Ti Jia stared at the water surface, feeling agitated in his heart.

"Who is that person?" He tightened his fist and lowered it. He knew that asking this question was very inappropriate and a lot of nosy, but he still couldn't help asking.

The young man lay lazily in the bath and looked up at the man. Under the man's deep gaze, the young man just smiled, "I don't know."

Di Jia's eyebrows were already gathered together, "I don't know what it means?"

"The light in the room has not been turned on, and the shadow is a black mass, and the face cannot be seen." The young man's tone was flat, his slender body turned over in the water, and the smooth back immediately appeared in the man's sight .

The young man tightened his waist, stretched his arms vigorously, and finally couldn't put them down again.

The young man changed his arms to support the front, and his legs knelt in the water facing Di Jia with the strength of the bottom of the bath, just stretching himself without hesitation, turning his head to look at the man with a solemn expression, "I'm out of strength, Help."

Di Jia missed a beat in his heart, his pupils tightened imperceptibly, "What can you help me?"

Wouldn't it be what I thought?

The young man raised his head, the water soaked his hair and cheeks, the wet hair was softly attached to his neck, and there was a fragrant charm on his water-dropped face. At this moment, he is like an elf born in the forest, only driven by the instinct of the body, without any shame that is limited to human ethics and morality.

What a goblin.

Dijia's Adam's apple rolled vigorously, feeling hot and dry in his heart.

The young man raised his wet eyes and pointed backwards, his hoarse voice was bewitching like a goblin, "There, I'll catch a cold if I don't clean it up, please help me."


Dijia seemed to hear an explosion in his mind.

He froze on the spot for two or three seconds before taking two steps forward with a cold face, and stretched out his long, taut fingers.

The moment he touched the young man's skin, the young man shivered immediately, "Hiss, your hands are so cold, put your hands in the water to warm them up first, and then help me when the temperature of your hands rises, I don't feel well when you do this .”

Di Jia stared at the trembling fat under his fingertips, his always active brain was about to shut down.

Is this really human skin?

It's like touching soft milk.

Di Jia's breathing became heavier, he put his hand into the warm water obediently, but his eyes kept sticking to the young man uncontrollably.

It wasn't until the young man asked "Are you all right?" that Di Jia regained his senses from the daze, and put his hand on the young man's skin again.

The young man raised his knees and urged, "Hurry up."

Di Jia: "..."

Hands began to help the young man clean up, Ti Jia was cautious while tilting his head to watch the young man's reaction.

The young man grasped the wall tightly with both hands, his neck extended like a dying swan, and his back pulled out a tight and perfect curve.

Seeing the young man's inexplicable emotional reaction, Dijia's breathing became heavier again, and his voice became extremely hoarse, "I don't know who is enjoying it like this, do you really have no sense of shame?"

After being taken to a small dark room by an unknown man for more than four hours, he shamelessly let himself treat his wound.

The last sentence he wanted to say was swallowed hard into his stomach.

——Are you really that cheap?

Di Jia pursed his lips tightly, and his strength increased.

The young man suddenly sneered, turned his head and stared at him with red eyes, with firm and mocking sarcasm in his eyes, "Otherwise? Don't you already know what kind of person I am from Mr. Li? I have accompanied How many people I can't even remember, what difference does it make if there is more of this one and less of this one?"

"What can I do if I don't accept it?"

"Should I call the police? I'll protect myself by catching people and sending them to jail?"

"And then what?

Kicked out of your home and out on the streets? What do you think will happen to me next? The little punks on the side of the road might stare at me and drag me into a dark alley. Others who have tasted my body may seize the opportunity to imprison me and make me their own. The relatives and friends of the assailant may take revenge on me and make my life worse than death. "

"Which of these three possibilities do you think is friendlier to me?"

"You are a high-ranking overlord, how do you know the suffering of a lowly person like me?"

"In Fei's family, I am at least the second young master in name. But outside of Fei's family, I am nothing."

"You say, what can I do if I don't enjoy it?"

"You saved me twice, I thank you, but you don't have to look at me with pity in that kind of superior attitude. I won't let you save me for nothing, how do you want me to thank you? I don't have money, I have money Not as much as you. The only thing I have to offer is my body, and you want me too, right?"

Di Jia's body was stiff, and he stopped cleaning in a daze, his eyes dodged quickly, not daring to look directly into the clear and clean eyes of the young man.

"I didn't," he swallowed, and said dryly, "I didn't want you to repay me."

The young man pushed away the man's hand, turned his body in the water, turned his chest up again to face Di Jia, and said unrelentingly, "Although I am humble, I don't like to owe favors to others. I can see that you treat me with respect. Sexual/interesting. You don’t want to, do you think I’m dirty?”

