Da Zhuang took a closer look, his pupils widened when he saw the style of the watch clearly, and he snatched the watch from Bai Lixin's hand, "Damn it, isn't it, black angel?"

Bai Lixin: "?"

Da Zhuang glanced at Bai Lixin with the eyes of a bumpkin: "You don't know this watch?"

Bai Lixin shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before, what's so special about this watch?"

"Yes," Da Zhuang nodded very seriously, "It's very expensive!"

Bai Lixin: "..."

Little monster: "Hey! Wealth fan!"

Da Zhuang carefully pinched the corner of his clothes and wiped the stains on the outside of the watch. He didn't know when this watch was thrown here. After the stains were wiped off, it was as clean as ever and brand new. The outside of the surface is gunmetal black, with a slightly frosted texture. After the light of the flashlight shines on it, fine mist and stars are dotted on the metal surface.

"Wow," Da Zhuang exclaimed, "As expected of a world-renowned watch worth 80 million yuan, it's just unusual, isn't it so beautiful?"

"Show me the watch." After two seconds of silence, Bai Lixin stretched out his hand towards Da Zhuang. Although Da Zhuang was a little bit reluctant, he rubbed the dial a few times and handed the watch to Bai Lixin, "Here, Here you are, you have to be careful not to break it, this watch is very expensive."

When it came to the end, Da Zhuang deliberately emphasized his tone.

Bai Lixin was held in front of Da Zhuang's somewhat warm watch and looked at it. Judging from the degree of wear and tear, this watch has not been in this garbage dump for a long time. The watch looks normal, and the hands inside the dial move steadily and orderly. Bai Lixin checked the time with the time in his mind, and it was exactly the same.

From this point of view, this watch should not have appeared here for more than a week.

Someone was here before Da Zhuang.

Seeing that Bai Lixin stuffed the watch into his pocket, Da Zhuang quickly asked: "What are you doing? You don't want to take this watch all by yourself, do you? Let me tell you, you'd better not have such crooked thoughts, black This series of Angels is limited to 50 pieces worldwide, and each piece has its own exclusive number. The buyer's information is bound to the number. If someone else sells the watch, the after-sales terminal will immediately verify the identity of the seller. If If it is found that the seller's identity does not match the registered buyer's identity, he will immediately choose to call the police after the sale."

"For such a precious thing, we... no, it's you, but we will spend the rest of our life in prison."

Bai Lixin: "I will call the police after I get out, and hand over the watch to the police and return it to the owner."

Da Zhuang was very relieved to have saved a lamb that had almost gone astray: "That's good, but I didn't expect that I could see the real watch of the black angel in this place, how could this watch be buried here? "

"It might be stolen goods. A thief stole the watch and couldn't find a way to sell it, so he hid the watch here first." Bai Lixin guessed, "It's also possible that the owner of the watch left it here."

Da Zhuang: "I think the first possibility is a bit more likely, it must have been stolen. Like this kind of limited-edition watches, people who can own them are either rich or expensive. How could people of this status come to such a place in person Hey, let's help this mysterious boss get back the watch, maybe the boss will give us a lot of benefits as soon as he is happy to thank us."

As he talked, Da Zhuang had already started to think about his beautiful life.

Bai Lixin poured a basin of cold water very inconsiderately: "Let's think about how to find Mr. Mouse and the red hair first, and then leave from here."

The smile on Da Zhuang's face disappeared instantly, "..."

Good guy, which pot is really not open and which pot to lift!

Bai Lixin supported his knees and stood up straight, "They shouldn't be on this floor, we should go."

As he spoke, he turned around, and the flashlight drew an arc in the dark building, and then fixed on a certain place: "..."

The hemp rope that was supposed to hang from the beam in the main hall outside did not know when it came to the beam that was only ten meters away from them.

There was no wind around, but the hemp rope was swinging back and forth rhythmically without making a sound.

Bai Lixin held up the flashlight and glanced at the place where the hemp rope used to be. It was already empty.

He glanced at the swaying hemp rope and then quickly lowered the flashlight. Da Zhuang beside him didn't notice the strangeness of the hemp rope, but followed Bai Lixin timidly and asked in a low voice: " Which floor do you want to go to?"

Bai Lixin: "People go to high places, but water flows to low places. Let's go to the top first."

Da Zhuang: "?"

Is this old saying used for this reference?

whatever! just go!

The stairway was nearby, and each of them held a flashlight in their hands. Bai Lixin used the flashlight in his backpack, and Da Zhuang used his own exploration tools.

They went from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, but found nothing on the fifth floor, and then went from the fifth floor to the sixth floor.

Go to the seventh floor from the sixth floor, and go up one floor to the top floor.

Da Zhuang followed Bai Lixin the whole time, not daring to turn his head.

