Bai Lixin still remember what Mr. Li said when he was at the hotel yesterday? The Fei family once held a dinner once a year.

s419 Oh, of course I remember the way Mr. Li squinted when he said this, the party that day was definitely not a simple party

Bai Lixin suddenly said something irrelevant, Zhang Ao who had been helping Fei Taizong disappeared.

s419 was taken aback, oh, I know this too. Why did he disappear? By the way, Lord Di Jia said before that more than 20 people died in room 1719. Could Zhang Ao who suddenly disappeared be among them?

Bai Lixin's eyes sank, and he said slowly in his mind for a moment, who is the skeleton on the sofa?

What kind of ceremony did they hold in the hotel that day? No one would want to die in vain. Did all those people die tragically? Did something happen to the ceremony?

s419 This should be the content of the third game.

If the second game of Bailixin is related to the third game, is it possible that the first game is also related to these games?

Hey, s419, I feel that my brain is running out. I remember you said when you left the first game that there were still problems to be solved.

Why did so many workers die in Bailixin, why did the young man commit suicide there, and where did the old couple go? We just escaped from there briefly, but we didn’t solve the fundamental problems there. . Didn't the little black-haired monster say that we would play five games? I always feel that this is a biting snake cycle. We go around and go back to the first game.

The problem with the second game is twofold.

One is the source of the sound in the bathroom, and the other is the secret that the Fei family wants to hide.

If he guessed correctly, the source of the sound in the bathroom should be the same as what happened on the 17th floor of the hotel. It was the reappearance of the previous scene.

As for the secret that the Fei family wanted to hide, it wasn't the original owner's identity.

Originally, Bai Lixin thought that the secret of the Fei family was the original owner, but this trip to the Moon Bay Hotel made him change his mind.

The original owner's identity is not a secret at all, Mr. Li, Zhang Xiao, etc., many people know what the original owner's position is.

What is the most mysterious thing about the Fei family?

It was Fei Taizong's sudden serious illness half a year ago.

Everyone seemed to know that Fei Taizong had a life-threatening serious illness half a year ago, but everyone didn't know what kind of illness he had, and some were just so-called "rumours".

According to others, Fei Taizong was still terminally ill half a year ago.

Half a year later, he is alive and well now, without the weakness of just recovering from a serious illness.

When Li Manyu gave Fei Taizong the razor, Fei Taizong didn't have the surprise of receiving the gift on his face, but was more embarrassed.

At that time, he vaguely guessed what Fei Taizong's possible illness was, and the anti-inflammatory and painkillers on Fei Taizong's bed. Li Manyu's frequent verbal complaints and sarcasm were all intentional or unintentional clues.

It wasn't until late last night that he entered Fei Taizong's room that he finally verified his conjecture.

The real secret of the Fei family, what Fei Taizong wanted to cover up, was nothing but his poor masculinity.

He was an eunuch, and he was cut for a short time, about half a year.

That's why Li Manyu deliberately gave Fei Taizong a razor, a tool to mock him.

That's why Li Manyu said that he couldn't satisfy himself at all.

"Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie." Familiar laughter came from the top of his head, Baili Xin raised his head when he heard the sound, and the elusive little black-haired monster appeared in front of him again.

It puffed out its chubby cheeks, and reluctantly said in a sharp voice, "Damn player, it seems that the goddess of luck has come to you again, and you seem to have found the answer."

It snorted angrily, "If you're ready, you can tell your answer now."

A leaf outside the floor-to-ceiling window suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Everything around seemed to be on the pause button. Fei Taizong and Li Manyu stood behind the sofa with dull eyes and stiff figures, like two lifeless statues.

The little black-haired monster flew down and landed in front of Baili Xin, with an impatient tone, "Okay, let's talk quickly."

Bai Lixin looked around, "You made these."

The little black-haired monster "Of course, isn't it normal to pause in the middle of the game?"

Priscine "If I say the answer is yes, I will enter the third game"

"That's not allowed." The little black-haired monster raised its paw and stretched out a tiny finger and shook it, "You can't run around anymore, you have to follow the plot. The time limit for the second game is three days Three nights, even if you finish the answer ahead of time, you have to wait until three days and three nights are over before you can leave."

"It's after two o'clock in the morning tonight, and you can only leave after that."

Bai Lixin let out an "oh", and began to speak his answer to the little black monster.

"The first question, what was the source of the sound heard in the bathroom at that time, the answer should be the replay of the event when the original owner Xiaotou had a certain experience."

The little black-haired monster shook his head, "No, no, you can't be perfunctory like this, what is the source, what is it specifically?"