"I'm not sick. I just went to the hospital for a physical examination two days ago. All indicators of my body are healthy. I don't have AIDS, hepatitis B, or

Pylori, I'm clean. "

Di Jia's face changed slightly, and he explained subconsciously: "I don't despise you for being dirty."

The young man's beautiful eyebrows raised, "Then let me repay you. I don't like to owe people favors. You saved me twice including the time in the banquet hall. Except for my life and body parts, I will give you anything you want." Here it is. After the repayment is over, the two of us will settle our grievances, and you will not interfere in my affairs in the future, as you can see, we are not from the same world at all. "

"You are a business overlord with stars and moons high above you. I'm just a plaything for Israelis. It's best for us not to have any intersection. It's good for you and me. From now on, you'd better put you away That hypocritical kindness is far away from me."

The young man suddenly murmured in a low voice.

Dijia pricked up his ears to listen, and only vaguely heard the words "darkness" and "light".

At this moment, he is still in the posture of half squatting by the pool and stretching out his hands. The young man's words are like heavy hammers, hitting his mind one after another. Clutching his heart.

Di Jia clutched his chest in pain, "That's enough, stop talking, since you want to repay the kindness, then pay it back, but not with your body. I will tell you when I think about what I want."

Bai Lixin stared at the man's complex expression, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

s419: [Master Host, you are so ruthless, is this trying to torture Lord God to death? 】

Bai Lixin: [It was he who forced me first. 】

s419: […]

The plot of falling in love and killing each other is always going on and on, and I never get tired of it.

Is this the love between the gods?

Because of blowing Sting.

Bai Lixin: "When did you come to see me?"

Hearing that the young man changed the subject, Di Jia didn't continue the heavy topic just now, and followed Bai Lixin's train of thought and replied: "Around ten o'clock."

Bai Lixin asked again: "It was twelve o'clock when you found me, and you have been looking for me from ten o'clock to twelve o'clock?"

There was a blank look in Di Jia's eyes, and then he shook his head, "No, I just came here, although I found you were gone at ten o'clock, but at that time I thought you just felt bored staying on the balcony all the time and went for a stroll. It was only later that I found out that Fei Taizong was still looking for you after eleven o'clock, so I realized that you were missing. You don't have a mobile phone, so you can only look for it bit by bit. Fei Taizong didn't say anything, he was just looking for you , i suspect you are coming

Upstairs, here we come. "

The young man looked at Di Jia's eyes, "What are you doing before ten o'clock?"

Di Jia's eyes once again showed fleeting blankness, "I have been in the banquet hall."

"Oh." Bai Lixin looked at Di Jia meaningfully, and his eyes fell on the red wound on Di Jia's wrist: "How did you get the wound on your wrist?"

Di Jia was slightly startled, and paused obviously when he saw the red scratches on his wrist, and then slowly said after a few seconds, "I don't know, it must have been scratched by accidentally rubbing against the corner of the wall when going up the stairs."

He actually noticed that there was a wound on my wrist, and I didn't even notice it myself. Can I understand that he cares about me?

Dijia's heartbeat quickened a few times, and he quickly put down his rolled up sleeves to cover the reddened wound, and wrote lightly, "Don't worry, there is no bleeding."

Bai Lixin: "..."

What am I worried about, this injury is all caused by me, okay?

s419: [Oh...]

It's rare to have such a strong character design, and it's time for the main god to make a self-guided strategy.

Uninteresting, uninteresting.


Tongmei, how are you far away?

I miss you so much, I'm almost tired of this sour smell now, woo woo woo.

"Although you didn't turn on the light, you should be able to see some details on that black figure in four hours, right?" Di Jia thought of something, and his expression suddenly turned cold. I'll let it go. I'm going to buy this hotel, and if something like this happens in my hotel, I'll take care of it."

"Think about the characteristics of the murderer. You just need to tell me who he is. You don't need to come forward. I will handle the rest. I will never let such a bad person go unpunished."

Bai Lixin's eyes twitched, "May I ask, if you find that person, what do you plan to do with him?"

Di Jia's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he squeezed out two words from his mouth: "Cut!"

"Hehe." Baili Xin laughed dryly.

Awesome, great.

My man is really good.

s419: […]

A true warrior dares to face the past and swing his sword from the palace.

Lord God, I will submit to you even without supporting the wall.

Bai Lixin: "Today I also heard that this hotel is owned by the Zhang Group. When did it become your property? When did you acquire it?"

Dijia coughed lightly: "I haven't bought it yet, but it's just a matter of time. As long as I think about it, it will be my property after tonight."

Bai Lixin: "Um, when did you have this idea?"

Dijia was silent for two seconds: "Business secrets, don't worry about it."

Just now.

It can be said that this acquisition is a stimulating consumption of several billion.

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