I don't know if it's psychological. He always feels that something is following him behind him.

But a voice deep in my heart kept telling me, don't look back, don't look back, don't look back.

He just walked forward silently behind Bai Lixin with a stiff neck, and the audience of ghosts in the live broadcast room gradually became more than five hundred ghosts.

There is still nothing found on the seventh floor, so only the top top floor is left.

Da Zhuang has been patient enough when looking for the two of them, although he has been searching for so long, he still hasn't found it.

He didn't show any signs of agitation even with the traces of the two of them. He just quietly followed Bai Lixin, silently observing the young man in front of him.

Different from his own paddling, the young man has really been searching seriously.

He was very courageous and determined, neither arrogant nor impatient, and there was no expression of fear on his face from the beginning to the end.

Men who work hard are so attractive.

If this man is still good-looking, he is a luminous body standing on top of the pyramid.

The young man's beautiful and delicate face was like an expensive art exhibit, making Da Zhuang briefly forget the horrifying atmosphere at this time.

He watched the young man's earnest rummaging with some ecstasy, only to see the young man turned his gaze away from the corner and turned towards him.

Then he saw the young man's eyes obviously glanced behind him, and his usually calm face was stunned for a moment.

Da Zhuang immediately tensed up, his scalp was instantly replaced by numbness, "Why, what's wrong?"

The young man withdrew his gaze, "It's nothing, there's nothing on this floor, let's go to the eighth floor."

Da Zhuang: "..."

How could it be nothing? !

His eyes are not eyes that see nothing!

There must be something behind him!

But do you want to go back?

Da Zhuang swallowed nervously, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

At this moment, the young man's calm voice reached his ears, "Don't look back."

Da Zhuang's cold sweat slowly fell down his cheeks to his chin.

Sure enough, there is something behind!

So is there a ghost behind him?

But people are so contradictory, the more someone tells him not to do a certain thing, the more curious some people are about it.

The more Bai Lixin refused to let him turn around, the more he wanted to know what was behind him.

He is a supernatural anchor, has watched many supernatural movies, and knows this big taboo.

Da Zhuang finally took a deep breath, suppressing the heavy desire to turn back in his heart.

Can't go back.

To turn back is to die.

He doesn't want to die yet.

So there is no going back.

Right, that is it.

"Brother Zhuang." The red-haired trembling voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hey, I'm

! Hearing the voice of his companion, Da Zhuang immediately put all the warnings behind him, and turned his head away as soon as his head was empty.

In the next second, he only felt his neck /\u003e

Something wrapped around his neck and pulled him into the air.

Both feet were already floating in the air, Da Zhuang kicked his feet in a panic, and instinctively reached out to grab the things that restrained his neck.

The moment he grasped that thing in his palm, Da Zhuang felt the rough and slender and dry feeling stuck in the palm of his hand.

It feels a lot like twine or something.

hemp rope?

Didn't hemp rope appear on the fourth floor? !

He glanced left and right in a panic, and finally saw the thick and tight hemp rope above his head.

The loop of hemp rope wrapped around his neck and began to tighten slowly, pulling Da Zhuang up to the top of his head while tightening.

The sense of suffocation and pain made Da Zhuang extremely painful. He writhed around like a suffocated fish, his eyes became dark and blurred due to lack of oxygen, and the whites of his eyes rolled up uncontrollably.

It's Xiao Ming.

It must be the young man who hanged himself.

It is taking its own life, it wants to take itself away, it wants to turn itself into a ghost to accompany it!

Just when Da Zhuang fell into the despair of death, he seemed to hear a piercing sound in a trance, and the next second he felt his neck loosen, and his body moved straight towards bsp uncontrollably; with a soft cry, Da Zhuang Zhuang subconsciously closed his eyes to protect his head.

However, the expected pain did not come, Da Zhuang only felt his back was supported by a strong force, and then he fell firmly on the ground.

He opened his eyes suspiciously, but what he saw shocked him greatly.

I saw that the young man took out a sickle from nowhere, the whole body of the sickle was white, and there was a layer of crystal clear light shining outside.

Yingying white light filled the surroundings, and at the same time shrouded the young man's body.

The corner of the young man's clothes fluttered without wind, making a hunting sound.

He held the sickle in one hand and turned it around and stood on the ground. The young man looked up at the top of his head with a cold expression, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his usually calm eyes.

Da Zhuang subconsciously looked up following Bai Lixin's gaze, and saw a hemp rope that was broken in two hanging from the beam above his head. The hemp rope seemed to have life, it wriggled slowly, and after the disconnected joints were joined together, it became a completed loop in the blink of an eye.

Then the ferrule shook in front of them twice, and gradually became translucent, and finally completely disappeared under their noses.

