The atmosphere in the hall was stagnant, and everyone looked a little unhappy.

I don't know how long it took before someone finally spoke to break the silence.

"Qinghuang, I'm afraid the suggestion you made is not easy to implement." Feng Guifei raised a smile on her face. Although it didn't look natural, she said with a smile, "There are so many officials in the DPRK and Central Government, and those with rich family backgrounds Most of them are senior ministers in the DPRK. Who dares to take the risk of offending so many ministers at once? "

The implication is clearly to remind the emperor that if he really dares to listen to Chu Qinghuang's ridiculous suggestion, he will undoubtedly be going against many families in Xiqi and will offend everyone. I am afraid that the emperor will not be able to sit firmly on the throne.

"What the Imperial Concubine said makes sense." The Prime Minister nodded slowly, "Although the veteran thinks he behaves well and has a clean mind, as we all know, it is the veteran with great power who can accumulate a rich family fortune. It is a good thing for the princess to investigate corrupt officials, but I’m afraid it won’t be easy to implement this at once.”

Ding Yushi agreed: "Yes, which minister in the court is willing to take on this offending job?"

The emperor frowned.

Although he didn't like hearing such excuses, he had to deny that what Prime Minister Feng and Ding Yushi said made sense.

Those who commit major corruption in the court are all veterans at the center of power, and their families are powerful. Who dares to take the risk of offending everyone and take this job?

"As the heirs of the royal family, the royal brothers should share the worries of the king." Chu Qinghuang turned his eyes slightly and looked at the princes who were standing silently aside. "Since the ministers dare not accept it, why don't the father directly appoint a prince?" The prince is on an errand?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several princes changed.

"Seventh sister, do you say this?" The second prince Chu Tiankuo smiled, "Don't say that this proposal is unreasonable at all. Even if it is really reasonable, I...I don't have the ability."

With that said, he bowed to His Majesty the Emperor: "Reporting to my father, my abilities are limited, and I am afraid of living up to my father's expectations."

The emperor looked at him coldly for a moment, then said calmly: "Where are you? Who is willing to share your worries?"

Several princes looked at each other, no one dared to speak.


Since it has been said that those who can accumulate a rich family fortune are all important officials in the court and the noble families of Xiqi, who among them dares to offend? Don't forget that you are counting on the support of these ministers when it comes to competing for the throne. Whoever takes over the job at this time will be directly expelled from the ranks of candidates for the throne.

They dare to be heroes only when their brains are broken.

Prime Minister Feng and Shangshu Hubu stood aside leisurely. If it weren't for the emperor's presence, they would have almost sneered. The seventh princess is indeed an idiot with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. So what if she has strong martial arts skills?

If it weren't for the emperor's favor, a fool like her would have been killed countless times.

He obviously has no brains, but he still likes to show off.

"Since there is no one to take the job, how about you leave the errand to me?" Chu Qinghuang said in a cold voice, "Father gave me three thousand guards. One month is enough. I will make sure that the national treasury is full and corrupt officials will not be able to hide."

After the words fell, the hall suddenly became quiet.

Several ministers present stared at her as if they were looking at a madman.

The emperor raised his head and looked at her in surprise: "Xiao Qi?"

"Father, do you think it's impossible?" Chu Qinghuang said indifferently, "The national treasury is currently tight and we are in urgent need of silver. If we increase the taxes on the people, it will only accelerate the turmoil of the Western Qi community and be detrimental to people's livelihood. Only by forcing corrupt officials to come up with money can we Effectively alleviate current difficulties.”

"What the Seventh Princess said, could it be that all the money in the treasury has been greedy by the officials?" Ding Yushi was dissatisfied. "The ministers are loyal to the country, but they are completely rejected by the Seventh Princess with just one sentence. It is really chilling."

"Why is Ding Yushi so excited?" Chu Qinghuang looked at him coldly, "Whether you are greedy or not, you will know if you just ransack your home."


"That's enough." The emperor rubbed his eyebrows impatiently and turned to look at Concubine Duan who was sitting on the chair without saying a word. "Concubine Duan, what do you think?"

The expressions of the Queen Mother and the Queen instantly became stiff.

The emperor ignored them and asked about Concubine Duan?

What's the meaning?

"Since Qinghuang intends to do things for the emperor, I will naturally support it." Concubine Duan stood up and spoke calmly and calmly, "It is an honor for me and Qinghuang to share the emperor's worries."

Chu Qinghuang turned his eyes slightly and glanced at the original owner, the mother-in-law, calmly.

A beauty indeed.

Almost all of Chu Qinghuang's beauty was inherited from this mother-in-law, but...

'A daughter who is born to be rebellious will do as much as she likes. It is best to completely mess up the court and kill everyone so that Tianzheng can sit on the throne of the crown prince. ’

'As for this rebellious daughter, before Tianzheng took the throne, no matter how much trouble she made, the bigger the better, it didn't matter if she offended everyone. She had been like this since she was a child anyway, and the crazier she became, the more normal she would be. Zheng sat on the throne and found a way to deal with it so as not to be embarrassed! ’

Chu Qinghuang frowned slightly and listened quietly to Concubine Duan's thoughts. Only then did she realize that Chu Qinghuang was actually a woman that even her own mother hated.

Life seems to be quite a failure.

Surrounded by false villains full of scheming, the only loyal shadow guard was tortured to death by her own hands. This can be regarded as her own fault.

"Your Majesty, the Ai family does not agree." The Queen Mother frowned and said, "Xiao Qikong has martial arts, but has never been involved in handling cases. She thinks of things too simply. She is afraid that it will be a mess and the court will The people in the hall were panicked, which made the emperor anxious. "

Feng Guifei nodded quickly: "I also think Qinghuang is too presumptuous and has not considered the consequences at all."

"I can consider all the consequences one by one, as long as the Queen Mother and the ministers can think of a way to solve the empty treasury." Chu Qinghuang spoke slowly, her voice cold and calm, "If you can't think of a solution but want to obstruct my case, can it be considered that you are guilty?"

"How dare you!" The Queen Mother's face suddenly changed, and she shouted angrily, "Chu Qinghuang, is this how you talk to me?"

Chu Qinghuang ignored her and only looked at the emperor: "I can make the treasury abundant within a month, and find a way to make Xiqi no longer need to pay tribute to Dongling this year."


As soon as she said this, not only did the ministers all look at her as if they had seen a ghost, but even the emperor thought he had heard it wrong, "Xiao Qi?"

"Seventh Princess, are you joking?" Prime Minister Feng looked at her incredulously, as if he had finally confirmed that she had gone mad, "Western Qi has been paying tribute to Dongling for several years, and can barely maintain the stability of the country. Dongling is a powerful country with strong military forces, and now it is the country with the largest territory in the world. Their cavalry has been eyeing it covetously, waiting to find an excuse to raise troops to annex Western Qi at any time, but the Seventh Princess Are you talking nonsense at this critical moment? Do you want Xiqi to fall into war immediately? "

The Queen Mother frowned: "You are just talking nonsense, you don't know what you mean!"

The Queen also frowned: "Xiaoqi is too presumptuous. If you are not careful about family and country affairs, war will be triggered and people will suffer. Is it as simple as you say?"

The Third Prince was helpless: "Although the Seventh Sister is good at martial arts, she is a girl after all. How can she understand war? It's better to go back and live a good life with your husband, and don't cause trouble for your father here."

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