Chu Xuanyi didn't say anything, his eyebrows were drooping, and he was making a difficult decision in his heart.

He was always calm and had good skills, so he was entrusted with important tasks by the emperor at a young age and was able to take charge of the dispatch and command of the imperial guards. He had never made any mistakes in these years.

Even looking back at his youth, there were few things that made him hesitate. He knew better than anyone what to do and what not to do.

But at this time, he was gambling with the entire Rongwang Mansion - gambling on how much evidence Chu Qinghuang had in her hands, gambling on whether she would really take revenge and settle accounts later.

However, he found that he didn't dare to bet on Chu Qinghuang's kindness.

What happened at the Qushui Liushang Poetry Meeting in the suburbs has involved many people, and all those involved have been caught in the whirlpool. The Sixth Princess was punished, Concubine Feng was implicated and demoted to Zhaoyi, and the Prime Minister's son was also severely beaten with fifty boards - the emperor's anger can be seen.

The emperor's protection of the princess would not allow anyone to doubt or test it at this point.

A burst of tea fragrance spread.

While Chu Xuanyi bowed his head in silence, Fu Cang turned around to get tea leaves, brewed a cup of tea and brought it over, silently and respectfully handed it to Chu Qinghuang.

Chu Qinghuang sat on a chair, holding a teacup and sipping tea quietly, looking leisurely and calm, not in a hurry at all.

She really didn't need to be in a hurry.

The longer Chu Xuanyi considered, the more it proved that he was repeatedly thinking about the various consequences of the decision in his mind. After thinking it over, the decision he made after thinking it over was usually rational and firm - especially for a smart and calm person, who would not easily change the decision made after evaluating various risks.

The study fell into a long silence.

Fu Cang stood silently aside, his eyes would occasionally raise, quietly glance at Chu Qinghuang's beautiful profile, and then naturally fall down, not daring to be too blatant.

The cup of tea was finished, and Chu Qinghuang put down the teacup.

Chu Xuanyi raised his head: "Do you know if His Highness will ask me to do something that goes against His Majesty's will in the future?"

"Chu Xuanyi." Chu Qinghuang raised her eyebrows, "You only need to consider whether you agree to my conditions. You should not ask other questions. Being loyal to me is equivalent to giving all your loyalty. Even if I ask you to kill the king and father, you have to do it. You have no choice."

Chu Xuanyi's face changed.

"Of course, I won't let you kill the king or your father." Chu Qinghuang said indifferently, "So you can rest assured."

After a pause, she added casually: "For those who are truly loyal to me, I can not only protect his life, but also his family - you can regard this as my promise to you, so that you don't have to worry about the future."

Chu Xuanyi's heart was slightly chilled. Some thoughts had already emerged in his mind, ready to come out, but he suppressed the idea abruptly.

"I..." He hesitated for a while before speaking again, "I am willing to be loyal to Her Royal Highness the Princess, and I am willing to be driven by Her Royal Highness. I will do anything for you."

Chu Qinghuang raised her eyebrows: "I don't need you to be loyal to me, just come whenever I call."


"And your useless brother," Chu Qinghuang stood up and said in a faint voice, "In order to avoid bringing disaster to Prince Rong's Mansion again, you, as an elder brother, should fulfill your responsibility of teaching him."

Chu Xuanyi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes."

"What did you say just now? The elder brother is like a father." Chu Qinghuang nodded slowly, "Since you, the elder brother, have failed in your duty, kneel here for him for one night. I am a person who clearly distinguishes between rewards and punishments. If there is a mistake, it will be punished, and if there is a merit, it will be rewarded. I hope you remember it."

Although it is the fault of the father if the son is not taught well, she can't let the elder uncles of the royal family come to punish him, so it is reasonable for Chu Xuanyi to be punished.

Chu Xuanyi slowly loosened his clenched hands and whispered, "I will remember this."

Chu Qinghuang walked out of the study and calmly ordered, "Lu Jun, go out and tell those princes that the prince of Rong Palace is kneeling in this palace and can't get up. Please ask for his brother's mercy. Let them go back first and talk about it tomorrow morning."

"Yes, I'll go now."

Chu Qinghuang turned and left, and Fu Cang followed silently.

Chu Xuanyi was left alone in the important place of the study, kneeling quietly. When the door was closed, he looked up at the princess's desk.

A thick stack of files and several lists were neatly stacked on the desk, so close that they seemed to be within reach. He could get them as long as he stood up.

However, he stared at the files on the desk for a long time, but finally slowly lowered his eyes, kneeling attentively, and no longer thought about it.

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