Only then did Baili Xin look at Da Zhuang: "Are you okay?"

Da Zhuang only felt the reality of the rest of his life after a short period of ignorance, and he quickly shook his head: "It's okay, thank you."

His eyes fell uncontrollably on the fluorescent white sickle behind the young man, and Da Zhuang asked hesitantly: "Who the hell are you? Uh, are you really human? You can't be the messenger of hell, right?"

He is a supernatural anchor, and he has dabbled in many derivative works such as supernatural beings and monsters, and instantly connected Baili Xin with some kind of black and white impermanent profession.


See, the more he feels like it!

How can ordinary humans be so good-looking?

And he's so courageous, so capable of fighting?

If this guy wasn't some ghost-catching emissary, he'd be eating keyboards live!

"Boss," Da Zhuang stopped panicking when he was sure that he hugged his thigh. He looked at Bai Lixin excitedly, "You reminded me not to turn back just now, but I turned back. This damned ghost actually imitated Hong Kong again. The voice you made lied to me, such a vicious ghost must be subdued, right?! So when are you going to make a move?"

Bai Lixin took a meaningful look at Da Zhuang, but threw down a few words hastily: "I can't beat it."

It is possible that you really can't beat it.

From the fourth floor, he found that the hemp rope had been following them.

In the beginning, they just followed closely, but as they advanced, the distance between the hemp rope and them became closer and closer.

To be precise, the distance with Da Zhuang should be getting closer and closer.

The target of that hemp rope is Da Zhuang.

When he turned his head just now, he found that the hemp rope was tightly attached to Da Zhuang's back, even hanging down from the four-meter-high ceiling, only a few millimeters away from the back of Da Zhuang's head.

It was as if the circle had been opened, waiting for Da Zhuang to drill in.

As long as Da Zhuang turned his head, his neck would be instantly encircled by a collar.

After Da Zhuang was lured by the voice of "red hair", he took out the sickle to save him, but the sickle cut several times but failed to cut the hemp rope, and finally he swung the hemp rope with all his strength. split into two.

The hemp rope is not the culprit, the culprit is the man behind the manipulation of the hemp rope.

It's not that the black hand behind the scenes is too powerful, but that his current power is limited.

This crevice space is not very good.

The voice of s419 sounded in his mind: [Master Host, your current power is only one ten-thousandth of that in the horror game. Since I came in, I have started to analyze the data of this space, and I have obtained preliminary results for the time being. 】

Bai Lixin: [Tell me and listen. 】

s419: [If my calculations are not wrong, this space should be the distorted space created when the horror game is constantly connecting the horror plane. 】

[Thriller game lobby forcibly connects many planes with it as the center. During the continuous connection process, information overflow and space fluctuations will occur around the connection signal. 】

[This cracked space appeared under such circumstances. 】

[It's like a mini horror game. If a horror game is a towering tree, then it is an inconspicuous grass beside the tree. 】

[Small grass is not as tall as a big tree, nor is it as strong as a big tree. It is because of its smallness that it was not discovered by the horror game and survived. If the power of the outside world is too strong, it will cause this cracked world to collapse, which may be the reason for your sudden decline in power. When pulling you in from the horror game, this world didn't know what rules were used to compress your power so that your power would not threaten the stability of this world. 】

[Of course, there may be another reason. That is to facilitate the manipulation of this game, too strong a power will derail the game. 】

Bai Lixin silently looked around, 【No wonder I feel something is wrong since I came to this world. 】

s419: [I also targeted Zhou Guang and Li Cangshan just now, the three of you have been scattered, and now they are also facing the challenge of the game. 】

[There is one more thing. 】

Bai Lixin: [What is it? 】

s419: [I still don't know what this little black-haired monster wants to do. 】

Bai Lixin: 【Understood, thank you, continue to help me keep an eye on Zhou Guang and Li Cangshan. 】

s419: [Okay, Master Host. 】

Bai Lixin raised his head and glanced at the top of his head.

Although the sickle just now didn't completely wipe out the "hemp rope", it should have deterred the other party in a short period of time. After it shrank into the darkness, it never appeared again.

Bai Lixin looked at Da Zhuang: "Can you still move?"

At this time, Bailixin seemed to be plated with gold in Da Zhuang's eyes. As soon as Bailixin opened his mouth, he immediately replied respectfully: "Active!"

Bai Lixin put away the sickle: "Then let's go."

Da Zhuang: "Good!"

The eighth floor, the top floor.

The moment they climbed to the eighth floor, a chill instantly rolled into the sleeves and clothes of the two of them.

The eighth floor is not fully capped.

Back then, there were constant hauntings and dead people happening in this building. In the end, even if the developer wanted to cap the building, the construction team responsible for the construction would not do it.

after all money can

If you make more money, you only have one life.