Bai Lixin was silent for two seconds, "The source

It was at that time that someone was performing insulting behaviors such as training and raping Xiao Tou. "

The little black-haired monster "Congratulations, you answered correctly, please hurry up and answer the second question, what is the secret hidden by the Fei family?"

Bai Lixin: "Fei Taizong had his lower body cut off half a year ago, and has since become an eunuch. This will deal a serious blow to his masculinity, and it is also a secret that he must guard."

The little black-haired monster asked sharply, its shiny black eyes glowing with excitement, "Not enough, not enough, who cut it off? Was it Li Manyu or Fei Yinuo?"

Bai Lixin looked at the little black-haired monster, "Maybe it's him."

The huge pupils of the little black-haired monster suddenly shrank, and it flew around Baili Xin's head for a long time, before gritting its teeth and uttering a few words, "Congratulations player, the answer is correct."

"Your second game has been successfully concluded, and you are about to enter the background plot of the third game. Please wait patiently. For a better game experience for players, you will not be able to leave the second game until the background layout of the third game is completed. The scope of the game scene."

The body of the little black-haired monster gradually became transparent. When it was about to disappear, it snapped its fingers, "The game continues."

Everything that was still around began to flow again.

The voice of s419 was full of doubts. Why did Fei Taizong cut the second answer? I thought the answer would be Fei Yinuo. Did Fei Taizong suffer from self-abuse or did he also learn from Fei Yinuo, and felt sorry for the original owner, so it was wrong to cut off his sins? If so, why would he be ashamed to let people know that he is not afraid of others knowing that he raised his adopted son as a Yangzhou skinny horse? , but afraid that others will know that he is a eunuch, what a selfish and disgusting person

Bai Lixin's eyes flickered, but he just responded to s419 with silence.

Half an hour later, everyone except Fei Yinuo sat at the dining table.

There was no sound at the table, and everyone seemed to be sitting on the table with something on their minds, absent-minded.

Da Zhuang was in good spirits when he first went downstairs, but later he, the red-haired and Mr. Mouse left for a while, and when they came back, the expressions of the three of them became very solemn and cautious.

There was still one person who didn't arrive, and no one dared to move their chopsticks even though the table was already filled with various delicacies.

Fei Yinuo, who appeared last, brought a white porcelain plate to Baili Xin, "Xiao Tou, I made this specially for you, try it."

Bai Lixin took a closer look, and there were neatly arranged rose petals on the disk.

The most original rose petals without any cooking and processing.

These beautiful rose petals are arranged in the shape of a woman wearing a red dance dress, which looks very beautiful.

Fei Yinuo looked at Bai Lixin earnestly, "Xiao Tou, I made this specially for you, try it if it's delicious"

thyme ""

Or try it yourself

"Who asked you to serve these dishes?" Just as Bailixin was wondering whether to eat two petals, Fei Yinuo's tone suddenly turned cold, "Xiao Tou is a fairy who only eats petals, how can you Give Xiao Tou and you people the garbage that humans eat, and you are also worthy of sitting at the same dining table with Xiao Tou, get out of here, and take away all the food."

thyme ""

This madman.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of everyone at the table, but they stood up obediently under Fei Yinuo's strong sense of oppression, and hurriedly left the table without eating.

When they were about to leave the restaurant, Bai Lixin vaguely heard Da Zhuang's voice.

"Mr. Fei, Mrs. Fei, we have been delayed for a long time these days. I remembered that there is still some work to be done in the studio, and we plan to leave today."

Thyme "."

This is when I finally found out that something was wrong, and I planned to run away

"What's the rush?" Li Manyu laughed, "Didn't you live well in Fei's house before? You can leave as soon as you want. The sponsorship matter you mentioned is already on the horizon."

Da Zhuang was uncharacteristically this time, "No, I have reflected on it carefully. Natural selection is the survival of the fittest. Since my company is about to close down, it must not meet the market demand, so there is no need to force it. Thank you both recently We really have to leave."

"You are in such a hurry to leave, do you think our Fei family is not clean?" Li Manyu's voice cooled down, "Do you think this is a hotel lobby, you can come and leave whenever you want?"

As the voice faded, Bailixin pricked up his ears.

The red hair shouted aggressively, "What do you mean by that? Are you still planning to detain us? You are infringing on the residents' right to personal freedom, you know? I can tell you if you dare to say that there is nothing unclean in your Fei family, I clearly saw a ghost appearing in the corridor last night."

"Brother Zhuang, ignore them, let's go"

The rush of messy footsteps just sounded, and was interrupted by another voice, "Master, I found this in this girl's room when I was cleaning the room just now. This is Madam's diamond ring, but it appeared in this girl's bag." , do you want to call the police?"

Thyme "."

Well, if you didn’t leave when you were told to leave, now you can’t leave even if you want to, right?

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