

Wu Xirou raised her head to look at the eldest princess Yongning, and smiled lightly, "I didn't say anything special, but I mentioned a few words about the queen mother..."

Princess Yongning was secretly shocked, but her face did not change: "Why did you mention the empress dowager for no reason?"

Although Princess Yongning concealed it well, Wu Xirou still saw the change in Princess Yongning's mood.

"I'm going to ask Sister Qin." Wu Xirou replied in a low voice.

If she was still confused before, now she is sure that Princess Yongning is here for Qin Zhao.

The problem is that Qin Zhao went to Changkang Palace, why did Princess Yongning come to her words so quickly? Is there a secret that she doesn't know about?

She thought about it for a while, and her face remained calm.

"What does Concubine Xian think the concubine means?" Princess Yongning asked Wu Xirou involuntarily when she saw that Wu Xirou only spoke half of her words.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what Sister Qin's intention is. Maybe it's just a simple visit to Changkang Palace, which doesn't have any special meaning." Wu Xirou said this, and added, "Perhaps the eldest princess can ask Sister Qin to ask. ask?"

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