After the workers went on strike, the building remained like this, a strange unfinished shape with half sealed and half naked.

Red bricks are drilled from the cement joints, and the steel bars cross left and right to form a hollow metal grid.

Bai Lixin looked into the distance against the wind, and finally got an overview of the city in the dark night.

The pale moonlight hung overhead, and wandering clouds floated in the sky, half-hiding the crescent-shaped moon behind the white clouds.

At the foot is a sleepy city without too many high-rise buildings, which looks a bit like the architectural style of the 1920s.

The rhythm of the city doesn't seem very fast. It's more than three o'clock in the morning. Except for the neon lights on some buildings in this city

The lights were still flickering and jumping, and there was no one on the street.

look away from br /\u003e

The flashlight shone in the corner, and he vaguely saw a sudden figure in the place where the light shone.

It seemed to be a pair of shoes and a pair of trousers, which looked familiar, and if he remembered correctly, they should belong to Mr. Mouse.

When he found that figure, Da Zhuang also saw it.

"A mouse, it's a mouse!" He yelled anxiously, but he didn't dare to move towards that place, he just looked at Bai Lixin with a look of help.

He was afraid, Prissine knew.

Without saying anything, Bailixin walked towards the shadow.

Da Zhuang followed Bai Lixin step by step, his eyes were complicated, flustered, worried and frightened.

As they moved forward, the full picture of that figure soon appeared in front of them.

It's Mr. Mouse and Redhead.

The two of them were thrown in the corner, the redhead was further in, the mouse was further out.

The two lay on the ground with their eyes closed, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Da Zhuang boldly approached them, and put his hand to the tip of their noses to test them. After confirming that they were still alive, he heaved a long sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground slumped.

The little monster who had been surrounding Baili Xin to observe the progress of the game said unhappily: "Congratulations, lucky one, you successfully found the missing companion on the eighth floor."

"Hee hee hee, the first game is over, the enchantment is opened, players can now leave this building normally. What about the next game, I will appear when the next game starts~"

The body of the little black-haired monster began to slowly disappear and become transparent in front of Baili Xin: "That's it, goodbye, lucky one."

Bai Lixin: "."

The word "lucky" is somewhat harsh.

At the same time that the little black-haired monster disappeared, the red-haired and Mr. Mouse, who had been in a coma, also woke up.

They slowly opened their eyes and looked around blankly.

Then the two seemed to think of something at the same time, and they screamed in unison: "Ah!!! There are ghosts!! There are ghosts!!!"

Da Zhuang is very guilty.

If it wasn't for helping themselves, they wouldn't have encountered these things today.

Seeing that his friend was scared like this, he hurriedly comforted him earnestly, making up his mind silently while comforting him.

After learning the lesson from this incident, I will never engage in supernatural adventures in the future.

The feeling of suffocation from being restrained by the neck still remains in the body. It is not easy for them to save their lives today.

He can't do this to death anymore.

This place was very weird, Mr. Mouse and Hongfa didn't dare to stay for long after recovering, and fled this horrible unfinished building hastily.

When walking out of the building from the first floor, Bailixin stopped and turned to look at the building.

It wasn't until Da Zhuang started the car and called him that Bai Lixin looked away and walked into the car.

After getting in the car, Da Zhuang glanced at his phone immediately.

Live streaming has returned to normal.

The live broadcast was not interrupted, but the number of people in the live broadcast room changed from "-500" to "689".

Doubts kept floating in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

【what happened? Just been black screen. 】

[That's right, wasn't the anchor still walking around just now? Why are you in the car now? 】

【Didn’t the ghost take Mr. Mouse away? Why did Mr. Mouse appear again? Hey, there is indeed a script, and they all come out after get off work. 】

[Waste of time, I thought I was really going to witness the birth of a ghost. Isn't this revealing? 】

[What are you thinking, there are no ghosts in the first place, how can there be ghosts in this world? 】

If it was changed to before, Da Zhuang, who saw so many doubts in the barrage, would have been angry a long time ago.

But today he feels very kind. After going through those barrages of ghosts and then watching the barrages of humans, he is happy even if he scolds me!

Woohoo, God, I'm finally out of this damn place.

I really envy your eyes that haven't seen ghosts yet.

If one day you really see it, you won't be making sarcastic remarks here.

What a happy audience.

Da Zhuang hastily ended the live broadcast room, started the car, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and walked away.

Goodbye to you, I will never come to this ghost place again!

s419: [Master host, what were you looking back at just now? 】

When the car started, Bai Lixin looked through the glass at the unfinished building that was gradually disappearing, and said slowly: [I always feel that the matter is not over yet, and I may come to this place again. 】

s419: […]

Do it! I am afraid! :,,

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