Soon, the furnace temperature finally dropped. Xia Qianqian opened the kiln, took out all the tiles, and stepped on it with her feet.

"How's it going?" Qin Shi asked nervously. He didn't hear a voice for a long time. Did he succeed?


The little hope that had just risen in Qin's heart was dashed again.

Xia Qianqian said excitedly, "Mother, we are one step closer to success!"


"The hardness of this tile is obviously higher than that of the last one. I will definitely succeed if I burn it again!"

"It's so late, let's do it again tomorrow!"

"Mom, I'm fine."

"Qianqian, don't let mother worry, let's go home, Yunyun is still sleeping alone at home." Qin's voice was soft and soft, with endless worry.

Xia Qianqian felt distressed and couldn't bear to worry Qin Shi: "Okay, let's go home."


The next day, Mrs. Song brought Xia Yu to the door as usual. In order to make it less obvious, she stood at the door and laughed a few words: "I heard that you failed to burn tiles yesterday?"

"Well." Qin Shi was very happy to see Xia Yu and waved to him.

Xia Yu glanced at Song, and when Song nodded, he ran into Qin's arms and put the piece of bacon hidden last night into Qin's mouth: "Mother, do you taste it?"

"Meat?" Qin glanced at Song at the door and asked in a low voice, "Yu'er, where did you get the meat?"

"Yesterday, my grandparents ate meat, and I hid it." Xia Yutian really told the truth.

Qin shi's tears fell instantly. She is pitiful for her son, unable to be cared for by her mother, and thinking of Tibetan meat for her mother.

"Where's Xia Qianqian?" Song Shi asked.

"She's still sleeping." Qin Shi said that it was almost midnight when she came back last night. Today, she specially asked Xia Qianqian to sleep more.

Xia Qianqian has already seen success, she has no psychological burden, she slept beautifully. Sharpen knives without accidentally chopping wood, sleep well and work hard.

"Oh." Song Shi was not in a hurry, leaning against the door to let out the wind, while playing with Xia Yu and Qin Shi.

Mrs Yang changed into her old clothes, then covered her face with a headscarf, sneakily hid behind the grass, and looked at Mrs Song angrily—she was indeed Mrs Qin again. It seems that Xia Yu was released on purpose! What benefits did Xia Qianqian promise her?

After about a quarter of an hour, Xia Qianqian still didn't get up. Song Shi got impatient, looked around, and entered Qin Shi's yard: "Hurry up and let Xia Qianqian get up to paint, or you won't see Yu'er next time."

Qin Shi was shocked and angry: "What picture?"

"The Technique of Burning Tile." Song lowered her voice, "She promised me to bring Yu'er to see you once and draw two pages for me. Let her get up and draw quickly."

Qin Shi didn't expect Xia Qianqian to use this method in exchange for her and Yu'er's short-lived tenderness, and she was in a hurry and vomited blood with a wow.

Yuer is her life, and her two daughters are also her life. How will they live after handing over the "Tile Burning Technique"?

Song Shi didn't expect Qin Shi to be so excited, and was taken aback.

"Mother, you vomited blood!" Xia Yu screamed.

Xia Qianqian was sleeping soundly in the room and was dreaming, when she suddenly heard Xia Yu's scream, she got up in a rush, and ran quickly to the yard.

Qin Shi had already been supported by Xia Yu and Xia Yunyun to sit on the ground, her face was pale, her breathing was short, and the blood on the sand was very dazzling.

Xia Qianqian was instantly furious and stared at Song: "What did you do to my mother!"

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