After the Doomsday Rebirth, My Whole Family is Big Brother

Chapter 6, where is our real estate certificate?

"Sister, what we bought is still not enough!"

Bai Yifan sighed while sorting out the supplies he bought.

Bai Xizhu rubbed her chin and looked at the empty land and small stream, "I have to buy some fry and seeds some other day. In the last days, many plants will mutate. The happiest thing is to have fresh fruits and vegetables to eat."

Bai Yifan scratched his head, "That's easy to say, let's go to grandparents' house in two days, dig out the fruit trees in the orchard and plant them there!"

Grandpa Bai and Grandma Bai, one is a people's teacher and the other is a retired forensic doctor. They are unwilling to be idle in the countryside for the elderly. They have planted several acres of fruit trees and raised some chickens, ducks and geese.

"Sister, you said we have this space, and if we stock up some supplies, the end times won't be scary, right?" Bai Yifan pursed his thin lips.

He thought of the fact that he was not good at sports, and his fat and water did not flow to outsiders.

Alas, it seems that running has to be put on the agenda!

It's not that he's afraid of being left out of the field, he's just afraid of the garlic smell in his father's mouth!

"There are still a lot of things to stock up. We need to prepare a modified bus, weapons that can defend against zombies, and a few sets of light steel villas in the space!" Bai Xizhu carefully surveyed the space planning.

Space is naturally the safest place, but we cannot always rely on space.

Need a big bus, convert it into a caravan, hide it.

Space-type abilities are the targets of the major bases, and there are many people who covet them.

In view of the experience of being sliced ​​last time, Bai Xizhu decided to keep a low profile.

"So much?" Bai Yifan was stunned holding a pot of oil, "But we don't have that much money!"

Just a bus costs hundreds of thousands of dollars!

"There are still three months left, let's find a way to raise money!" Bai Xizhu asked Bai Yifan calmly, "By the way, do you know where I can borrow usury?"

"You, you want to borrow usury?" Bai Yifan was dumbfounded, "Our dad will definitely break our legs!"

"It's fine to borrow it secretly!" Bai Xizhu shrugged her shoulders, "When the end of the world comes in three months, no one will find out."

"What if it is discovered in advance?" Bai Yifan said a little timidly, "Our father is a gold medal lawyer, so he will definitely send us in."

"What are you afraid of!" Bai Xizhu patted Bai Yifan's shoulder, "At worst, you should go squat for a few days, and I will rescue you after the end of the world!"

Bai Yifan gritted his teeth, "... that's fine too!"

Seeing Bai Yifan's look of resigning himself to death, Bai Xizhu pursed his lips and smiled.

"Just kidding!" Bai Xizhu said with a smile, "We are still short of money, why don't we talk about the end times with our parents tonight!"

Bai Yifan rolled his eyes, wasting his emotions, just now he thought of his father using the criminal law to take pictures of him!

"Xiaofan, open the door!"

There was a knock on the door outside.

Bai Yifan and Bai Xizhu looked at each other, Bai Yifan quickly put his hand on Bai Xizhu's shoulder, and the two of them left the space at the same time.


As soon as Bai Yifan opened the door, he saw all kinds of shopping bags piled up at the door, and took a step back in fright.

"Make way, make way!"

Bai Anhai entered the house carrying seven or eight shopping bags.

"Mom and Dad, can't we live?"

Bai Yifan looked at the pile of shopping bags piled up in front of him with a pained face. If there was food in it, Bai Yifan wouldn't feel the pain and could put it in space.

But Mom and Dad bought clothes, and they were obviously women's clothes, so he couldn't wear them out!

"Your father helped the boss of Wang Yang Company fight a lawsuit and made a lot of money!"

Wang Yiyun bared her teeth and smiled, and piled a lot of shopping bags into Bai Xizhu's room.

These are beautiful little dresses I bought for my daughter.

"Mom and Dad, let's be more frugal in the future!" Bai Yifan scratched his head,

Start thinking about how to say things about the last days.

"Xiaofan is right, your pocket money will be halved in the future!"

Bai Anhai took the rest of Wang Yiyun's clothes to his room.

Bai Yifan: ...

"Mom, why did you buy me so many clothes again, I can't finish them!"

Bai Xizhu smiled and gestured at the new clothes, the smile on her face was brighter than anyone else's.

"Mom, excuse me, why didn't you buy me socks?"

Bai Yifan looked at it for a long time, except that his sister's clothes were fucking clothes, there was nothing left!

"Our little girl looks good, so of course she has to dress well!" Wang Yiyun glanced at Bai Yifan, "I didn't buy it for you, haven't you realized why?"

Bai Yifan: ...

Who said he was ugly?

He's just not handsome enough to be obvious!

"Mom and Dad, Xiaofan wants to tell you something!"

Bai Xizhu blinked at Bai Yifan.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yiyun looked at Bai Yifan.

Bai Yifan scratched his head, his face was a little tangled, thinking about how to speak, he raised his head to ask Bai Xizhu for help, but Bai Xizhu pretended not to see him, and ignored him.

"Ahem, it's a long story, let's have a good chat in the living room!"

Bai Yifan was afraid that this matter would scare his parents, so he decided to let them sit on the sofa and drink some water.

Bai Xizhu came to the living room with Bai Ma on her arm, and sat on the sofa.

Bai Anhai glanced at the troubled Bai Yifan, took a feather duster and sat on the sofa calmly.

"Dad, what are you doing with this thing!"

Bai Yifan poured two glasses of water for Wang Yiyun and Bai Anhai, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely when he saw the feather duster.

"Nothing! Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

Bai Anhai calmly put the feather duster on the table.

"Uh... I didn't cause any trouble!" Bai Yifan quickly declared, "I just want to tell you a big secret."

"What's the secret?" Wang Yiyun squeezed the feather duster, turned to Bai Anhai and said in a low voice, "Is this going to fall apart?"

"It's okay, I'll buy another five another day!" Bai Anhai said.

"Mom and Dad, I really didn't cause any trouble, I just wanted to ask - where is the real estate certificate of our house?" Bai Yifan asked, poking his neck.

Bai Anhai glanced at Bai Yifan, "Fraud, imprisonment for less than three years."

Bai Yifan: ...

"Mom and Dad, let me tell you!" Bai Xizhu pondered for a while, then said softly, "Do you still remember that I had a nightmare today?"

"Remember!" Wang Yiyun nodded.

My daughter dreamed that her whole family was dead, she was very impressed!

"Actually, I dreamed of the future." Bai Xizhu continued, "I dreamed of the end of the world, many people turned into zombies, and many mutated animals and plants appeared..."

Bai Xizhu slowly narrated all the things she had seen in the last three years, but she subconsciously didn't mention the fact that she was caught and sliced.

"Little Zhu, are you...are you awake?"

Bai Anhai was stunned for a long time before he said such a sentence.

He has been influenced by socialist values ​​since he was a child. As a lawyer, he does not believe in ghosts and gods.

"Dad, what sister said is true, the end times are really coming!" Bai Yifan looked at Bai Anhai, "How much savings does our family have? Where is our property certificate?"

Bai Anhai picked up the feather duster and licked it, and said calmly, "Spread falsehoods, less than three years."

Looking at the feather duster in Bai Anhai's hand, Bai Yifan subconsciously took a step back, and calmly pointed at Bai Xizhu, "The eldest sister told me that the end of the world is coming."

Bai Anhai looked at the innocent-looking Bai Xizhu, silently put down the feather duster in his hand, and said earnestly, "Girl, if you need money, tell me!"

It's not that I don't give it!

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