The next day, the Xia family replayed their old strategy, and the troops were divided into two groups to guard the village head and village tail, waiting for the robbers.

Xia Qianqian would not give them another chance, and came to guard the village entrance early in the morning. Seeing Grandma Xia and Mrs Song, Pi Xiaorou asked without a smile, "Grandma, Second Aunt, why are you here?"

"We're here to play." Grandma Xia said, her shrewd eyes looking at the road into the village from time to time.

"Play? Playing the game of stealing business?" Xia Qianqian asked, she was smiling, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, instead it gave people a chill.

That day she gave free tiles in the town and wore a green cape. Today, she also put it on specially, lest the guests recognize the wrong person again.

This green cloak with thin silk cotton on her body is definitely the most luxurious dress in Yangliu Village!

In front of Grandma Xia and Mrs Song, she turned around lightly and said, "Is my clothes beautiful?"

"Humph!" Song shi sank his face, feeling strange when he saw this dress. The foolish young master of the Gu family has been sending clothes for some time, but there is no movement!

"Damn girl, you don't know how to honor your ancestors even if you have good things." Grandma Xia was so jealous that she had never worn such luxurious clothes in her life!

Xia Qianqian stroked the fox fur on the hood: "Grandma, you are old enough to wear red and green. This color is only suitable for little girls."

Grandma Xia rolled her eyes in anger and wanted to grab it, but she knew that this dress was given to Xia Qianqian by the third young master of the Gu family, so she didn't have the courage.

Song said, "Mother, don't be angry. Maybe it's just a piece of clothing. I've observed it for a few days, but there's nothing to say."

"Yes, maybe that foolish young master was just having a fever for a while." Grandma Xia spit in the direction of Xia Qianqian, "Some people just don't know how to be ashamed and think they really climbed high."

"No, I'm Gaozhi." Xia Qianqian chuckled. Although she was small, she had a graceful air about her, "Wait and see, I, Xia Qianqian, are Gaozhi! You don't have to climb others."

"It's ridiculous, you're not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big." Song scolded.

While we were arguing, a guest came: "Excuse me, where is the Wayao of the Biguo going?"

Before Xia Qianqian could speak, Song shi had already stepped forward enthusiastically: "I know I know, I'll take you there."

The guest looked suspiciously at Song, then Xia Qianqian, and finally asked hesitantly, "Little girl, are you the one who gave away tiles for free in Pingning Town that day?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm Xia Qianqian, the owner of the tile kiln in the country." Xia Qianqian said with a smile.

The guest smiled: "I just said, I remember your dress."

"Good memory, let's go, I'll take you to see the tile." Xia Qianqian proudly glanced at Grandma Xia and the Song family, and took the guests away.

Grandma Xia stomped her feet in anger: "Stinky girl came prepared today!"

"Mother, it doesn't matter, this one is gone and the next one, let's squat!"


Grandma Xia and Mrs Song rolled their eyes, staring at the entrance of the village. While Xia Qianqian was away, they hurried to grab the guests!

When the people in the village saw this scene, they all laughed secretly.

Xia Qianqian took the guest to the kiln and introduced his own tiles in detail. The guest was satisfied and bought fifty pieces. After the business was concluded, Xia Qianqian handed over to Liu Bo to cook, and hurried back to the village entrance to wait for the guests.

Grandma Xia and Mrs Song were still at the entrance of the village, apparently there were no guests at Kung Fu at the moment. Xia Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Happy birthday to Eryuan, happy every day!

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