Chapter 806

"Yes, where is your boss now? We have something to find him."

Bai Xirong nodded, not surprised to see Xiao Li here.

When the Bai family left the Yunhua Security Base and went to the Ancient Kunlun Mountains, Xiao Li also left the Magic City, preparing to sneak into the alliance with Fang Jin.

Captain Zhang came back. He predicted Zhang Yiming's thoughts and directly dismissed Fang Jin and Xiao Li from their posts, preventing them from entering the alliance again.

At this point, Xiao Li has no hope of sneaking into the league.

"Okay, please follow me."

Xiao Li nodded very politely to Bai Xirong, and then walked in one direction.

At the same time, his brain waves spread rapidly and sent messages to Zhang Yiming.

After Xiao Li became the zombie king, his IQ was not affected.

I know that the boss doesn't like letting the Bai family see his bloody and brutal appearance.

I didn't even dare to take Bai Xirong there directly.

I'm really afraid to see the bloody scene of the boss removing people's arms and cutting off their heads with his bare hands.

The boss does not eat flesh and blood, but this does not mean that he is kind.

Tsk tsk, Xiao Li got a little excited when he thought of Experimental Subject No. 9.

Just then, he still thought that someone from the tomb-keeper's lineage could come to save him.

That person didn't know that the boss had kicked their nest a few days ago.

Xiao Li led the way. The zombies on the road were very discerning and avoided them from a distance.

The zombies that had no time to escape stood tremblingly on the spot, not daring to raise their heads.

This is the fear engraved in their bones.

Zombies are also a relatively magical existence.

When their level is lower than that of high-level zombies, they will be extremely loyal and have an instinctive fear of high-level zombies.

When they evolve to a certain level, they will treat zombies of a lower level than themselves as ants, without a trace of emotion, as cannon fodder that can be abandoned at any time.

They are simpler than human emotions,

But more ruthless than humans.

Xiao Li took Bai Xirong and the two of them into an abandoned community that looked very ordinary.

Occasionally, zombies with dull faces passed by on the road at the gate of the community. The gate of the community was open, but they all tacitly agreed not to enter.

The community is very quiet. There are occasionally one or two zombies, and they are all cute and cute enough to be worthy of the audience.

The abandoned community has become Zhang Yiming's territory.

Wherever Zhang Yiming goes, the zombies there will be used by him, and this location will naturally become his territory.

From time to time there were patches of black blood and red blood intertwined on the ground.

You can smell a strong fishy smell.

Bai Xirong subconsciously touched her nose, but didn't say anything.


Her old classmate is the king of zombies. No matter how fragrant Zhang Yiming is, his younger brothers are not all tidy.

Xiao Li said with a smile, "I'm kidding, this place hasn't been cleaned yet, please go this way."

Xiao Li had tried his best to take her on a relatively clean road.

But those little cuties are so sloppy that they will leave some black marks on the ground even if they take just two steps.

Xiao Li was still walking in front, but he could clearly feel that someone was staring at him.

Looking back, it was Leng Yebai.

Those eyes were so sharp that it was hard to ignore them.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Xiao Li showed a professional fake smile.

The zombie virus caused him to lose all joy and sorrow, leaving him with only raging anger.

In front of Bai Xilao and Bai Xilao, he would still adjust his muscles and give a smile.

The boss’s friends must be pleased.

Besides, these two people smelled delicious and wanted to take a bite.

Gulu gulu...

Xiao Li subconsciously made a swallowing movement and looked away with difficulty.

I dare not look any further.

Otherwise, before he even opened his mouth to bite, the boss would have crushed the crystal core in his head with his bare hands.


A flash of discomfort flashed across Leng Yebai's face, he glanced at Bai Xirong secretly, and then continued to stare at Xiao Li's back.

He thought of a serious question.

Xiao Li is the zombie king and looks exactly like a human.

It’s similar to Zhang Yiming’s previous state.

Then...can Xiao Li still go to the toilet?

Xiao Xi is here, Leng Yebai is too embarrassed to ask.


Childish cries sounded, and the cries were a little suppressed, and he was trying hard to stop his cries.

Bai Xirong subconsciously looked in the direction of the crying, and was stunned at a glance.

Not far away, a girl wearing a white down jacket was holding a two or three-year-old boy in her hands.

The little boy cried very quietly, covering his mouth and still making a sound.

Tears fell down, his eyes carefully looked at the zombies that appeared around him from time to time, and his body couldn't help shaking.

The little boy has lived in the apocalypse for so long. He is also a sensible child and knows not to cry loudly.

Bai Xili happened to know the woman carrying the little boy. She was her former college classmate, Fang Yuanyuan.

"Xiao Li, you have quite a lot of food today, enjoy it."

Fang Yuanyuan seemed not to see Bai Xirong and she only talked to Xiao Li.

His face was raised high, and he completely lost the fear of the zombie king Xiao Li at the beginning.

"Don't talk nonsense, you may die."

Xiao Li rolled his eyes at Fang Yuanyuan and looked cautiously in one direction, fearing that Zhang Yiming would hear her.

Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Jin have lost their value.

Logically speaking, both of them must die.

Zhang Yiming has never been merciful, especially Fang Yuanyuan, who wanted to plot against Bai Xirong.

But Fang Yuanyuan survived entirely by relying on her own ruthlessness.

Unable to sneak into the safe base with Fang Jin, Xiao Li took them back.

The first thing he did when he came back was to ask Zhang Yiming how to deal with these two people.

Zhang Yiming's answer was simple and clear, kill him.

Fang Yuanyuan doesn't want to die, she wants to become Zhang Yiming's right-hand man and the link between humans and zombies.

The most poisonous thing is a woman's heart.

At first, she wanted the boss's blood to become the zombie king and stay with Zhang Yiming forever.

The boss didn't give it.

Moreover, the boss ruthlessly asked Fang Yuanyuan to kill her father with her own hands so that she could survive.

It was to torture Fang Yuanyuan.

The boss looks warm and sunny, but he is still full of violence in his bones, and the word kindness cannot come close to him.

Zombies never bring sunshine. Bloodthirst and violence are synonymous with zombies.

If the Bai family feels that the boss is warm and sunny, it can only be said to be the result of the boss's disguise.

Pretend only to certain people.

Fang Yuanyuan was even more ruthless. She had human emotions and felt no guilt at all. She really killed her own biological father.

In this way, Fang Yuanyuan survived temporarily.

This only happened yesterday.

Fang Yuanyuan was like a normal person. Not only did she live in this community openly, but her fear of zombies was also reduced a lot.

She determined that Zhang Yiming still had some feelings for her if he didn't kill her.

She believed that she could move Zhang Yiming, and that one day Zhang Yiming would truly accept her and become the prince charming that she once imagined.

Less than twenty-four hours had passed since Fang Yuanyuan's father died, and Fang Yuanyuan had adjusted her mentality.

This stupid woman is always self-righteous, thinking that as long as she works hard, she can warm the hearts of zombies.

It's a pity that the heart of a zombie is always cold, and that heart will only beat for the people it once beat.

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