A young man in a red shirt sat diagonally across the beauty's back, leisurely throwing fish food into the lake, watching the scene of large koi fish competing for food, and said casually: "The situation in the Xiqi court is about to change."

"The sky in the court has changed?" The man in white held his chin and said thoughtfully, "Is the Emperor Phoenix awakening?"

Behind a long pear tree table opposite, a man in a cloud-colored light robe is elegantly cooking tea. His posture is as pleasing to the eye as flowing water. He seems to have not heard the conversation between the man in white and the boy in red.

"Maybe." The boy in red shirt threw down all the fish food and clapped his hands, "It's not fun if there are too few people. I think we should get a few more beautiful boys to come to the princess's house to compete for favors with these koi. Like...look at them, how fun they are."

The man in white raised his eyes and looked at him: "Do you think your life is too long?"

"No, I think life is too boring." The young man in red touched his face, "With a face as beautiful as mine, a rare and beautiful young man in the world must be favored, but what does special favor mean? It’s brought out by the crowd, you know? I have to have a crowd, otherwise how can I be special?”

"I think Feng Jinzhi is special enough. He has been beaten or made to kneel for the past two days. Doesn't he win the special favor of the eldest princess?"

"Him?" The boy in red curled his lips and sneered, "I feel dirty even if you carry my shoes -"

"Mother Wu is here." The young man in white suddenly turned his head and looked at the figure walking on the bluestone path in the distance, "She must have been ordered to come."

Since they entered the palace, no one has cared about their life or death, and no one has deliberately made things difficult for them. The four of them are like invisible men, occupying the position of serving the emperor in vain, but they have never had the opportunity to go to the princess. Fight for favor.

Aunt Wu suddenly came over, obviously not because she was bored.

"Young Master Qi, Young Master Wen, and Young Master Hongyu." Aunt Wu came alone to the west courtyard where the four servants lived. When she saw the three of them chatting and passing the time, she did not show any strange expressions. She just said respectfully, "Elder Princess His Highness has ordered that the four young masters go to Dongshang Pavilion for dinner tonight."

There was silence in the flower hall.

Hong Yu slowly turned to look at her: "Along with Her Highness the Princess?"

Aunt Wu said in a businesslike tone: "I am only responsible for conveying the orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess. If you have any questions, you can ask Your Highness yourself."

After saying this, she raised her eyes and looked around the flower hall, then said in hindsight: "Master Shen isn't there?"


Aunt Wu quickly said: "Please let the three young masters tell Mr. Shen."

Hongyu raised his eyebrows: "What if I don't want to tell him?"

"Then when His Highness becomes angry, the four young masters will definitely suffer together." Aunt Wu's expression remained unchanged and her tone was extremely calm, "Young masters, please prepare."

After saying this, she turned around and left, obviously not wanting to stay any longer.

"Tsk." Hong Yu sneered, "Have you noticed that the servants of the Princess Mansion are very good at protecting themselves wisely?"

In addition to conveying orders, keep as far a distance as possible and never create any excuse that might anger Her Highness the Princess.

This is also the reason why they have always been able to relax.

After all, Chu Qinghuang really doesn't have an easy temper. He didn't know when he bumped into her hand, and his skin would peel off even if he died. Therefore, except for Feng Jin, who was particularly favored at the beginning, there are really not many others in this mansion. They use their power to bully others, flatter others and suppress others, and no one comes over to get close to them at will. Each of them keeps a safe distance and sense of proportion, and will never go too far easily.

"Isn't it good for Mingzhe to protect himself?" The man in the cloud-colored light robe placed four tea cups on the table and poured the brewed tea into the tea cups. His voice was always leisurely and comfortable, "We have saved ourselves a lot of trouble."

The man in white raised a leg and kicked Hong Yu: "You are responsible for getting Zhong Jin back."

Hong Yu was dissatisfied: "Why should I go?"

"Because you are the youngest."

Hong Yu was dissatisfied: "What's wrong with your young age?"

"You should listen to your brother when you are young. Don't you understand what politeness is?"

The man in white is not only handsome, but also looks harmless with a smile on his lips. Especially when he looks at the boy in red with a smile, his eyes are so gentle that he seems to be the most considerate brother in the world.

However, when Hong Yu caught a glimpse of his expression at this time, she suppressed all the dissatisfaction in her heart and snorted coldly: "Just go."

The man in white raised his hand and touched his head: "Be good."

The Ange Shadow Guards are very effective in their work. From the time they were sent out at noon yesterday to investigate the evidence of corruption by the Minister of Household Affairs, it has only been twelve hours today at noon, and the investigation has already yielded great results.

Chu Qinghuang looked at the pieces of evidence before him and casually flipped through the huge accounts in the account book, his eyebrows as cold as frost.

Sure enough, we should start from the Minister of Household Affairs.

Hong Chenghai, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, is the capable minister of Feng Guifei's party. He supports the third prince Chu Tianyin. He is in charge of the financial power of the Ministry of Revenue - this position is enough for Chu Tianyin to have no worries about money.

The emptiness of the treasury does not mean that the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue will become poor. He has many ways to line his own pockets.

The prince vying for the crown prince secretly needs to maintain capable ministers, staff, and dead men, manage various forces, and even recruit troops quietly.

Without money, everything is in vain.

That's why Concubine Duan couldn't wait for Chu Qinghuang to get rid of the Minister of Household Affairs so that the Ling family could take over.

Chu Qinghuang sat in the chair, holding her chin and thinking: "Fuxing Cang."


"Who do you think is suitable to take over the Ministry of Finance after the Minister of the Ministry of Finance has his house confiscated and is accused?"

Fu Cang was silent for a moment: "Second Master Ling."


Chu Qinghuang looked up at him: "What if I don't want him to take office?"

Fu Cang only gave this answer based on the premise that she was the daughter of Concubine Duan, but in fact, Chu Qinghuang was not interested in planning for others, even if that person was the original owner's blood brother.

Ling's uncle Ling Ancheng already holds part of the military power of Xiqi. If Ling Anjie is allowed to sit in the position of Minister of Revenue, then there is no need to fight for the throne. The emperor can just abdicate and let Chu Tianzheng ascend the throne.

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